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Goral - One Broken Man courtesy of Deep Caverns


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
So if you go to forest and dont understand what to do,just go to the hermit and it will tell you that he was teleported in a strange place after inhaling too much of the spores,just put two and two together and you will find the solution.
Pre n-th patch he said something entirely different, i.e. "not to inhale the spores". And if you would inhale a bit of them it would suggest that he was telling the truth instead of trolling you for no reason at all. Anyway, good for you that you like it but it's still a shitty area and I'm saying that as a fanboy.
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Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Ok so I finished the game a couple of days ago and I cant understand why you guys arre so butthurt about DC


Joined: Tuesday
another brother cultist joins us


Mar 23, 2015
And who are this enemys that respawn all the time?Really the tchort spawn don t respawn if you have a bit of brain( with the perk you dont need to hide every 2 minutes and when you need to hide it takes like 15 second for the debuff to wear off) and dont fuck up with the debuff, the worms dont respawn and you need to go in the mushroom area only once,so tell me where are all this tedious respawning enemie cause I dont see them.
Also getting the spore happens in literally minutes while you explore so need to alt tab there.
Really the games has his problem but DC is not one of them,you guys are justt butthurt cause you cant steamroll trough the area

Go download the version, hit yourself in the head with a hammer 100 times so you forget about what you know about DC, then play through, preferably with a crossbow build. Come share your delight afterwards.


Apr 18, 2008
And who are this enemys that respawn all the time?Really the tchort spawn don t respawn if you have a bit of brain( with the perk you dont need to hide every 2 minutes and when you need to hide it takes like 15 second for the debuff to wear off) and dont fuck up with the debuff, the worms dont respawn and you need to go in the mushroom area only once,so tell me where are all this tedious respawning enemie cause I dont see them.
Also getting the spore happens in literally minutes while you explore so need to alt tab there.
Really the games has his problem but DC is not one of them,you guys are justt butthurt cause you cant steamroll trough the area

No, the problem is that you're just a moron.

The mushrooms respawn literally as soon as you kill them. The worms also respawn and quite fast too, so don't lie.

And I don't know if it's 2 minutes or what, but is certainly to often to just run to safe areas and waste 15 seconds for no fucking reason. This is not difficult or hardcore, it's just retarded and annoying. You're not some mega warrior gamer for doing this, just so you know.

And no, gettting the spores doesn't happen if you explore... because walking out of the spore areas reduces your counter so can literally wander around forever there killing instantly respawning mushrooms and never get it. The best way is to sit and wait it out and thus also avoid the retarded respawning mushrooms. Obviously Styg wanted this to be difficult and mindbending, (you don't really think he did all those mushroom areas when you can just sit in the first one, right?) and it turned out plain stupid.
Problem is, he still thinks (just as fanbots like you) that people complain just because it's difficult and he actually thinks this kind of difficulty is a good thing.

And what exploration? With instantly respawning enemies, you must be some kind of masochist to want to explore those areas.
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