root said:
shit, and here was I thinking that the story was one of the things Kotor2 had going for it, in a major way.
And here I am saying its not, hardly news for anyone that remembers my comments about it.
the story is fuckin' great.
what the fuck's the problem with it?
Were to start ... I know.
Moral relativism does not work in Star Wars as its black-and-white morality, the story did not made any sense most of the time (You are the Last Jedi ... if you dont count the Jedi Masters in hiding, me, that women that is also hiding and the fact you left the order to follow Raven in the War that kinda makes you a former Jedi) and excuse me as it been five years but I honetly do not recall everything just that it-did-not-made-sense.
It was pretensions nonsense in the vain of PS:T but things worked on PS:T as they did because of the setting.
Also worst is they turned Battle Meditation that in the previous title was rare skill only a few could gain were it was even a important PLOT POINT into ... a power you can pick up on level up.
how is the force explained? the most they talk about it is kreia's cryptic comments about the 'will of the force', no different than yoda's same bullshittery. although of course, it's not like SW is genius-level storytelling anyway
When you setup a character to be the say Kreia is, you believe what she says or believes to be correct.
Also there is the whole "hole in the Force", things that really do not belong.
yeah yeah it was unfinished yeah yeah atton is annoying yeah it's easy well
Here is the thing, I do not mind a annoying character ... Attion did not bothered me as much as HK-47 that was just there to please the fanboys, just like the Mandalorians.
it's still a very good game.
I think the story sucks, the gameplay is broken (DO NOT GO OVER LEVEL 20 ON A D20 SYSTEM, IT BREAKS IT ... BADLY), the level design sucked, the art direction was the same of the previous title, the music was worst ... I do not recall any good thing ... oh, slave girl bikini (plus point).
miles better than motb, but then again, D&D is even worse than Star Wars - at everything.
So I take you dont like Star Wars that explains a lot to why you like the story of KotOR2.
I never played motb, I did played "MotS", thanks to Karen Traviss (Mandalorian fangir) Mara Jade is now dead.