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Jesus christ metroid fusion is an awful game.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I got a craving for some metroid gameplay, so I decided to check out the GBA games. First I played zero mission- it was pretty decent. Not as good as super metroid, but it had the right idea.

Then I tried Fusion. This game is an abomination. It's not even a metroid game. You do zero exploring. The entire game is broken into sectioned of parts that can only be explored in a completely linear fashion. You get fucking briefing (mandatory ones, you can't skip or avoid them) before entering each area, which also spoils what item you are going to acquire so you don't even get to be surprised. Progressing through the areas also generally shoves you through some sort of one way passage so you can't even double back to check a different route, you get locked into whatever the correct path is. At first I thought it'd just be the begining that was like this, pandering to idiots so they can get a feel for the genre. But I've cleared like 6 areas and acquired as many suit upgrades. Even if you backtrack to a previous area with your newly unlocked shit, there's nothing worth getting. Super missiles just use normal missle ammo now, and only 1 each, so you never fucking run out, which makes missle upgrades worthless, and they're the only 'secrets' to find. Though they're generally not hidden at all, just sitting in plain sight past a locked door. Speaking of which, now the fucking doors don't open to various weapon types, but just require finding what amounts to a color coded key. So you don't even get the satisfaction of blowing up the stupid doors that were in your way for so long. Oh, but they still put them in completely retarded places, as if to pretend the game was actually open, and there was some sort of meaning in putting a level 1 door lock beyond a level 3 door lock when the keys have to be acquired in order. Oh, and they took out wall juumping. I mean, you can still wall jump, but it's never actually useful. You can't jump off the same wall twice in a row any more, and any area with two walls close enough to let you climb this way also have ledges you can just grab on to which makes it totally pointless. Bomb jumping is also out, you only get a jump from ground level bombs, which is of course pointless since you get the ability to jump as a ball right after getting bombs.

I mean, this is beyond mere fuckup, it's like someone knew the series extremely well and intentionally set about ruining everything that made it good.



The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
Yeah, Fusion was a let-down and is even worse now that Other M came out, having Adam exist past that game and serving forever as Samus's computer is horrifying.

The main issue I had with it was that the Fusion Suit was hyped as being totally different and new, but almost all the powers were the same. Plus the linearity...there is one sequence break and the game rewinds if you do it.

And if you think Fusion is bad, try Other M.


Dec 17, 2008
Did you try any of the Super Metroid rom hacks? I don't know much about them but there are some extensive ones that are completely new games in the SM engine.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Fusion is an okay game. The problem is that it feels like it wants to be Super Metroid, without getting what made SM so good in the first place. For example, the computer guy is there to prevent you from getting lost, but getting lost was part of the appeal.


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
Fusion is an okay game. The problem is that it feels like it wants to be Super Metroid, without getting what made SM so good in the first place. For example, the computer guy is there to prevent you from getting lost, but getting lost was part of the appeal.

"Exploration is NOT authorized, Lady! Now go make a sandwich for your favorite father-boyfriend-computer."


Dec 27, 2008
Fusion was good for what it was supposed to be: An introductory Metroid game for "newbies". I did enjoy it a lot when I played it long ago. Granted, I never played a Metroid title before, so when I played Zero Mission I realized how limited MF is. Even then, it's perfectly enjoyable on its own plus its atmosphere was top-notch.

Other M, meanwhile, is an horrible turd which managed to both ruin Samus' character and the Metroid franchise at the same time. In fact, it cannot be even called Metroid, since its gameplay style is completely different of traditional Metroid games and instead plays more like a modified Ninja Gaiden game (with terrible 'shooting gallery' minigames), for not to mention the setting and the plot is utterly retarded (which inane shit like a volcano inside a spaceship, or an all-powerful android which was built without any kind of limitation to prevent a possible rebellion). Lastly, the "final boss" is a cutscene. That game should not be related to Fusion at all (hell, even Adam's apparition in Fusion is bearable compared with the self-insert that was OM's Adam).


Dec 31, 2007
What about the Metroid Prime games, are they at least good for what they are ?


Jan 14, 2013
Fusion has its good points. For example, I think the situations where you are fleeing or evading the SA-X are well done. Then again, there's no arguing exploration is cut extremely short. I remember playing it for the first time and constantly waiting for the moment when I can finally explore the sectors on my own. When it came, the game was basically over. How disappointing. Not that there was much to discover.
So, definitely the weakest Metroid I played (didn't play the Prime series and don't intend to ever touch Other M), but still good for a quick game on the train.


Jul 7, 2011
Metroid series has been increasingly popamole after the first, which let you off the leash once you gathered a few key items. Doesn't mean Super Metroid isn't one of the top 10 games of all time, but it wasn't as open or dangerous.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
The prime games were pretty decent. Obviously, the transtion to 3D handicaps that kind of game horribly; it ruins platforming, makes content expensive to produce so variety gets cut back, size of areas reduced, secrets don't make as much sense in 3D... but even for all those flaws, they were decent games. The upgrades were original, which made things interesting even if there was as much to do, at least it was almost all brand new. And they put a ton of detail into both the art (which was excellent) and writing all the log entries for everything. I enjoyed the prime series a lot, they did an outstanding job with a concept I was certain would be a trainwreck.


Aug 1, 2012
I liked Prime 1 but the rest got really tedious. "This works so much better than I thought it would!" only holds on for about a game and a quarter, by the time you get to the 60th multistage trial and error puzzle boss you are like this would be much less sloppy and annoying in 2D.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Liked Prime 1, tried Prime 2 and then I just... lost interest.

Another unfinished game. Probably for all time.

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