Well, yea, it's hard to get more dumbed-down then Hollywood movies - it's one of areas they excel in
, with possible and, I guess, rare exceptions.
However, about the book - I heard that it is, in fact, being translated into English... btw, 'slabo' to learn Russian, just like I learned English - from books and games? Robert Jordans Wheel of Time played a large role in it... But, heh, Russian is much harder then English - sometimes too hard for it's own good, I guess. J/K, anyway...
However, I doubt that NW would be RPG in classic sence - just like Diablo, or SS(S) is not. "RPG elements" does not make it real RPG - while doesn't mean it must be bad. But, perhaps they'll do include some dialogs, and at least multivariant quest solving - that'll get it more in line with real RPGs.
Btw, you may want to check wikipedia entry for the book/movie:
Definetely an entry by some annoyed Lukyanenko fan - I recognize the style.