Half Life is a definition of 10/10 game and that's alll, nothing more to add.
So-called 'Half Life 2' has literally NOTHING common with its predecessor. HL1 was an excellent mix of all these conspiracy theories like 'bad goverment is hiding truth about Roswell', X-Files, top secret experiments etc. you know what I mean. Now u lead some rebellion to the victory over some bad aliens and every NPC you met goes with retarded talk like 'You... YOU ARE GORDON FUCKIN FREEMAN, A FUKKING LEGGEND, I READ ABOUT YA I MY SCHOOLBOOK AND I LOVE YA blablahblah TAKE THIS ROCKET LAUNCHER AND GO SHOOTTIN SOME BANSHEEZ' or 'OH NO WERE IN TROUBLE BUT HERE'S GORDON FUKKIN FREEMAN IN DA FLESH BRING US TO THE SLAUGHTER PLS WE'LL DO ANYTHING YA WANT KOZ WERE YOUR SHEEPZ'.
And this moment when Barney gives you a crowbar praising GOOD OLD DAYZ is just like the game needed to remind you of being HL1 sequel coz it really doesn't feel like it is... Pathetic.
Shooting is mediocre, Alyx is annnoying, weapons are generic, AI is dumb, vehicle parts are boring, plot is a joke etc. what a waste of Source engine for this mediocrity. It's not Unreal 2 bad or smt but still one of the most disappointing and overrated games ever.