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Hostile takeover of shoutbox by substance abusing losers

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Coward fags fall down prettending to be okay LOL. Fuck you. Die and rot we rollin.

You're not the completely innocent victim either. You said you've defended women here before, but it seems that you're willing to stop doing that when facing rejection. I think it's fair to say you expect sex in return for being nice to women, correct? You should drop this kind of dishonesty, it doesn't suit you.

well this is somewhat to be expected in society so I have trouble blaming him for that. Still the retaliation out of some rejection (of what honestly on a forum) is definitely a bad thing.
What are you talkin bout boyo?! A "woman" comes in and can get you banned for nothing.

I agree, but this, as well, is an oversimplification of the situation. You have to understand that your advances are simply ill advised, that is true for two things: Theodora is bad news and the SB is not the right place to engage there.

The Barfly suggestion of Semiurge is excellent, that is true and honest advice, you look decent even if you have problems, i have no qualms about telling you that you should orient yourself outside not here for women.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Coward fags fall down prettending to be okay LOL. Fuck you. Die and rot we rollin.

You're not the completely innocent victim either. You said you've defended women here before, but it seems that you're willing to stop doing that when facing rejection. I think it's fair to say you expect sex in return for being nice to women, correct? You should drop this kind of dishonesty, it doesn't suit you.

well this is somewhat to be expected in society so I have trouble blaming him for that. Still the retaliation out of some rejection (of what honestly on a forum) is definitely a bad thing.
What are you talkin bout boyo?! A "woman" comes in and can get you banned for nothing.

Based on the archive you got insistent, you're lucky it's just a shoutbox and not a bar. If you tell a pickup line to everyone in a bar, that's fine. But if you can't take no for an answer, you'll get thrown out, or worse. People get banned from the shoutbox all the time, just for the amusement of mods. Or for bothering other shoutboxers.
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Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Keep going, I'm getting bored of that HeroMarine quote in my sig.

Nevermind, got a keeper now.
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This aint fair. I was a peaceful fucker. They all came at me at once. I will fight a fucker one at a time bitcb


Women have been a disaster for the internet. You have to wonder what Adam was thinking, thinking he was lonely in the Garden of Eden.
Well said. I would say give this guy a fuckin star or somethin but they wont. Bitches get to ban all of us willy nilly. We get no chance, females own codex now


Theo is god damned lucky there is a man like me out there. Anyone would give anything to have an angel like me looking over them. Sorry everbody who missed their chance.


SB archive

So what level of attention is allowed then?
The real issue here is that in sexual dynamics men are the ones who have to engage in behavior that will lead to attention from the female, as cringe as SumDrunkGuy behaves, you will not change sexual dynamics by banning the men from the shoutbox.

It is not reasonable in the least to have men bear the responsibility for this alone, there is a kernel of truth from the "women are bad" crowd in that there is no reason for a Person in this forum to tell anyone their sex, there is a reason why avatars and Nicknames exist and saying ones sex does not help in debate, not in GD nor regarding RPGs.

The only purpose for a female to say that they are female is to get attention for that. That the reaction looks like this, in a forum full of unsuccessful men is not only to be expected it is most likely the goal of the women in question. The few times I had the "pleasure" of engaging with theodora in the shoutbox (in which i rarely take part in) always circled around how she gets unwarranted attention from some users while actually engaging in promoting herself sexually to others, i think fluent and atlet were the last discussion.

I do not think it is unwarranted to curb behavior like above with SDG what I do think however is that you DarkUnderlord are better than buying the victim blaming card, women are responsible for their actions and that is including baiting men into this behavior and should face equal repercussions.

At some point you guys really have to ask yourself if this returning "problem" is truly as one-sided as it seems or if this is a gynocentric issue where the men, with their moderation powers, try to protect a woman, who should be capable to do this herself, especially with ignore functions in place.

Yes, I am as uptight regarding this as it seems.
Thank god there is somebody to talk 4 me. Good man!

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
I find it fascinating that the codex userbase ranges from happily married normies to comedically maladjusted incels. The duality of gamers.
It's one of the many truly inclusive spaces, which is why gamers are against wokeness.

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