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Interview Gavin Carter Q&A at GameProducer

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.gameproducer.net>GameProducer</a> has scored a rare Oblivion post-release <a href=http://www.gameproducer.net/2006/05/25/interview-oblivion-game-producer-gavin-carter/>interview</a> with Gavin Carter:
<blockquote><b>On other interviews you have mentioned Oblivion’s Radiant AI. Now as the game is out, have players noticed the system? What kind of feedback have you got? Did the system turn out as you and your team wanted it to be?</b>
Players have commented quite a bit about how big of a difference the system makes over Morrowind’s static NPCs. The stories that you can read all over the internet on various forums have been great. I’ve read everything from people’s reaction to hearing cool unscripted conversations, to crazy stories of massive brawls breaking out in the middle of town, wiping out homes and stores alike. I think the system accomplished the goal of providing a varied and unique user experience, and we’ll certainly look into refining it in the future.
<b>What kind of skills do you need as a game producer?</b>
Doublespeak, mostly. </blockquote>And Gavin has mastered that skill long time ago.

Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPG Dot</A>


Codexia Lord Sodom
Dec 5, 2002
Jersey for now
He's actually happy about the fact that RAI can break the game by wiping out a town? Are you freakin kidding me!!!!??????!?!?!?!?!!??!?


Sep 3, 2005
There would be nothing wrong with that, if it didn't happen in a retarded way due to guards killing people for minor crimes and then escalating into a clusterfuck of shitty programming.

Sovy Kurosei

Dec 29, 2004
Bethesda is somewhere in between those extremes, but because the job involves a lot of communication, a lot of meetings, and a lot of coordination of work between people, there are lots of opportunities to express your opinions on any particular issue.

So is there a Dr. Evil boardroom thing going on here where you can't make any criticisms about the game or you are killed-erm, fired from the job? Cause I don't know how else to explain why I got a console UI while playing the PC version of this game.


Oct 7, 2005
Oarfish said:
There would be nothing wrong with that, if it didn't happen in a retarded way due to guards killing people for minor crimes and then escalating into a clusterfuck of shitty programming.

Actualy that's one of the main atractions in the game and probably the fun way to play this game, taking advantage of all the AI screwups in epic ways. Last time i tried this i was able to make the entire imperial city population commit genocide on themselves.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Gavin Carter said:
I’ve read everything from people’s reaction to hearing cool unscripted conversations

What, exclamations such as "GOD DAMMIT!"? I'm now convinced that Bethesda's post-release talking points are written thusly:

"When giving interviews, it is imperative that we add the adjective 'cool' in front of any feature that is currently the subject of scrutiny. Such features include the conversations between NPCs, gameworld levelling, and the compass. Double emphasis shall be placed on all premium mod downloads.

Because our Target Audience™ believes we are the second coming of Jesus, Mohommed, Budda, and the Maitreya, direct mental indoctrination will be assured, and a massive front line of disposable pawns will instantly be in place to bear the brunt of the ire of the disenfranchised cRPGers out there."


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