I have been thinking lately sbout how combat is done in movies. I see it as the director feeding you some info and the question is how to convey it.
And ussualy when people fight in movies its done in cuts. Basicaly you are fed action in turns. I guess because it conveys the action better. But then i realised that some of the best action scenes are taken in one shot. Hmmm... But actualy this only strengtens the TB position. Let me explain
TB=many shots
RT=one continuus shot
Here we see this one guy storming the building in one shot (RT). The main thing is that you are focusing on just ONE guy. Imagine if he brought 5 buddies with him. How would the director show us this? Would he use the same techique? No! He would be forced to represent the action in many shots (turns).
Not a fan of this movie but this scene is OK. Again if this guy had backup and the shot was uninterupted it would be a mess because of TOO MUCH FOCUS POINTS. You will notice that it is also 2D. If it was 3D they would just swarm this asshole and that would be the end. So the director cuts an entire dimension to give this guy a fighting chance and the audience something watchable.
Probably the best action scene EVER. But here we have two guys on which the audience have to focus. Oh no. My theory fails. Except that you will notice that these guys almost never fire simultainiesly. Instead they are >khm< taking TURNS! They even slow down time to let you catch it all up
I actually cant think of any movie where there are a bunch of guys(like 5 or 6) who fight simultaniously in one shot. I remember in Saving Private Ryan the camera moves across the battlefield with the squad frequently uninterupted but not very long.
Then there is this old ww2 movie
See how when they are doing somthing simple like just running the shot is continuos. But when they reach the MG nest it turns to individual shots to give us some semblance of wats going on.
But the closest thin i could find is this
Here we have 5 chars altough just sitting in a car. But look at this scene. Its meant to take you by surprise and confuse you. Listen them yell and scream and panicking. I bet they wish they had a pause button. There is another scene with a tank but there its just one guy again...
I think this one shot thing is usefull in war movies when you wanna show the CONFUSION and HORROR of war. So maybe thats what bioware wanted to show us. The confusion and clusterfuck of fantasy combat if it was shown real time. Well they sure succeded.
But in party based games you want to convey tactics and team work and not this. So like i said RT is a wrong tool for the thing.
And then i realised.
That the only place where you can see RTWP in movie form aer the Power Rangers. You see every PR fight scene is always the same - inthe first couple of seconds they just cramm them all in one shot and let them duke it out for a while. Then they revert back to multiple shots because they know taht litle kids will be watching this that need to know wtf is going on.
An example (i cant show more than 5 vids so copy the link... ) - but skip the first half PLEASE(except you Rougey... you will watch)
Here also
etc, etc.
But they always go back to showing the Rangers ONE AT A TIME doing their thing. And then its kinda ok. But at the beggining its FUCKING LAME
So there you have it folks! RT in multi char combat is ever used only by Bio/Obs and the lame people who make Power Rangers. And that is reason enough to drop it
Goat Pervertor out