Wow, that was a dull read. The writing was SO EDGY AND TRYHARD! I dunno if they intentionally copied The Black Company, or took inspiration. Makes me wonder what Avellone actually did write for this thing.
Worse, if this is supposedly better than PoE and Numanuma, I can't even imagine how are these two meant to be. Probably filled with verbal diarrhea like a VN parody. For extra hilarity, if you ever played one of the translations of these games, you would notice they're REALLY bad, with non-translated text randomly shoved in, or poorly translated text which makes no sense.
A friend of mine confirmed that the Spanish translation of Numanuma is like that, and I doubt the other games are better, seeing the odd typo here and there in the lp text.
How the mighty have fallen...
It's ridiculous that Kyros would pair these two armies -- which obviously hate each other -- to conquer the Tiers when presumably the Empire has many others at its disposal.
That was really dumb indeed. I like to think that the writers knew that Chaos is self-destructive by nature, this is why the Chaos Gods always lose in WH40k and Fantasy, barring asspulls.
That's why the Disfavored are shown as so incompetent, and why the tryhard Blood Chorus are surprisingly competent (sometimes), so that it is not an one-sided choice.
These names by the way, are pure lol. I'm surprised no-one was named "Bloodedge" for real.
I liked how "*Glare silently*" is a default answer for several dialogues in the game.
It's ridiculous that the Fatebinder would be an active participant in either one of these factions' campaigns, when (a) we don't work for them and (b) we are supposed to be investigating them for treason.
Well, I can excuse gameplay mechanics here. Sadly, it seems there's too much trash filler combat.
It's ridiculous that Tunon would ultimately swear allegiance to us instead of Kyros when his entire characterization is that he literally doesn't care about anything except interpreting and enforcing the Overlord's law.
It's clearly player cocksucking, an ancient art practiced and perfected by Bioware a long time ago.
This game looks like it had potential, but ultimately it doesn't seem to make much of it. Mandalore tried to make Tyranny look better than it is. I remember reading the Codex review some time ago, but it was so long and dull I quickly forgot about it. I guess it worked as intended.
Also, as expected in a modern game, women in position of power everywhere, even in ancient times. Surprisingly though you can get away with killing lots of them, for what's worth. Either way, thank you for writing this LP and sparing me the hours it would take me to play this.
Lastly but not least, *makes the local hand gesture for penis*