"First, Troika did create three incredible games, with no match in originality. I'll always remember them for their wish to create something new. They did not copy! And that's very imortant. "
Huh? You fuckin' stupid. Their games aren't original. Arcanum is fantasy + guns. OMG Not original. TOEE is a tb D&D game. How the fuck is a agme absed ona 20 year old pnp module original? Hahaha. V: BL is the seocnd game ina few years BASED on a pnp RPG. It's not fuckin' roiginal. What an idiot.
"Second, Troika did create games with the real possibility TO MAKE CHOICES and affect your character(s) advancement both in storyline and development."
Good for them. This is why I like Arcanum. Sadly, chocies that i cared about in TOEE didn't exist. And, in BL, choice was taken away from you in the end.
"Third, they were not commercial. Bioware and Bethesda are the best example of what damage the commercialism can do. Lame games, too much advertisement and too many of the same."
Bullshit. Troika was very much commerical. Afterall, they made a D&D game. BL was also for profit. And, though, Arcanum bombed finanically, it was also made for money. Whya re you fucking lying? Theyw erne't making games for free. Dumbass.
I, and my stupid mod are not commerical. i am doing it for free. Moron. (mainly b/c no one would pay me, LOL)
"Ohhhh, Troika WORKED HARD. Troika wanted to impress. They didn't expect money from their next sequel. They tried to find different paths."
Bullshit. Troika wanted to do sequels for both Arcanum, and TOEE; but the publishers in both cases told them to fuck off. Troika wnated to make sequels. Desperately. Worked hard? That expalins why TOEE had no story, or worthwhile characters. That expalins why they made BL slow as molasses; not to mention the other bugs or the last aprt of the game where its ALL combat. If theyw ere truly about working hard; the good rping one sees in the early parts of BL would exist in the later parts.
"But the gamer is a stupid machine. He likes good graphic, fascinating advertisement, linear gameplay, because it's not easy to "role-play". It has minimum intelligent requirement. And that's the difference betwen Troika and the others - their games "Intelligent requirements"."
The only stupid gamer are the one slike you who will kiss a company's ass and make them to be eprfect even as theya re possibly crashing and burning. It doesn'tt ake a genius to play Troika games. They aren't that complex. Dumbass.
In conclusion, you are a retard. A super retard actually.
Anyways, now that is out of the way, I can addrees the actual issue for the 80th time.
I like 2 out of 3 Troika games besides their faults. However, if Troika fails; it's because THEY screwed up. Not the gamers; not the publishers; them.
Game over.