Finished the extended tutorial, finally saw the intro credits and got some measure of free roaming. I must say the game keeps being surprisingly fun and interesting. Sadly I have -100 reputation in Rattay, don't know how that happened. Joke. It may have something to do with the fact that I beat the executioner senseless so I could rob his place in peace. Maybe. Still, those free levels in STR and Warfare were really worth it. He is surprisingly tough. Much tougher than Hans Faggon.
There is a ton of stats and associated perks to every stat, which is nice. Since my min-max nature won't stop nagging me If I don't make the best character possible™ I'm saving some perks till I can reach their required minimum lvl. Why go for stuff that has a negative side when I can get some purely positve stuff at later levels?
Oh and most people in Rattay outright tell me to fuck off and don't engage in dialogue, which is IMO a huge
. Beating that guy up and robbing his place had actual consequences, something that doesn't really happen in most games these days.
Once I thought I had plenty of cash, I decided to look at some new armor at the Armourer and quickly realized I was STILL a fucking beggar, lol. Speaking of which, how do I give money to beggars? Game tells me that's a way of restoring my reputation, but only option is to talk to them and ask them about Skelitz.
All in all, I can totally see myself sinking some hundreds of hours into this game. Not sure about its replay value, tho, since it's heavily story-based and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of "builds", in a traditional sense. Guess I'll probably finish the game being awesome at everything, Skyrim Style. Will have to wait and see.