The Solution
An iOS side-game of a franchise that's already gone downhill from whatever original quality it may have had, is terrible? Color me surprised.
Yes, it's a downward spiral - but you can't blame us for this mess. Games have always been a gamble. Like movies, you don't know what you're going to get until you pay the fee.
There's this thing now that lets you read about games from people who've already played them, and use this to make informed purchasing decisions. It's called the internet. If you can't be bothered to do the research before spending your money, then you deserve to be parted from it.
Here's an idea: maybe developers could make the games they'd want to play, instead of trying to find new ways to exploit their customers.At least films have film school - where scholars sit down and point out what works and what doesn't in film. Your average game designer probably couldn't even relate binary trees to level design, or explain what makes good artificial intelligence. Hell, most game designers couldn't properly come up with a balanced and fun weapon in Team Fortress 2, let alone design an entire RPG - where often the emphasis is not on some WoW-inspired experience bar or perk tree, but items.
Notice that I avoided the word "review" in my post. Obviously, the mainstream game reviewers are a bunch of cocksuckers. When I want to get an idea of how good a game is, I look for forum posts about it, especially on third-party forums. Or, I look at the user reviews on Metacritic; most of these are useless, but some can be helpful if you use some common sense. Ignore all of them that give a game 10 or 0, have bad spelling and grammar, or are obviously created by fantards.Because reviews are ever so useful these days. Did you read the article? Only one review on this game and the reviewer was 'fellating' the producer.
The entire ecosystem is to blame, but the end user deserves some of it. Shovelware gets made because people spend money on it. If everyone demanded quality, they'd get it.Nevermind the fact the volume of shovelware being thrown at the mobile market is so large, there simply aren't enough people to review this crap, to even find the diamonds in the rough. Most marketplaces for these titles also do not help to highlight good products. The entire ecosystem is to blame, not the end user.
He downloaded it, didn't he. Can't get that time back.He is butthurt cause the P2W shit is so terrible, that it actually motivated him to not play it any longer and prevent wasting more money? How is that not a bad thing?
True that.He downloaded it, didn't he. Can't get that time back.He is butthurt cause the P2W shit is so terrible, that it actually motivated him to not play it any longer and prevent wasting more money? How is that not a bad thing?