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Review GameSpy: KOTOR2 is Great

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

If you're looking for a sycophantic <a href=http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2/571503p1.html>review</a>, the one at <a href=http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2/571503p1.html>GameSpy </a>would definitely fit the profile. It goes on for quite awhile about how <b>KOTOR was the best game of 2003</b>, though it's arguable that not too many games came out that year, either.
The review discusses in short detail about KOTOR2's flaws, and rags it on about the long loading times for the X-Box, but mostly talks about how well done the storyline, its characters and locations are, and also cites its <b>great replay value</b>.
<blockquote>As far as dialogue goes, I liked these characters better than the first batch. They were more interesting to me and played a more meaningful part of the story. It helped that there were a few missions where your main character was inaccessible and you had to play as your party members, but the real reason I enjoyed these characters more was due to the biggest change in the game: influence. (On a side note, I liked how HK-47 and T3-M4 were brought back, similar to how C3-PO and R2-D2 were in all the movies.)
The decisions you make change the alignment of your party. Not only is this a gameplay mechanic, but it also plays an integral part of the game's plot. Since the decisions you make impact your crew they have more weight to them. Character interaction becomes more diverse and interesting. Best of all, for dark side players, the Sith path becomes far more compelling. Many gamers felt that the dark path wasn't as fulfilling as the light path in KotOR; these players have much more to play with in KotOR2 thanks to the influence feature and a greater choice of naughtier decisions. </blockquote>
Thanks for the news <b>kumquatq3</b>.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
The gamespy reviewer is a sychophant? Meh, least that's better than Pete 'Full of shit' Hines..

Don't think the game will be as good as he says?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"It helped that there were a few missions where your main character was inaccessible and you had to play as your party members"

This, quite frankly, sucks. It was good the first game cause it was special because it happeend once. Now, theys gonna overdo it. I wanna role-play MY character not an NPC. Meh. That's 3% knocked off already.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Volourn said:
This, quite frankly, sucks. It was good the first game cause it was special because it happeend once. Now, theys gonna overdo it. I wanna role-play MY character not an NPC. Meh. That's 3% knocked off already.
You're just pissed because BioWare isn't making it.


Jul 19, 2003
I've run into this type of scenario twice already. Both involve you controlling droids. One is skippable, as it's the prologue/tutorial, and the other is kind of amusing, and is also optional to an extent.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"You're just pissed because BioWare isn't making it"

No. Don't be silly.

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