No, she didn't die. She was unconcious. Your characters cannot die in KOTOR unless the entire party dies. Pretending otherwise is nonsense. Don't change the game rules to fit your theory. That's plain silly.
As for proof, if I share you would just say it was a lame trick; or point to some stupid secret rare SW book that is totally irreleavnt.
Here are some facts given IN GAME:
1. Kreia can contact you from far distances.
2. If one of you uses a self effecting force power; it effects the other. I cna see Kreia being able to fake it when she uses her force powers; but not when you use yours.
3. Your character most certainly feels the connection as the PC even brings it up from time to time.
4. The only thing that's really in doubt is the actual lethality of it which Kreia herself even states she isn't sure that it is deadly. She believes it *might* be. At the end of the game, she uses the threat of the POSSIBILITY in an attempt to stop you from killing her; not because she truly believes the connection is actually deadly.
Anyways, anyone who reads this following phrase proves once and for all that youa re just spamming and trolling absolute stupidity:
"And, yes, I know that she was "unconscious" so there's no need to get snide about it. In combat sense, she died. Call it what you will, she was dead to me for the duration of the fight. Yet it affected me in no way. Why?"
She never died. She was uncocnious. You alsos eem to forget that even though the PC had a connection with Bastilla in the first game; her being uncocnious never hurt you either.
"Like in the NWN OC how my high-wisdom Ranger PC knew that Desther was up to evil, but COULDN'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT?"
Exactly. Thank you. Just because it was stupid in the OC; doesn't make it ok in KOTOR2. Idiot.
"How did you know it wasn't the council until they told you? I don't remember that being revealed anywhere until they told you, but I could be wrong on that."
The fact that when they originally judged you guilty of betrayal and kicked you out they never took your powers away. Your connection to the force mysteriously disseappaeared in your random travels. Logic dictates that if the Council *had* rmeoved your force connection; they'd have done it when they gave you the boot. If they feeled that you no longer had the 'right' to it; they wouldn't have waited to punish you with the rempval until your were long gone.
Then there's the fact whenever you met one of the Council; they were always surprised when you brought up the fact you had temporarily lost your connection to the orce. Of cours,e one could assume they could lie about that; but of course logic dictates that they have absolutely nothing to gain from such a lie. And, I doubt the Council would lie just because.