Warrior / Berserker / Ranger / Assassin / Bard / Thaumaturge / Necromancer / Priest
All level 9, no advanced identify. Also no such spell book.
All level 9, no advanced identify. Also no such spell book.
Warrior / Berserker / Ranger / Assassin / Bard / Thaumaturge / Necromancer / Priest
All level 9, no advanced identify. Also no such spell book.
Explore thoroughly.How am I
Supposed to squeeze between the bars to get the Book for the Halls of Reflection? I've wandered around a bit but I'm starting to get a little confused about what to do here. Does that mirror from the reservoir have anything to do with it?
But my sage automatically assays stuff when I loot it.![]()
I think quest items are not auto-assayed. I'll cast max super id before I assay those.
But stuff like a broadsword I'll never be able to see in the journal except through oracles or npcs like Smithers.
There are a few special locations where you can have items super-identified for you, adding a note in the journal about the item even if you have identified the item already.Warrior / Berserker / Ranger / Assassin / Bard / Thaumaturge / Necromancer / Priest
All level 9, no advanced identify. Also no such spell book.
Explore thoroughly.How am I
Supposed to squeeze between the bars to get the Book for the Halls of Reflection? I've wandered around a bit but I'm starting to get a little confused about what to do here. Does that mirror from the reservoir have anything to do with it?There's a fountain not too far away.
Could it be that we need to know some previous spells to learn the spell? Sometimes it seems to me that there is some kind of dependence, something like a graph connecting the spells available to learning.I NEVER got improved ID.
Thx, eldritch page opened. I was hoping that he could raise party skills for money. And i interrogated him for an hour and a half.He can show the hidden spellbook page to you.
If you're still playing an old version, you can move your saves to the latest version no problem. Unless you've been playing version .7
Has anyone successfully crafted something ?
Is there a point to hold off some points for metallurgy ?
Is there a point to hold off some points for nature lore ?
Is there a point to hold off some points for poison making skill (mephistics) ?
Any other craft skills I don't know about ?
Give me any kind of successful use of the workbench.
The only info I have is that for some powder/oil I got a journal item description that says mix with this other shit to create x. But I never had both ingredients.
Oh, mephistics is for throwing weapons only?it will show you the necessary mephistics skill.
My fifth party got to the lich. For a week he became much stronger. Now his condition does not affect anything. Cast silence. In log: "Lich silenced". And then, on the same turn, he begins to cast.
Oh, mephistics is for throwing weapons only?it will show you the necessary mephistics skill.
You don't interact withSo I'm in Knossos tower andI've got the umbilica dagger, but I can't interact with the cobwebs that cover the cocoon or the entrance to the next level. The monolith doesn't seem to do anything after its first interaction. I've read the books and realize I'm probably supposed to sever the silver thread connected to the cocoon, but I have no idea how.
Got it, thanks! Surprising thatYou don't interact withSo I'm in Knossos tower andI've got the umbilica dagger, but I can't interact with the cobwebs that cover the cocoon or the entrance to the next level. The monolith doesn't seem to do anything after its first interaction. I've read the books and realize I'm probably supposed to sever the silver thread connected to the cocoon, but I have no idea how.the cobwebs in any way. Think about everything you've learned relating to Knorlos Knossos, and then try somethingin the square with the monolith.
Here are items you can use in craftings that I found so far ( and I really have not tested that much ), if someone wants to update this list and say what the result is it will be really helpful, I might do so when I have time ( but I don't have half of these items )
Cure light wounds + cure light condition = Cure heavy wounds
Nematic dust + mandrake root
piligrim tea + lithe liquer
Cherry wine + Lithe liquer
Needle darts + ? ( probably poison dust , I don't have enough mephistics ) and probably resulting in poison darts...
Guache + ? ( probably poison dust , I don't have enough mephistics )
Poison dust + ? ( probably gauche or needle darts, I don't have enough mephistics )
Cure heavy wounds + Cherry wine = neutralize poison
Cure heavy wounds + arsenic
Cure heavy wounds + amaranth
Cure heavy wounds + nightshade
Burning oil + draconic bile
Burning oil + stink bomb
Burning oil + neutral medium
Burning oil + cure light condition = neutralize poison
Many of the items mentioned when you assay them have alchemistry on them in the description. Not sure if that matters. Maybe some are nature lore and some are alchemistry.But achemistry is the spell skill of the Thaumaturge. Does it double as a crafting skill?
But achemistry is the spell skill of the Thaumaturge. Does it double as a crafting skill?