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Review KOTOR 2 review at GameOver

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://www.game-over.net>Game Over</a> has posted a somewhat <a href=http://www.game-over.net/reviews.php?page=xboxreviews&id=194>positive review</a> of <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords>KOTOR 2</a>, giving it <b>89%</b>, but noting the rushed ending and technical issues.
<blockquote>I'm not talking about glitches or bugs just yet, although they're here in abundance. Instead, I'm talking about plot threads that don't go anywhere, because the payoff was cut so Obsidian could make the deadline. HK-47 has a subplot without a resolution, several areas have unaccountably inaccessible areas, there's at least one subquest that's almost impossible to complete, a couple of characters are built up as important and then abandoned, and the last two hours of the game are a running fight scene without any storyline to speak of. After sixteen to twenty hours' worth of intricately plotted role-playing goodness, KOTOR2 chucks it out the window and makes the game's final level a shooting gallery.</blockquote>
All those "No, we did NOT rush the game" comments from the developers come to mind.


Dec 31, 2002
The last areas of Kotor 2 are just empy rooms full of enemies.

And, atleast on the xbox version, in thease areas the maps are mislabeled and just plain wrong in several places.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Based on its emerging prevalence in the here-and-now, I have a feeling that this kind of shoddy craftsmanship is the actual FUTAR OF RPG GAEMING.


Sep 19, 2004
The Corporate Machine
The map problems are obviously an attempt at emmersion. Since you're in an unknown territory, obviously, you don't really know where anything is, and thus the maps are less than accurate.

Unresolved quests are an attempt at realism, the developers obviously understand that not everything in life can be resolved, and this is a reflection upon this fact.

HK-47's subplot never reaches completion because it is a tie-in for the next Star Wars title: Star wars: HK-47, return of the droid clone attacks.

The final showdown with hordes of enemies is an introduction to epic storytelling. All epics have lots of people fighting and dying where no plot unfolds. This is an established fact of narrative casuality and can never be abandoned. Obviously this is the compelling argument in favour of the developer's story telling vision.

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