Moggs said:
...there's no reason per se why camera angle should anything to do with gameplay though.
I have to agree with VD here and say that it absolutely does.
In NWN I always used a zoomed out isometric-style view because that gave the most gameplay advantage. Given that combat often came without any other warning, it made sense to keep the view zoomed out at all times.
Sure, I could have zoomed in further and perhaps made things prettier, but what was the point? It only meant restricting awareness of the surrounding environment, and consequential gameplay disadvantage.
It basically amounts to reducing your units' line of sight in exchange for making them prettier. What sane player is going to do that?
I do think a versatile camera angle has a lot to be said for it, but the freedom comes at a price. If you optimize the look of your game to one camera angle (second screenshot), then create gameplay which incentivizes another (first screenshot), you're likely to be putting a load of effort into making things look pretty from a viewing angle hardly anyone uses.
A fixed camera angle means that you can optimize both gameplay and graphics for one perspective - knowing that every player gets the benefit of all your work.
Again, I do like having a versatile camera angle - it just has a downside. I'd have thought that the best places for a versatile camera are where the downside is minimized. E.g. low combat (or similar challenge) scenarios, or games where combat (or similar challenges) are not at all tactical.
Either of those cases removes the gameplay incentive towards any particular angle.
I don't think DA is low combat, and it'd be unfortunate if combat weren't tactical.
To be fair, I guess the main issue with NWN was the first warning of combat depending on camera angle. Given that combat wasn't tactically involved afterwards, the view wouldn't have mattered much - provided some mechanism were used to make enemy detection view-independent.
Whatever the case with DA, I think it'd make sense to make enemy detection view-independent if possible. That way there'd be no need to walk around the entire game in a combat-optimized view.
If you want a versatile viewing angle to give the best of both worlds, the player needs to be able to use it for general viewing without penalizing his party.
If DA is using a fixed angle, or countless other games have tackled this issue already, please excuse my ignorance.