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Game News Legends of Eisenwald Greenlit by Steam

Aterdux Entertainment

Aterdux Entertainment
Apr 23, 2012
Minsk, Belarus
You definitely took the right course and while I was a bit disgruntled that it took a while for Eisenwald to get Greenlit; there were numerous examples of similar/old school games -- like Vault Dweller's AoD Deluxe Vapor Ware Edition! -- that did make it through the process proving if the demand were high enough it would eventually get through. It's good that the recent indie trend has spurred more creativity and given more smaller developers a chance to make a successful game where they wouldn't have in the past but it's also breeded a lot of people making generic crap looking for a quick financial score. I frankly don't see the need for another anime-centric F2P MMO (seems like there have been at least a dozen of those released on Steam) but that's just me.
Well, I was not happy either that Greenlight took relatively long but I could see that statistically speaking there were really a lot of games that were ahead of us or climbing very fast. If Steam guys looked just at statistics though we would still be campaigning. But I think they try to diversify genres and there is clearly no overflow of tactical turn-based games and I think that played a role.

F2P MMO is really a different topic, and anime-centric - I didn't stumble on too many of them but it's because I was not looking for something like that. And actually, these guys were boasting they got to top 100 on Greenlight in 10 days... Well, we got to top 100 in 6 and that actually gives me a lot of hope :) While I realize it was hard to compete with games like Papers Please, I am happy we could stand our ground to games like Gunz. I think they probably will be greenlit too, it will take a while though...
Mar 30, 2012
Elevator Of Love
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Here is a link for your entertainment, not everyone seems happy about us being greenlit :) It kind of beats me that people can't understand that their game can be as popular as they want to think, but if they don't get enough votes on Steam, it doesn't count. Being in top 30 and keep complaining that games in top 10 are greenlit before them is ridiculous.


Give my mah Gunz 2 you bastards :angryfist:

Congratulations to the team. You took the hard road, but it will pay in the future. Making a loyal fan base, then making DLC's for them in the next games is a good plan ;) . MMO's are like cockroaches, there is so much of them that one or two doesn't make a diffrence to me. The communities and servers will die sooner or later in most of them anyway. But Steam gives more exposure to such projects, and milking bigger numbers of customers, that's why some people are angry.

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