Clockwork Knight said:
The favorable or not rating sounds okay. The problem is that most people already have an opinion of sorts on the games and see the ratings as a competition - if their favrit gaem isn't a perfect 10, the rating becomes the center of the discussion. AND there are people who will bitch if the rating is higher than they think the game deserves.
Yes, but that is a problem even without a rating. I remember there were people here (including myself) who thought VaultDweller's review of DA:O was far too positive. Reviews inherently have a rating, and trying to hide it seems silly.
So there will always be butthurt on both sides because rarely will people agree on that 8.8 ("wtf, why not 9?" vs "wtf, why is it almost 9?").
Yes, this is why I think a discrete five star rating system is best. This gives reviewers five broad choices, and that is probably the maximum human reviewers can truly handle. Accurately ranking things on a decimal system or (*SHUDDER*) a percentile system is beyond the capabilities of humans beings.