I finished "Doom Vacation"
It's a short partial conversion based on famous Duke Caribbean. "Based on" is an understatement, since architecture, layouts, secrets are carbon copy of Duke Caribbean maps. Even the music, sound effects and low res girls are there... Weapons are also replaced by Duke Caribbean weapon sprites. There are only four maps, but each is faithful to original. If you played original Duke expansion youll know exactly what to expect. I just wish he replicated all maps and gave beachy facelift to Doom monsters.:D
It's a short partial conversion based on famous Duke Caribbean. "Based on" is an understatement, since architecture, layouts, secrets are carbon copy of Duke Caribbean maps. Even the music, sound effects and low res girls are there... Weapons are also replaced by Duke Caribbean weapon sprites. There are only four maps, but each is faithful to original. If you played original Duke expansion youll know exactly what to expect. I just wish he replicated all maps and gave beachy facelift to Doom monsters.:D