1. C>B ;
Well, it seems the FUN train has arrived. And very early it seems. Sorry for my impatience and thank you for your effort, treave! Some stuff to mention:
Erdrick has finally learned to read and write through his Google-translation spell. That, or he's going to write something for someone else to follow instructions. Or he began a diary to pass the time. Or perhaps his new Overlord status is starting to make him write a diary for someone else to "recover", in which he unconsciously adds clues that will lead to his downfall.
So saying, the duke glanced at the dark corner of the room, where he thought the Golden Snake was standing. The Barzamites’ little side excursion would have been unnoticed without his helpful report. A dangerous snake, that one is, but one he is forced to keep close to his chest nonetheless. It is all for the sake of the world.
Megalomania case detected. Also, Erd is going to be really surprised.
Furthermore, the Royal Caster Society have, upon my encouragement, agreed to contact Lord Elmont and ask for his assistance,” grinned Feist. “I do not think anything in that forest, short of the second coming of the Demon God Vaalgrahf himself, would pose a threat to the expedition.”
That's it. Now everyone must die, we cannot avoid the plot now that we have been mentioned. Plus so many people equal loads of xp to be distributed.

Anyway, time to DISCUSS!:
1. For Aria, the best bet would be... Any of them really. Along with learning some patience and humility, if that was an option.
treave, what kind of spells would she learn if we take A here? And would Arlin eventually develop his own fighting techniques if he focuses on his swordmanship? What about "stealth", what exactly does that entail? Not to mention Erdrick is not the most stealthy rogue ever existed. Lastly, what would these "utility spells" be? Do these include Invisibility? Or Teleport? Nevertheless, I say B and C are the best choices.
For Arlin, wizards>fighters>rogues. That's the status quo of DnD, unless we take into account anime techniques So C for now.
1.1: C>B;
1.2: C.
Regardless of the choice,
treave, it would help if you reposted their characters sheets please , in case the twins grew stronger since the last time we employed them.
2. Going in person is too risky and bound to make everyone extra paranoid. Even if the lulz faction is worth it, assuming they do not attach an anti-magic collar at the first opportunity, they'll force us to remove our hood, which will wreck our entire operation (unless during the next update, Erd retroactively learns he developed the ability to retract his angelic features inside his body these weeks he spent training the twins).
Arlin, as
Nevill said, risks being captured after the event to get to us. That only leaves Aria, Lucy (cow diplomacy!) and Rin. However, making the village do the dirty work for us is a good way to spent our earned favour.
So: 2
. B2>B3>B1>C
Additionally, the villagers need to annoy the adventurers as much as possible before starting the expedition so that they're more susceptible to subterfuge.
In any case, before they have a chance to move it would be good for Erd to quickly go to Ontoglia, "hire" the local monsters here and then bring these back so that we have a variety of traps and monsters to fill the castle with. Also,
treave, for some reason our 6 slimes have disappeared from the index post. Have they evolved and changed into something else perhaps?
3. Great, forgotten underground ruins. Good thing our crew is smarter than a bunch of stupid dwarves. Anyway: A sounds like it holds
Necrons a forgotten mine of some kind. B may be an underwater dungeon which may or may not contain fish people. C sounds like it contains "advanced" undead such as mummies, spirits and other fun stuff. The obviously sane and smart choice would be to not to go here yet, but the Codex is neither.
Random question,
treave: did Boss notice that upon noticing the ruins some of the goblins suddenly became racist, started ranting about the rats in the walls, strange beings with tongue-twisting names and something about the crawling darkness?
Anyway, for 3 I vote for
You are not a big fan of dungeon exploration, having done a lot of it in your career and finding that 99% of dungeons do not give worthwhile rewards and are just tedious grinds. It would take some time for you to muster enough inclination to go look at more dungeons, perhaps only after the adventurers have been dealt with.
Poor Erdrick had a bad choice of dungeons. I wonder what he thinks about dungeons with puzzles and/or underwater sections.
They regard Minotaur Firelord as training, huh? Must be some really confident fellows.
Nah, they're using the SRPG training method: throw a large bunch of meatbags at the enemy to weaken him, then finish him yourself to claim all of the credit/xp.