Tags: Cornutopia Software; Flatspace
<A href="Http://www.lostinflatspace.com">Flatspace</A> has been updated to <a href="http://www.cornutopia.charitydays.co.uk/lif/downloads.html">version 1.02</a> for both the full and demo versions of this space trader with rogue-like elements game.Here's a big list of changes:
<ul><li>German language now included.</li><li>Alt Tab now functions correctly. There is a necessary pause when restoring to reload all graphics.</li><li>A new class of thruster has been added, this will disrupt the v1.01 upgrade locations.</li><li>Changes to ship placement including a collision fix for the player after hyperspace.</li><li>Lifepods now retain the correct money and sector information.</li><li>Different missions are now offered each time the player enters a station.</li><li>Those waiting to dock now come under the protection of the base.</li><li>Fixed removal of docking permission when the hyperdrive engages.</li><li>Jettisoning cargo is now a minor offence to penalise commercial scale abuse of refinining scoops.</li><li>Buying a new ship no longer rebuilds the list of equipment for sale.</li><li>Basic ship armour has been increased by 20%.</li><li>Repair costs are the same for multiple quantities of items. This has significant implications for upgrade armour.</li><li>Repairs no longer possible if you don't have the money.</li><li>Reduced power drain for the Laser and Plasma weapons.</li><li>Energy indicator now shows the four recharge rate bands as red to yellow.</li><li>Shield recharging code changed slightly to fix possible problems when energy is near zero.</li><li>Pets are cheaper, apart from the tiger.</li><li>Default police officer equipment is now T1 Radar, Machine Gun and two E-1 Stun Missiles.</li><li>Destination sector is shown on the delivery mission summary.</li><li>Hull type is now shown on the wanted list.</li><li>Mouse wheel will now scroll lists.</li><li>Docking wage now ranges $50 to $175 in steps of $5.</li><li>Medical treatment costs are now inversely proportional to the docking wage.</li><li>Dismissing injured crew requires compensation which is one to eight times the medical treatment cost.</li><li>Target Nearest Enemy control added (default Y). This will target the nearest hostile vessel.</li><li>Reversion to D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA if D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA is not supported for glowing objects.</li><li>The manual is now also supplied in text (.txt) and rich text (.rtf) formats.</li></ul>
Now there's a big list of changes.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.gametunnel.com/">Game Tunnel</A>
<A href="Http://www.lostinflatspace.com">Flatspace</A> has been updated to <a href="http://www.cornutopia.charitydays.co.uk/lif/downloads.html">version 1.02</a> for both the full and demo versions of this space trader with rogue-like elements game.Here's a big list of changes:
<ul><li>German language now included.</li><li>Alt Tab now functions correctly. There is a necessary pause when restoring to reload all graphics.</li><li>A new class of thruster has been added, this will disrupt the v1.01 upgrade locations.</li><li>Changes to ship placement including a collision fix for the player after hyperspace.</li><li>Lifepods now retain the correct money and sector information.</li><li>Different missions are now offered each time the player enters a station.</li><li>Those waiting to dock now come under the protection of the base.</li><li>Fixed removal of docking permission when the hyperdrive engages.</li><li>Jettisoning cargo is now a minor offence to penalise commercial scale abuse of refinining scoops.</li><li>Buying a new ship no longer rebuilds the list of equipment for sale.</li><li>Basic ship armour has been increased by 20%.</li><li>Repair costs are the same for multiple quantities of items. This has significant implications for upgrade armour.</li><li>Repairs no longer possible if you don't have the money.</li><li>Reduced power drain for the Laser and Plasma weapons.</li><li>Energy indicator now shows the four recharge rate bands as red to yellow.</li><li>Shield recharging code changed slightly to fix possible problems when energy is near zero.</li><li>Pets are cheaper, apart from the tiger.</li><li>Default police officer equipment is now T1 Radar, Machine Gun and two E-1 Stun Missiles.</li><li>Destination sector is shown on the delivery mission summary.</li><li>Hull type is now shown on the wanted list.</li><li>Mouse wheel will now scroll lists.</li><li>Docking wage now ranges $50 to $175 in steps of $5.</li><li>Medical treatment costs are now inversely proportional to the docking wage.</li><li>Dismissing injured crew requires compensation which is one to eight times the medical treatment cost.</li><li>Target Nearest Enemy control added (default Y). This will target the nearest hostile vessel.</li><li>Reversion to D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA if D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA is not supported for glowing objects.</li><li>The manual is now also supplied in text (.txt) and rich text (.rtf) formats.</li></ul>
Now there's a big list of changes.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.gametunnel.com/">Game Tunnel</A>