Been playing through "Necromancer's Thirst", which seems to be France's belated contribution to the Doom-community.
This has been fun so far. Level design is scoring big time here, it is so intricate and tightly woven together. It uses a mix of monster closets and teleport spawns, and some of these are damn sneaky. I'm still trying to figure out how they managed to make a monster and a super shotgun occupy the same space, but the monster doesn't 'pop out of the ground' until after you pick up the shotty. The end result looks like a silent teleport... right behind the player, of course.
The magic so far has been in the contents of the monster spawns. When a group of monsters appears, it's mixed. You get 1-2 zombiemen, 1-2 shotgunners, 1-2 imps, 1+ chaingunners, 1-2 Pinkies, and then later on a couple of Hell Knights or Revenants or Cacodemons thrown in. Never large groups and always mixed. This means infighting is always an option.
Monster build-up is gradual. By the end of the fifth map I had only encountered a single arch-vile and a single cyberdemon. But on the downside there are lots of monsters, Map05 has ~760 enemies.
Make note that I'm using Brutal Doom, and strangely this wad seems to compliment that perfectly - health and armor pickups are plentiful. BUT - this comes at a price.
This wad not only has a custom palette, but one that stretches over onto many of the monsters. Chaingunners wear bright green, Barons of Hell have been switched out for a winged version, while Cacodemons, Pain Elementals, Mancubi and Cyberdemons are almost colorless - this is all lost in Brutal Doom. In addition at least one of these monsters (Barons of Hell) has different beheavior in this wad, and that is lost as well. As a result playing this with BD is a completely different experience - and one that may have unforeseen consequences down the line.
I'm currently at Map07, and I seem to be stuck. The only way forward is through a mob of monsters (the first one of this size and strength in the wad) that I simply don't have the firepower to take on. It's not that I lack the weapons or ammo - I need the BFG for this one, and I don't have it.
Seeing how this wad is escalating, I snuck a look at Map30. First you get a scenic part where you reach a central bonfire with a dozen cyberdemons looking on, doing nothing. Then you have to reach the main circular arena (which is not as simple as it sounds) but once you arrive there you have to fight eight cyberdemons, one after another, each in a confined space, with at least one other cyberdemon always being able to target you as well. This part is outright impossible in BD due to how cyberdemons work there. BUT if you survive this, the circular arena properly opens up with another eight cyberdemons to kill, plus huge spawns of regular monsters, of which many are arch-viles. The goal is to reach and push four buttons, then enter the central point. All this in a hue of neon-green and gray. Good feckin' luck.
I honestly don't know whether I should bother to continue. It's clearly a masterfully crafted set of levels (people keep praising Map22, but I can only dream of reaching it) but it's way out of my league to play. Even with Aeons of Death this would be a challenge beyond my luck and abilities. 'Ludeat emptor' indeed.