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[LP CYOA] Spiral


Jan 8, 2009
Interesting, here is a proper dead body and not a white sheet / trash bag incarnation. I suppose it must be fate.



May 22, 2012
Yay! Let's go for A.

Also, is our phone a camera phone? If so, we should really start taking pictures of any body we come across. It makes them easier to review later.


Aug 31, 2013
If so, we should really start taking pictures of any body we come across. It makes them easier to review later.



Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
“Hello?” When there is no response after a few seconds, you move. You approach the man timidly, taking care to avoid getting any blood on your shoes while closing in a few steps at a time, pausing to see if there is any movement. He continues to remain still, curled up on the floor, even after you have stepped right next to him. He is probably dead, but your hands are shaking nonetheless as you give his shoulders a gentle push. The man’s posture changes as his arms fall to his sides. His eyes are fixed wide, staring blankly ahead, and his jaw hangs half-open. The front of his shirt is soaked with blood. Clearly dead, you adjust your spectacles and revise your initial guess. You should begin inspecting his body, but first… Looking around, you find a box of rubber gloves lying nearby. They snap onto your hands in a very satisfying manner – safety and hygiene should take priority – and you kneel down to begin your inspection.


A. You take a couple of shots of the body with the phone before you begin. Just for the record, of course.

B. Why would you want pictures of dead people on the phone? That’s a creepy thing to do.


The body belongs to a middle-aged man of non-descript features – he would not look out of place as a salaryman in any bar down the street. The white coat marks him as a doctor of the hospital, and the staff tag on the front of his coat confirms it: Dr. Usui Hiroki, of the general wards. That is probably where you are at the moment. A clipboard lies cradled in his lap; when you pick it up, you find that only a single sheet of the notes clipped to it remain legible.

Interns on duty today:

Kousaka Mafuyu

Makiri Natsuko

Tokigawa Kou (sick leave)

Furuda Jun

Turning your attention back to the corpse, you take a closer look at his wounds. There are holes in his shirt and in his flesh, consistent with what you would expect to find from a bullet. A gun? You are not sure if it was fired at close or long range, but from the size of the entry wound and the lack of an exit wound, it would appear to a small caliber firearm. Why would there be a shooting in the hospital?You freeze up as you consider the worst possibility. Could this place be run by the yakuza? If so, it is a very shady place for you to wake up in. Thankfully, all of your organs seem to be in your body.

From the colour of his skin, and the condition of the blood, you think that Dr. Usui likely bled out after dragging himself into this ward. He could not have died more than a few hours ago. You cannot remember whether you were here at the time – the part of your memory that pertains to this hospital, in particular, only seems to stretch back as far as the last few minutes since you woke up. It would be disturbing to think that he died in here while you were sleeping blissfully, unaware of the events happening around you.

Rummaging through his pockets, you find little else of note. There is only a single 10,000-yen note in his wallet, and two bank cards. Of course, that is more than what you have at the moment, but it still feels quite threadbare to you. Besides the obvious stethoscope hanging from his neck, you also find a thin little torchlight the size of a pen, and a pocket thermometer. None of these seem to be very useful in defending yourself. Still…


A. Loot the body.

B. Don’t loot the body.


You stand back up, stretching your back. It is then that you hear the sounds of hushed conversation from the outside, and soon after, the door to the ward swings open. The boy that has just opened the door yells at the sight of you, bloodied gloves and all. He tenses up – you can almost perceive his brain ticking away furiously, trying to decide whether to run or to fight – and he is about to make that decision when his opportunity is taken away from him. A girl close to his age appears behind the boy, preventing him from making a hasty retreat even if he wanted to.

“What’s that, what did you find, Sakimura? Another body?”

“Uehara! What are you doing? Get out of here, it’s the murderer! Quick, I’ll hold him off!” shouts the boy in a panic.

Uehara peers over his shoulder, and at you. A slight gleam of fear shines in her eyes – understandable, given how you must look right now – and she backs away, pulling at Sakimura’s hand. In the next second, however, she blinks and her expression suddenly becomes more resolute. “Who… are you?” she calls out nervously.

Sakimura, who had been ready to flee with her, twists his face in disbelief. Still, when she shows no signs of retreating, he stands his ground next to the girl and glares at you. “Y-yeah, that’s right! Who are you? Did you kill all these people? Answer us!”



A. “I… this isn’t what it looks like. I’m… I’m a doctor.” You try to spin up a lie to explain what you have been doing in the ward.

B. “I didn’t kill anyone. I just… woke up in this room, and the body was already there.” You explain that you don’t know why you are here in the first place.

C. “Get... get out of my way!” You try to run past the teenagers before they attack you. They might be younger, but the boy looks rather strong for his age.

D. “…” You remain silent, looking at the floor and hoping they will just go away.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Let's not get locked up again.

Having the guy's stuff on us would make it look as if we killed him for it and taking the picture with our phone will be evidence of our innocence. We remember from last time that we look like an unwashed, jobless guy, so they won't believe we're a doctor. Running would make us look guilty and we don't know that Mori isn't bring up the rear or wouldn't hunt for us afterward.

If that vote doesn't win, then AAC - escape is our only other option.
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Take a photo for reference, anyone with half a brain (i.e. anyone who is not Sakimura) would be able to confirm that the death happened and the body was dragged into the ward several hours ago. It would not make sense for us to still be here, inspecting the body, after all this time.


Don't see why we would need any of the man's items, and we definitely should not take the money. That would qualify as a motive and make us a suspect.


May 22, 2012
A. You take a couple of shots of the body with the phone before you begin. Just for the record, of course.


ABB for sure! I'd rather not pick up stuff from the body in this scene because the initial suspicion is going to be rather unfriendly, I just hope that one of the group will pick it up or another chance to scavenge it will turn up later. It's not as if that guy has a use for the flashlight any longer, after all, but if we're just cramming his stuff in our pockets right before they show up then it's just going to be more bad news in spoiled first impressions. (Not that we were going to have stellar ones anyway...)


Oct 25, 2013
Tokigawa is on sick leave?
That same Tokigawa, who was our resident doctor in previous nights?

Edit: I just noticed that we could pretend to be doctor, if we loot the body....

AAA for now.
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Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
You'd have the nurse covering for him, too. It would quickly become a conspiracy.

I wonder if we would try to pose as him if we call ourselves a doctor. That ruse should not hold for long.


Jan 8, 2009

I would loot him if he had any weapons, as per the Maid Helper, but he doesn't.


Mar 17, 2014
AAB some of that gear might be of use
So loot him but ONLY OF HIS GEAR. None of the cash.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
You wouldn't. At least, I wouldn't screw you guys over in such an obvious manner.

So, if we loot the body, will we be taking the cash and/or credit cards? It's not like we can use it, and it looks bad. Worse than taking a thermometer and a flashlight, I mean.

The guy is full of gun holes, and we don't have a gun - that might alleviate the accusations raised against us, - but the fact that we can't remember anything is going to look suspicious like hell.

It would be nice not to provoke people unnecessarily.


Aug 30, 2008


That stuff sounds very useful actually. How we'll explain our looting may prove troublesome.
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Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
So, if we loot the body, will we be taking the cash and/or credit cards? It's not like we can use it, and it looks bad. Worse than taking a thermometer and a flashlight, I mean.

It's only bad if they find it on you and you don't have a justification for it. Staff tags have RFIDs on them, and may be useful for getting into places. Cash might have its uses even in this place. Cards are not very helpful, particularly since his name is on them, but in a pinch you can use those to open up simple locks. The stethoscope, thermometer and flashlight can help with a doctor cover story, or alternatively, if you're in a pinch, used to strangle or stab people.

Well, it's all down to whether you want to risk it or not. Certainly you can find replacements elsewhere, this is a hospital, not a wasteland, after all. :lol:


Mar 17, 2014
I sau take the flashlight and RFID tag. Just say it might be helpful in this place.

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