Mr. Magniloquent
I think what's unaddressed is that these games work because more than half of it exists in the mind of the player. An artist makes some neat box art that's all style and no substance. The player think it looks cool and suspends their disbelief entirely. Rose colored glasses do the rest. There is no need for coherence of any kind, so the developer doesn't bother and throws the proverbial kitchen sink at it. It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to present it in a believable way.Modern fantasy trend is to make believable, realistic settings with focus on politics and ideologies. Serious business, in other words. Zany shit like this is not in vogue. But give it a decade and the trend will change again.Yes I basically want a kitchen sink clusterfuck setting in an RPG. Swords! Magic! Lasers! Tanks! Spaceships! Elves! Dwarves! Aliens! Guns! ALL OF IT!
How the Game is Sold
The Actual Game
How the game is remembered 30 years later