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Let's Play VtM: Wild Nights - Chapter 10

Jun 13, 2010
You thread bumpers, post your fucking votes in large letters and only once. I tried to recount an old vote with a bunch of tldr posts with votes like"a or b oh i dunno" came up. Might as well throw dice. :raging:


Black Bart Charley said:
You thread bumpers, post your fucking votes in large letters and only once. I tried to recount an old vote with a bunch of tldr posts with votes like"a or b oh i dunno" came up. Might as well throw dice. :raging:

Why so Butthurt, BBC? Is it because you're a failure of a public broadcaster?


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
Black Bart Charley said:
You thread bumpers, post your fucking votes in large letters and only once. I tried to recount an old vote with a bunch of tldr posts with votes like"a or b oh i dunno" came up. Might as well throw dice. :raging:

cry some more


Jul 11, 2010
Chapter 6 - Knight to Rook Six

The silent Brujah turns the wheel; the low, creeping silhouette of the Docklands Railway Line is brought into focus for a moment in the car's headlights, and then fades back into darkness.

"My sire told me they called this place the Isle of Dogs because dead hounds kept washing up in the marshes," Fellowes murmurs, gazing carelessly out of the window from the front passenger seat. "They never did find out what was tearing their throats out. Just another secret, ne'er to be told..."

The car pulls to a halt. You can make out the glinting glass of one of the new skyscrapers, towering over the squat shadows of the abandoned cargo warehouses.

"Oscar's waiting," Fellowes says. "You want us to hang around up here for you?"

"No," you reply, opening the door. "No, you'd better come with me."


You drop down, gingerly, onto the tunnel platform with a clang. Your feet almost slip on the dank metal; Fellowes catches your arm, as respectfully as possible.

"Careful," he says, and glances down towards the rushing, dense grey water below. "You don't want to fall in that."

You gaze down at the current. Something is stirring, in the corner of your mind.

"Something about water," you murmur, half to yourself. "That Malk...what was it she said?"

And as if on cue, you begin to catch the edge of a voice, distant, echoing off the sides of the tunnel. A slurring, inhuman voice, singing out-of-key.

"I come, old friend, from hell tonight,
Across the rotting sea.
Nor the nails of the Cross
Nor the blood of Christ
Can bring you help this eve."

You glance curiously across at Fellowes. He shrugs.


You step into the light of the cramped metal chamber.

"Ohhh...did you keep a watch for a dead man's wind?
Did you see the woman with the comb in her hand?
Wailing away on the wall on the strand
As you da-a-a-nced to the Turkish song of the damned!"

Oscar, his naked, boil-coated arms raised in climactic euphoria, finishes his song, and bows to an imaginary audience somewhere in the enormous computer console and mass of tangled cables in front of his comfortable leather chair.

Then he turns. His face contorts into a lunatic grin.

"Pat!" he howls, keeping his arms outstretched. "Never thought I'd say this, but am I fecking glad to see you! And Eddie, as well! Feck me, I was starting to get lonely down here!"

You glance down at the emptied bottles and blood-bags scattered across the floor of the chamber.

"So loneliness reduced you to binging and singing down here, Oscar?" Fellowes asks, from behind you. He's leaning, with studied nonchalance, against the threshold.

Oscar waves a clawed hand at him.

"Agh," he says, "was only my way of keeping the dark away. A fella can get twitchy, down here all by himself, especially when he sees as much scary shit as I do. You've come about your damned man Rannigan, right?"

"You said you'd found something," you prompt.

He nods. The filthy-looking copper piercings attached to his ears jangle.

"That I did," he says, and kicking out with his feet, he spins back around to face the enormous console. His long nails tap a couple of times; and a black screen flashes into muddy colour.

"Right," Oscar mutters to himself as he works. "Right, right, right..." Different street angles, some fuzzier than others, skip past on the screen.

And then, suddenly, the image freezes. A long tunnel; lit up dimly from the roof. A figure stands in the very foreground, caught mid-movement.

"The tunnel at Vauxhall Station," Oscar says. "12.34 p.m. And here's Baron Terence. This is where I caught him. I've been running nearby cameras a little earlier, trying to figure out where he came from - but no joy so far. Right. Let's play and see what the bugger does."

You lean forward. And as the figure turns, as if checking for a tail, its pale face comes into focus. It's Terence Rannigan, no doubt - the same gaunt cheeks, grey hair slicked back.

Terence halts, still staring back the way he came. It's as if he thinks he's seen something, out of shot.

Then, at last, he turns back, and begins to walk again. He becomes smaller and smaller, a bowed silhouette, until he heads right out of the far end of the tunnel.

"What was he looking at?" Fellowes asks.

Oscar holds up a single finger.

"Sssh-sssh-ssh," he says. "Just watch."

You wait.

A minute passes in silence.

And then, at last, something shifts in the corner of the screen. A distortion - a kind of odd blur, so that at first you think something's gone wrong with the camera. But then it occurs to you that what you're seeing is quite different; it's as if the texture of the tunnel itself is altering. As if reality is altering.

The distortion moves. Unhurriedly, filling the space of the tunnel. Following Terence Rannigan. Until it, too, vanishes around the far corner.

"What's that look like to you?" Oscar asks, rewinding and freezing the image. "'Cos that looks to me like something's trying to obfuscate, but can't quite get it right."

"I don't know," you say, gazing at the screen. Something about the shape is unsettling you. "But that doesn't look like any Kindred I've heard of."

Oscar grins. He looks a little nervous.

"Just you hold on," he tells you. "You haven't even seen the worst of it yet. This freaked the fuck out of me when I saw it."

He scrabbles at the keyboard.

"I lost Rannigan," he says, "on Kennington Lane. Didn't show up on any of the cameras. Caught him again, just north of the Oval, 12.41. Now - watch what happens next."

The screen flickers, and changes. An open road, illuminated by the 24-hour glow of the cricket stadium. Rannigan enters the screen from the far left side; a tiny figure, running.

And then a black sedan pulls up in front of him, so fast that he has to stumble to prevent cannonading into it. He backs away, as if to retreat the same way he came. Another man, short, well-built, dressed in a dark leather jacket emerges out of the darkness to halt his progress.

"See him?" Oscar says. "That's Phil 'Old Snarler' Tucson. Remember I told you one of the Prince's enforcers went missing the other night? Well, you're looking at him."

Another man steps out of the driver's seat of the sedan. He's tall, but he carries himself with a slight stoop.

"And that-" Oscar begins.

"...is the second missing enforcer," you reply. "Yes, I think I see where this is going."

The two heavies take hold of Rannigan. He does not resist. They firmly push him into the back of the sedan, and then step in themselves. And then the car pulls away into the night, and out of shot.

"Hang on," Fellowes says. "So the Prince's men kidnapped Rannigan? I don't understand."

Oscar laughs. It's a nervous little laugh.

"Me neither, to be quite fecking honest," he says. "I have been trying to track the sedan - it headed back north towards the river, so I'm combing the footage for it all round the Southbank. Still, I thought you'd probably want to see this soon as poss. Bloody strange, eh?"

You clap him on the shoulder.

"Oscar," you tell him, "bloody bravo. Send me the bill for something expensive with lots of buttons and wires."

That seems to cheer him up.

"And this won't come back to haunt me, will it, Pat?" he asks. "You'll keep my nose out of it, right?"

"Don't worry," you say. "If I should get brutally killed because of this, I'll be sure not to mention you."

"That's the spirit," Oscar says. "And...er...don't get Eddie brutally killed either, he's a good lad. I'll give you a bell once I know where the buggers took him. Good luck, right, an' that?"


The car speeds back through the London night. North-west, making for home.

You finish dialing the Home Secretary's number, activate the phone's speakers, and sit back.

Someone picks up.

"Well, it's about bloody time you rang!"

You frown. Not once in your working relationship can you remember Humphrey raising his voice to you - or indeed, speaking with anything other than a slightly cowed respect.

"Is something wrong, Humphrey?" you ask him, as calmly as possible.

You hear him splutter.

"Is something wrong? Have you even, haven't you even seen the news? Have you even seen it?"

"No," you snap, "I haven't seen the news. Humphrey, what the fuck is going on? Is this about Glenville?"

In the front seat, Fellowes, looking perturbed, opens up his laptop.

"I thought you people were supposed to keep all of this quiet," Humphrey wails. "My children watched it on the television this evening. My children! Why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you stop this from happening?"

Fellowes lets out a long, worried hiss. He turns the laptop towards you.

The BBC news-site.

Body On The Southbank Turns To Ash

"Hello?" Humphrey shouts. "Are you still there? Hello?"

"I'm here, Humphrey," you reply. "I'm just looking at it."

You lean in to read it.

A camera filming police officers for the popular reality programme Street Crime UK captured a grisly and surreal discovery this morning at dawn on London's Southbank, when the body of a man in his late 40s appeared to spontaneously combust before their very eyes...

You glance at the accompanying freeze-frame picture; even blurred, slumped against the wheel of what appears to be a black sedan - even with the gruesome wooden stake jammed into his chest, you recognise the face and the dark leather jacket.

Phil 'Old Snarler' Tucson, you think. What are the odds that the other body, washed up against the Thames Barrier is the second of the Prince's two missing enforcers?

"What's going to happen?" Humphrey asks. He sounds pitiful; desperate. "Is all of this going to come out now?"

"No," you say. "They'll write it off as a freak accident - spontaneous combustion. It's happened before. Don't worry, Humphrey - you're quite safe. Go to bed."

A pause. And then he says, more calmly,

"If...if you say so, Patrician. I didn't mean to get upset. And...thank you for dealing with Glenville. Was there, was there something you wanted to speak to me about?"

You hesitate before asking,

"Other than...other than this incident, Humphrey, have you heard anything? Anything strange? Anything...that you might think was related to us?"

A longer silence.

"Uh..." he says, "Um...let me think. Let me think. Well, there were those break-ins at St Anne's at Limehouse, that stunk of...of you know. And those deaths in the Underground beneath the Elephant & Castle...look, can I get back to you? I need some time to clear my head."

"Hang on," you tell him. "I've one more favour to ask of you." You give him Dubrik's number and ask him to track down the address for you. "Do this for me, Humphrey, and we're even on Glenville. All right?"

"Fine," he says, "of course. And...thank you, Patrician. I didn't mean to overreact. Thank you."He hangs up.

Fellowes says, not quite under his breath,

"Somehow I get the feeling this isn't going to end well for anyone."


You lean against the balcony of your roof garden. Beyond, the Primrose Hill itself is perpetually lit up by elegant black lampposts. And on the very crest of the hill, you recall, a mere two hundred or so years ago, a group of English kine who knew nothing of Celticism placed a plaque to 'the Celtic spirit'. What was it Karthik said? The dark, forgotten foundations...

Fellowes drains his glass of blood and peers at it.

"This isn't bad stuff," he says.

"If I get out of this in one piece," you murmur, "I'll put you in touch with my supplier."

He chuckles, and gazes out into the night.

"So let's assume that Kirkbeck wanted Rannigan dead," you say aloud. "Or...out of the way, at least. So his two men snatch him in Vauxhall. And the next day, they both turn to ash, and Rannigan is gone."

"But why hide it?" Fellowes asks. "If the Prince was responsible, why invent some cock-and-bull story about Rannigan being kidnapped on your territory?"

You consider it.

"I don't know," you say, at last. "It's...it doesn't sound quite right. Perhaps Kirkbeck's not the culprit - perhaps he's the one being lied to. And then there was that...thing, that shape on Oscar's cameras. As if it was following him. Hell, Fellowes - I don't know what to believe."

Fellowes gives you a sympathetic glance. Reaching inside his waistcoat, he produces a small pistol and offers it to you. Then, rummaging about in his pockets, he locates a small handful of bullets.

"Dum-dums," he says. "Enough stopping power to put a Kindred down for as long as you need to get away. You've killed before, Patrician?" He halts, and then adds, "I mean, with your own hands?"

You weigh the pistol thoughtfully in the palm of your hand.

"Once or twice," you tell him.

He nods.

"Listen," he says, "let's spend a little time practising with this. Fuck knows you're going to need it if you keep digging up trouble like this."



"...I've always found Brujah are the easiest to kill," Fellowes tells you. "Why? Because any good combatant knows to size up his opponents. And about half the time, your tough, wide-shouldered Brujah's going to look at dapper, small fellows like you and I, and think, I don't need to kill him fast. I can have fun with this one. And then you've got all the time you need to slip that hand-grenade into their pocket while they're hitting you before they toss you across the room."

In spite of everything, you smile. And your phone, abandoned on the table, begins to ring.

An unknown number. You hesitate, and then pick up.

"You lost the game, cunt."

"Schiller?" you say.

You can hear the Sheriff chuckling.

"Du Marchais just came in. You'd better start packing up your effects; Prince wants you out of Whitehall. Those were the rules of the game, and you lost. Be glad he doesn't have you staked out to see your last sunrise."

"Wait," you say, running a hand over your face. "Du Marchais says he knows who kidnapped Rannigan? Who?"

"The Sabbat, of course. Who the fuck else would it be? Look, du Marchais got us the name of the den where they're holding him. We're going on a raid. The whole Camarilla's coming together on this one. Full-on assault. If Rannigan's dead, they'll pay in blood a thousand times over. We're meeting in Soho. Back of the Pleasure 'N' Pain, forty-five minutes. Be there."

The line goes dead.


You have enough time to make a phone-call before you have to leave.

A) Attend the Camarilla meeting; bring the evidence of what really happened to Rannigan.

B) Attend the Camarilla meeting; go along with du Marchais' explanation. For now.

C) Head over to the Anarchs with the evidence of what really happened to Rannigan.

D) Attempt to reach the Sabbat with the evidence of what really happened to Rannigan.


Nov 17, 2008
Well, whatever that blur was, it probably got Rannigan.

Since we don't know what the blur was maybe Du Marquois is right, and the Sabbath does have the guy.

I don't like our options much, and I think our phone call might be important now, but I'm too sleepy to think of someone to call.
Jun 13, 2010
bad boys, bad boys, who u gonna call...

Fuck burned communist children and stray sabbat dogs.
That leaves A or B

Question is, who got Ranni-boy?
1 sabbat
2 monster, somebody else
3 nobody, its a setup

If its the Sabbat, we are gone. Well, with the video, we could prove that it was some kind of a setup and say that the game was rigged. But they will ask for the source.

If its a setup, we are gone. Except, again, with the video we could weasel ourself out of it. But, source.

If it was somebody else, showing evidence before the raid is crucial because if we talk afterwards, they'll ask why we kept silent before the war. So we need the tape. Now! Do we have a smartphone with vidya?

Of course that is the honorable way of doing things. :M
We are Ventrue, right?

So we call the Sabbat/Dubrik and tell em about the raid. Marchais marches on there finding shit even if the Sabbat had Rannigan. Great double-cross. Except its all eyes on us... and that didnt work out for Yojimbo and I have the feeling that it wont work out for us... but hey, no guts, no glory!

Phone Bishop Dubrik in Liverpool. Tell him to warn the den about the raid. And Changed to Phone Sheriff after it became possible


Jul 12, 2008
We need an Ackbar smiley for this kind of situation.

Soo... du Marchais has just brought proof against the Sabbat and the mother of all raid is already being organized ? This doesn't seem suspicious at all !

Either the Prince planned this or he's a massive tool (or Dominated, or blood-bound...).

It could be a plot by the Prince to unite London's Camarilla behind him in a bloody war against the Sabbat and thus greatly increase his power.

It could be a plot by the Sabbat to slaughter a lot of Camarilla vampires in a single night. In that case, either du Marchais or the Prince himself is likely working for the Sabbat.

It could be a plot by du Marchais himself, but that would be taking things pretty far simply to get rid of us.

It could be someone else. We still don't know who was chasing Rannigan and why. While it seems to be very dangerous, I don't think it's the kind of creature that would rely on such elaborate plots to get what it wants.

I also suggest we phone Eames. She might give us some clues as to what's going on and she would be a powerful ally in this situation if we manage to convince her.

As for our choices, A sounds too dangerous, unless we can get Eames to show the evidence herself (unlikely, since we don't have much time before the war meeting). C may help us survive but not much else. D sounds about as healthy as sunbathing. I vote B.
Jun 13, 2010
root said:
why not go along with du marchais plans? it's not like a raid against the sabbat is a bad thing even if unwarranted
He sincerely thinks that the Sabbat have Rannigan. On the slim chance that they do...


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town

Fucking hell man. Getting p. intense, is it? I can't figure out this fucking spider's web right now.

C and D is out of the question I think. Not sure if A would be effective at all, so going for B as well, seems like the safest route. Also, as root said, let's call the Tremere regent, that is a good idea (I sure wouldn't have thought about it)

root said:
our pool ol' pot-bellied ventrue.

D-: D-: D-: D-: D-: D-:
You were right. We're going to get fucked

Black Bart Charley said:
Except its all eyes on us... and that didnt work out for Yojimbo and I have the feeling that it wont work out for us... but hey, no guts, no glory!

Approving of your Yojimbo reference (see my sig). I might change my choices to what you suggest, but I need to hear more people's opinions (call me sheep I guess)

(double edit)


Sammy Earnes is not on our 'to call' list, unfortunately. Neither is Bob Griddle.

If the Camarilla are being called out we can meet with Earnes when we get there, but it could be a ruse and they may be calling us out to give us the final death (du Marchais may have implicated us and the Sabbat raid is a ploy, hence why we should not call Dubrik). We have some evidence, but until Oscar gets back to us with the whereabouts of that black sedan we're sunk.


I say we (P) call Oscar to chase up the location of the black sedan (some time must have passed since we left his place). We can urge him to get the information, we need something so conclusive that the source won't matter.

Second, we should (B) attend the Camarilla meeting and go along with du Marchais' explanation. For now.

If we attend the meeting and go along with the plot, humble ourselves a bit, it will give us the time we need to survey the landscape. If we can get the final piece of evidence we need from Oscar, then we will be able to sink du Marchais before the raid and turn the Camarilla on him. The thing that got him sounds like it can obfuscate, but more likely a Setite than a Malk, though that does not mean the Sabbat couldn't have got to Rannigan between Vauxhall and wherever his sedan ended up. We need the final piece of the puzzle.


Jul 12, 2008
ironyuri said:
Sammy Earnes is not on our 'to call' list, unfortunately.

Dammit ! I'd forgotten about that !

That doesn't leave a lot of possibilities. Oscar might be useful, but calling on him so soon might annoy him. The other possibilities don't seem especially useful.


Erebus said:
ironyuri said:
Sammy Earnes is not on our 'to call' list, unfortunately.

Dammit ! I'd forgotten about that !

That doesn't leave a lot of possibilities. Oscar might be useful, but calling on him so soon might annoy him. The other possibilities don't seem especially useful.

Oscar already said he'd phone us back with information once he found it and we put him on our good side by visiting him and telling him we'd reward him. We need that information asap or we may be seeing the sunrise before we reach tomorrow night.

The only alternative calls are Griddle and Dubrik, neither of whom seem suitable for the situation. Unless of course we call Griddle to tell him that there's a Camarilla raid being organised and explain exactly what's going on, he may crash the party with a mob of London Anarchs just to see what's going on for himself, hell, he might even have our back.

If we make a call to Oscar and it's wasted, bad luck, he still has to call us when he finds something out unless we really piss him off. If we don't call Oscar and we aren't alive to take his follow-up call, we're dust. I still think he's our most reliable source at the moment. Once we have the final piece of the Rannigan puzzle (where they took him), we can confront du Marchais, or use our friendship with Earnes once we get to the meeting.


Jul 12, 2008
ironyuri said:
Oscar already said he'd phone us back with information once he found it and we put him on our good side by visiting him and telling him we'd reward him. We need that information asap or we may be seeing the sunrise before we reach tomorrow night.

True enough. Let's call him, then.

The only alternative calls are Griddle and Dubrik, neither of whom seem suitable for the situation. Unless of course we call Griddle to tell him that there's a Camarilla raid being organised and explain exactly what's going on, he may crash the party with a mob of London Anarchs just to see what's going on for himself, hell, he might even have our back.

We don't have a phone number for Griddle either. Even if we did, I don't think he would be much help on such short notice. And I don't believe we can count on him acting against the Camarilla with brute force unless he feels the Anarchs are threatened.

root said:
what about the home secretary?

I suppose we could ask him to send policemen or something, but it probably wouldn't be much use, especially since we don't know where the Sabbat den is. Besides, he's already nervous because of the breach of the Masquerade ; I don't see him taking risks so soon. And if we involved him and it turned badly, we'd probably lose all of our influence over him.


Dec 7, 2010
Erebus said:
ironyuri said:
Sammy Earnes is not on our 'to call' list, unfortunately.

Dammit ! I'd forgotten about that !

That doesn't leave a lot of possibilities. Oscar might be useful, but calling on him so soon might annoy him. The other possibilities don't seem especially useful.

We've earned some good will with him - he'll be happy to help us. That's exactly why we visited him in the first place and brought Edgar along. It's part of being a good manager - it is the exact opposite of what an asshole like LaCroix would do.

As far as the possibilities, C and D are right out in my opinion. As much of a bad motherfucker Bob Griddle is, the Anarchs are ineffectual and useless. Yeah, it'll save our skin, but we'll lose pretty much everything that we worked for. The Anarchs have no power, and other than our boy Bob, they are a bunch of losers. Fuck 'em. As for D, it sounds fucking insane. When the smoke clears, it's our ass - there's no guarantee we'll be able to turn on the Camarilla and defect. Maybe a guy like Dubrik will smoke our ass for being a traitor, as if being a Ventrue who has pissed him off before isn't enough reason for a Lasombra to want us dead.

I'd contact Sammy right away if we could, but since we evidently don't have her phone number, Oscar is our best bet. Tell him to get the location of that sedan fucking ASAP. We have no fucking clue what's going on or how deep this shit goes, so we can't afford to lay our cards out on the table right now. Go to the Camarilla meeting, see what the others are planning. What do you guys think about bringing Fellowes along (he's in the same room as us right now) or getting him to call some of his Brujah thugs in case shit gets hairy down there? Doesn't hurt to have an insurance policy.

Phone Oscar, Attend the meeting and shut the fuck up about what we know, bring Fellowes with us in case it's a trap.


Jul 12, 2008
Esquilax said:
What do you guys think about bringing Fellowes along (he's in the same room as us right now)

Might as well. It should increase our chances of surviving this night.


root said:
fellowes should come along, of course. and we should praise his performance. toreador's weakness is vanity, is it not? when the time comes to present the evidence, we should give him credit for it or something.

and how about we phone oscar and ask for sammy eames' phone? the fucking geek must have it.

We only have time for one call before we leave for the meeting it seems and if we're late to the meeting the consequences from the way grotsnik has outlined it, will be much worse than our earlier tardiness with the Prince and du Marchais. We've been called by the Sheriff and she wasn't fucking around.

We need to have an ace up our sleeve, that is, the black sedan and Rannigan's destination. If the raid on the Sabbat den turns out to be du Marchais clutching at straws, we can then swoop in with Rannigan's true whereabouts, du Marchais will either be staked out or stripped of his power. If the Sabbat den turns out to be Rannigan's location (and the way Oscar told it, it didn't sound like Sabbat, unless they have a Malk antitribru), then we've got information that will turn out to be useless and we're boned anyway. Either way we have to play along and humble our Ventrue to best avoid a sunrise. Earnes will be at the Camarilla gathering anyway, and she's got a healthy disdain for the Prince, so we've got some allies at the meeting and some enemies. But we also have our ace in the hole if Oscar pulls through and we'll be able to turn some of our enemies on themselves.

As for Fellowes, if this is a Camarilla gathering it's probably expected he'll be there, whether as our enforcer or not. Better to have him there on our terms. Alternatively if Oscar reveals Rannigan's potential real location, we could send Fellowes to collect him and have him bring Rannigan to the Camarilla meet and greet. That would really put the wind up du Marchais.

edit- Sorry for being so verbose all the time, bros. World of Darkness just turns me the fuck on. I was on an oWoD roleplaying forum for a little while a few years ago and the shit just makes me hot. ITZ HEAVAN


Dec 7, 2010
Kz3r0 said:
Call Oscar to see what happens in town.
Also C.

Why the Anarchs, I'm curious? I don't see much benefit in talking to them - plus, by doing this, the entire Camarilla will have turned their backs on us. We do this, we can't go back. Not trying to be a dick, maybe you see something that would benefit us that the rest of us folks who chose B didn't.


May 28, 2008
Esquilax said:
Kz3r0 said:
Call Oscar to see what happens in town.
Also C.

Why the Anarchs, I'm curious? I don't see much benefit in talking to them - plus, by doing this, the entire Camarilla will have turned their backs on us. We do this, we can't go back. Not saying this to be a dick, maybe you see something that would benefit us that the rest of us folks who chose B didn't.
We are being framed, and I don't see many allies that can come to our rescue.
Or we manage to uncover what is really happening, in a way favorable to us, or is better to jump boat when we can.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
What we know:

Terrence got chased by some fuckup lookalike Obfusticate user. It suggest a Malk or some Tsemitche/Sabbat. maybe even Centurion though it's doubtful.

He got napped by the two thugs in Prince's force in a place far from your turf. The two thugs later got killed, him presumed lost, a high chance that his pursuer caught up.

Now, old Du Marchais is high in Prince's confidence so it's good chance he knew about this event. Might even be the organizer of that kidnap, so he knew all this. With that, he lied about the location to manipulate the Prince into making his statement, ensure that his victory is certain. All according to his plan. We are just slower than needed. That wasteful hours spent with Eddie now bite us on the arse. See, if you had followed my suggestion of visiting Sheriff we wouldnt have had this result.

So what do we do?

Top priority is saving our necks now. And the most effective way to do it?

1. Go along with the assault, then accuse Du Marchais afterward, or even during the preparation. Not good because in Prince's ears our words are not as good as his. Other barons might hear but we have no proof, unless we sell Oscar by introducing his intel. Not good.

2. Defect to the Dark Side. And lost all we have built over the years? Keep that as plan B.

3. Back to our original plan: Negotiate with Sabbat for Terrance. We can bluff most truthfully: Negotiate with me or a lot of your Sabbats gonna die tonight and we are not bluffing. Last chance for you, old chaps. Heh. And it will be a very quick negotiation, just so we arrive the rendevous with results. Lots of fangs and barons will be grateful for this because it mean they wont have to die in Sabbat hands to strengthen Prince's rule. And if the Sabbat say truthfully that they know nothing about Terrance's whereabout? Ding Dong! Final Result we need to prevent the massacre.

I advise we go with 3rd method, which will be D. It's time for quick action and quick tongue.

Audacity, always audacity. Within reasons.

-Ventrue's motto, or it damn well should be-

So indeed, It's -------------------------------------
EDIT: just read the Prologue, but it dont make me change my minds. Edit a few things above.

EDITY EDIT: must change vote because of some more wrinkle in the briefing. I still think calling Sabbat is better but seem no chance of that win so I must flip. If this option gain more popularity and have a chance of coming back I will definitely swing back to it.


Dec 7, 2010
root said:
man this masquerade shit is intense. it's like playing poker in a dimly-lit room and you don't know what cards you have and you know one of your opponents will ram a huge black cock up your ass the moment you figure them out

Yes, but if we shut the fuck up for now, bring Edgar to cover us (and aided with our bros newfound l33t skillz), and Oscar pulls through with info on the sedan, we'll be able to ram our own big block up the asses of our enemies.

Bros, I just had an idea: What if we call Humphrey to get the sedan location? Perhaps he could help us? Shame Oscar didn't mention the license plate number, I am pretty sure our Home Secretary would be able to help us out. Thoughts?

On a tangent, I think I understood the Malk seer's song:

"I come, old friend, from hell tonight,
Across the rotting sea.
Nor the nails of the Cross
Nor the blood of Christ
Can bring you help this eve."

In the intro, it was definitely clear that Terence and his captor are very familiar with one another. It sees that this friend came across "the rotting sea" (aka the Dead Sea) which could mean Egypt, the origin of the Setites. However, considering her other poem had something to do with the sewers, it could mean that this "friend" was some horror lurking in the sewers.

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