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jetskis are fucking amazing


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I believe you mean "a-neigh-zing." :troll:

Also, Underrail gives me ideas (that I will never implement) for a similarly-themed game of a different scope and presentation. I'll put this in list form for idea compartmentalization:

  • over- (under-?) world travel via transit map, with stations, rail systems, access roads, and vehicle pools expanded and logistically managed by the player (essentially a subway map + Transport Tycoon, pared down and bespoke to fit the game's needs); may include rail, land, sea, "air"

  • base management of stations/terminals, vaguely similar to, let's say, Startopia

  • squad(s) management, exploration and combat stolen from JA2/X-COM/Syndicate, and squad-level vehicles and transports

Too ambitious, you say? Probably, even though I left out the biologicals management sideline (zoo/aquarium management). Doesn't matter, I'm going fishing.

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