I didn't see turns or anyone taking anything that looked like a turn, initiative, or anything that makes this look like something other than RTwP. The Burning Wheel has simultaneous TB. Copper Dreams seems far more plausible as simultaneous/concurrent TB system.
I'm not saying it looks bad; I will buy it and probably like it if there is good chardev - but if this is simultaneous/concurrent TB then so is almost every RtwP game including all the IE games, Kotors, Drakensangs, etc. And actual simultaneous TB games like is seen in few rpg but lots of wargames have been calling themselves the wrong thing.
If I am wrong I'd like to know what makes this simultaneous TB that isn't apparent in the video.
Good points and insights, let me try to explain as well as I can.
You are giving all the commands as in usual turn-based game as due to time manipulation you can pinpoint them, which turns things much more to turn-based than RtwP. In usual RtwP you can pause and give commands to characters and hope that the things in world progress so that your commands matches nicely and then be big chunk of time in sort of autopilot. In that sense we are much more in line with games like DOS series, where you give exact commands and only commands that you give are taken. The game pauses after your active character has finished their latest commands. After that you can give new commands to that character, rewind and make new decision or switch to other character and go in spot of time where you want to give that command. It very much brings the precision and thinking of turn-based tactical approach even if everything happens simultaneously.
To pick an example of this, you aim fireball with your caster to group of enemies. When fireball is hit you see that it knocks big'n'bad enemy to some given direction. Now you pick your other character, move back in time and place him to good position to smack the knock backed enemy in midair with his mighty hammer. So, in the sense it adds more tactical depth for thinking how to solve the combat situation. Of course it is also very different from your usual turn-based game, but there is this exact same tactical approach without the feeling of hurry that you (or at least I) usually get with RtwP.
In my opinion turn-based is closest thing to compare of existing ones, but of course we are playing with never before seen mechanics so there really is no direct comparison in other games. All this makes it bit hard to sometimes to put it in exact category.
Of course this answer is very much based on my own experiences with games that I've played, so if you have some better references to check that you think have something similar please point me there! I'm always eager to learn more of other games. And I must admit that personally I'm more of the turn-based guy as RtwPs feel bit too chaotic for me. Even though I play some of them every now and then as some of them have so nice stories and worlds that I want to experience them.
But it is really good that your brought up your impressions on this. As you notice, it is still quite hard for me to sometimes be able to explain it in very short way and all of these discussions are very helpful in trying to find better ways to do that. Oh, and did my description make any sense to you?