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Loose ends / things to do after the endgame (spoilers)


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
So I finished up the game for the first time today. (took me no less than ~140 hours according to steam :o )
Couple of things nag at me and wasn't able to find much on google or the wiki:
  1. Abram going to Junkyard. You can talk to him about Wyatt, he mentions wanting to go and see for himself. Does this happen? He seems to just stare at his map, endlessly taunting me with the fact that I don't have a map and can't use the one he's looking at.
  2. Eidein's quarters down in the Deep Caverns. Any way to get in?
  3. The Patron at the Hanging Rat. Any interaction possible beyond learning the rough location of Baker's keycard?
  4. Who is Ezra really? Is this confirmed or debunked anywhere in game? Signs point toward Anton Matveev. Likewise for the Metathermics biologist guy from SGS and the other guy from the Oculus database, Kirill something?
  5. Is it at all possible to join the Free Drones if you convinced them to give the train back to Rail Crossing?
  6. Anyone found uses for the Faceless Medallion, the green AI core, the mysterious disc etc?
  7. On that note, anything interesting you can do with the cube if you don't hand it over to the faceless? (if that's even possible)
Most importantly: After you get back from the Deep Caverns, you can tell Al Fabet about it ("Loot! As far as the eye can see!") and he leaves Core City to head there. Couldn't find him down there, but wasn't super thorough though. He mentions returning the favour when he comes back. Anyone know if he actually does?

Any other fun/interesting things to do after you return from the Deep Caverns? Interesting dialogue anywhere or something like that?

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
The Patron at the Hanging Rat. Any interaction possible beyond learning the rough location of Baker's keycard?
She had something to do with the Free Drones. I won't spoil much, but try talking to her as you advance the Drones' questline and inquiring about some of the members there.

Who is Ezra really? Is this confirmed or debunked anywhere in game? Signs point toward Anton Matveev.
There has been many discussion about this, here in the Codex and in Underrail forum. As far as I could remember, it's pretty much confirmed.

Is it at all possible to join the Free Drones if you convinced them to give the train back to Rail Crossing?
As far as I know, you can't. Yet another gripe I had with the game. Persuading the Free Drones to non-violent, peacefully give back the train should've kind of inspired them to go after our character, aside from having the choice to join the Protectorate also open. Having two ways of joining the Protectorate vs. only one way to join the Free Drones, kinda unfair.

As for the rest of the stuff you asked, I want to know, too. Either they were mere fluffs, or maybe Styg had a plan for them when the expansion starts to roll in.


Aug 17, 2014
"You feel an ominous presence in the back of your mind, as if something is watching you intently."

I'll share what little I know and add some speculation, but unfortunately #3 is the only one I have a satisfying answer for.
  1. Nope. I don't know for sure, but to me it seems like something the devs would add later in a patch. In any case, there will be more content for Oculites.
  2. No, that location was cut. It would be Eidein's private tram between Cytosine and Nucleus. You can still see its other exit just northwest of Tchort. Maybe in the future...
  3. Yes, she's Marcella Green. As a Free Drone, you have a chance to restore her memory and expose a Protectorate spy in Free Drones.
  4. It's not directly confirmed, but Ezra practically has to be Anton. Quinton on the other hand is probably just a low-ranking researcher from reformed Biocorp.
  5. As far as I know, no. It seems odd to me as well, for the reasons Black Angel pointed out.
  6. You can try to install any of the 3 AI cores into the repairbot. I doubt they have any other uses. The disc is not forgotten, but I suspect it and the medallion will remain a mystery until Underrail 2.
  7. Not much. You can get it past the faceless, but Six will interfere if you try to remove it from Deep Caverns. It should be impossible to smuggle the cube out.
Most importantly: Al Fabet is not dead! Sorry, that's all I know of his fate.

Currently there isn't much new stuff to do or see after the endgame, but you could return Isaac Hathor's helmet if you found it in DC. Biggest changes to the world are at the university gate and previously faceless-occupied areas. However, there are few post-endgame dialog branches that don't work in the current version and new ones will also be added in the next base game patch. One conversation in particular is good stuff for those interested in the backstory, but saying more would probably be overstepping my bounds too much.

For the curious, here's one easy-to-miss speculation & theories thread about the open mysteries. http://underrail.com/forums/index.php?topic=2260.0


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
There has been many discussion about this, here in the Codex and in Underrail forum. As far as I could remember, it's pretty much confirmed.
Alright, was more wondering if I missed something in game that let me confront him about it or something like that. Guess not then.
You can try to install any of the 3 AI cores into the repairbot. I doubt they have any other uses.
The thing is, the red core that makes the bot hostile is automatically thrown away when you use it, but the green one with the song on it stays in the inventory with a message like "could be useful later". But guess it's like the disc and medallion.
Most importantly: Al Fabet is not dead! Sorry, that's all I know of his fate.
Ah well, thought he might come back after a set amount of time with the official Underrail cheat book like Father Tully in FO2 or something like that. :P
Currently there isn't much new stuff to do or see after the endgame, but you could return Isaac Hathor's helmet if you found it in DC.
Neat, hadn't caught that one. Will check it out right now.

Thanks guys.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Alright, was more wondering if I missed something in game that let me confront him about it or something like that. Guess not then.
Actually, you can confront him about it. He denied it, no surprise. I imagine (and deeply hope) that Styg would do something about it/extend that particular interaction with Ezra if we finally got to Abram visiting Wyatt.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oh, yeah, I meant beyond that short interaction from Wyatt's description. More that you could use hints from the Oculus database and/or something from DC. Maybe they've got something like that planned already.
Maybe something from the DC computer logs could be used to lure out a sort-of-confession. Was he in any of that communication?
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Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Is it at all possible to join the Free Drones if you convinced them to give the train back to Rail Crossing?
As far as I know, no. It seems odd to me as well, for the reasons Black Angel pointed out.
So, out of randomness, I'm checking the wiki page for Train Heist quest for Rail Crossing, and then I stumbled upon this line:
  • It is also possible to persuade (? skill required)Verify the bandits to leave the train. This leads to opportunities to join either Protectorate or Free Drones, depending on what you do with the knowledge of the train's location.
I can only think of revealing the train's location to Major Clifton in SRO and would most likely resulted in having the opportunity to join the Protectorate, but I can't think of anything that would resulted in having the opportunity to join the Free Drones. Any idea on what can you do with the knowledge of the train's location to join the Free Drones?


Aug 17, 2014
Black Angel I decided to test the train heist outcomes after replying to you, forgot to post about it here as well. Your answer is in the next section of the very same page.

Finding the train, not attacking the bandits and lying to Herve that you cannot find the train will lead to an opportunity to join the Free Drones.
This also applies if you persuade the bandits to leave the train alone. Just return to Herve and tell him you're stopping the search. Mysterious Lady will contact you afterwards as usual. I didn't test things up to the ending, but this might be the only way to save Rail Crossing as a Free Drone.

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