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In Progress [LP CYOA] Tower


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The fact that they don't say "everything will be right as Rain" for nothing. :M

There is no certainty, but I don't see her brought up by the Spaniards either. She was only hit because she stood up for the "devil boy".

She has no connection to the incident, and by the commander's orders can not be purged on site unless proven fully inhuman, which I doubt she is. She is going to live until the trial, if there is to be one, unless we do something to provoke them.

...Personally, I do believe she'll live even if we run away alone, but I am being optimistic here.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
So, what makes you B voters so certain Rain will be okay?
In none of the three choices is Rain's fate secure.

In A1, we could fail and worsen both our positions. That or we could somehow have Rain alone get away, separating her form us, but perhaps(?) keeping her safe.

In A2, Rain is could be worse off or better off, depending on whether or not we can actually rescue her before her interrogation, trial and execution.

In B, we're bidding our time and hoping to improve our lot somehow. Rain is with us for the moment. If we have to escape, hopefully she will be nearby.

All of these are fairly high-risk, but A1 feels a little foolish given how weakened we are, and how outclassed the knights are compared to us. Consider that our dexterity is a 5, and we're up against at least one knight who could outmaneuver a vampire. Add to that that we would be carrying Rain.

As always, I would be willing to flop to it were a good argument made though. (Hint: "It will work! It will be cool! We can learn king fu if we pick it!" are not good arguments.)

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
...Personally, I do believe she'll live even if we run away alone, but I am being optimistic here.
There's also the possibility that both options lead to capture. With different judgments made about our character and guilt in either case.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Hmm... naah, don't think treave would do that. His C&C are usually better than that. More diverse.

We are pretty quiet, and no one is looking our way. I just don't see any indication that the thing we are decent at doing would fail given another choice that is more likely to give that result.

Moral character and guilt don't make sense as consequences. Why would any of them care if we grabbed Rain or not on our way out?

Edit: leaving Rain behind is already a big negative, so even if it succeeds, the consequences would be grave enough to correlate with my expectations givn an already bad situation. It's choices with seemingly no drawbacks that I find suspicious; where's the catch?
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Jan 6, 2012
In B we're surrendering ourselves into imprisonment under the watchful guard of the knights. Sure, hopefully we'll have a better opportunity (which mostly seems like PRAY to Uridimmu), but our odds are really not looking better there than they are now, when we have an unguarded moment to run for it and a distraction as a report is being made. Drawing upon Uridimmu's power while surrounded by knights seems a hell of a lot worse than trying to do the same in A1. I don't think we're going to get a Get Out Of Jail Free card with B here. I wouldn't be surprised if calling upon Uridimmu while surrounded by knights ended up being the suicide option. So what amazing opportunities are you guys hoping for with B there?

So here's my case for A1 having better odds of success: All we need to do is find any other group who will take us in or draw upon Uridimmu's power while we run or just get lucky and manage to escape in an unexpected direction (like the wilds or a towerspace passage) and we can escape successfully. Meanwhile B doesn't seem to have any scenario for how it will give us better odds of anything. I feel like B votes are predicated on Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt about the cost of doing something while simultaneously being borderline willfully ignorant about the cost of doing nothing.

As for the judgment made about our character because we ran, we can just point out that the knight wanted to fucking kill us all, which is a pretty good reason to run. Speaking of which, that appeared to include Rain.

I was expecting Liz would be going with the Cannibal Duke regardless of our choice.... but I saw the vote out come well before I could add my thoughts to the mix.

I feel the B would be most consistent with Wrinkly's character so far.
Incidentally, that's completely wrong. If that were our MC's character we would've stuck with the Hunter cabin in the prologue. Our character is to leave instead of surrender Rain and ourselves into the custody of shitty people, even if the going is rough.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I feel like B votes are predicated on Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt about the cost of doing something while simultaneously being borderline willfully ignorant about the cost of doing nothing.
Which is what got us into this mess to begin with. (Or potentially saved us and Rain from Sphere Diplomacy, we don't actually know.) Understandable.
As for the judgment made about our character because we ran, we can just point out that the knight wanted to fucking kill us all, which is a pretty good reason to run. Speaking of which, that appeared to include Rain.
Yes, which makes leaving her a poor option.
Incidentally, that's completely wrong. If that were our MC's character we would've stuck with the Hunter cabin in the prologue. Our character is to leave instead of surrender Rain and ourselves into the custody of shitty people, even if the going is rough.
This is my biggest problem with B. We don't just sit and twiddle our thumbs, we run or we fight. That's our persona. We stood up to John Bull, that was in character, but sitting on our hands and hoping for mercy is not.

If we go out, at least we should go out like a man, rather than gutted like a pig in some dank cell. If we gamble, it should be a gamble of action and not inaction.

Very well. Flopping A1.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Though I will add that seeing as how these people seem to know who John Bull is, staying and trying to get along with them against all odds might be our path to Liz in B. Though maybe not the only path if we could somehow find Tlalli.

Or they may kill us. :M

I've made my flop though, so you all debate among yourselves.


Jan 6, 2012
I honestly have a feeling that B votes would lead to Knight Diplomacy being the new Sphere Diplomacy.

Treave: "Okay, you're caught at the scene of a ruined hospital, a knight just attacked your friend (and later also gouged out your eye and made his intention to kill the lot of you clear). Their order kills inhumans, hates devils, and considers you tainted and suspicious. You have been in league with a devil that you loosed upon the hospital, your ward Rain is an inhuman also, and later they have a witness ready to finger you as the culprit for that disaster which they are now investigating. You have two opportunities to try to escape this. What do you do?"
Codex: "I'll stay. Maybe do some diplomacy."

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Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
There's also the possibility that both options lead to capture. With different judgments made about our character and guilt in either case.

I will guarantee that the three choices offered here each provide different and lasting consequences for Wrinkly. :M


Jan 6, 2012
I must admit I loved rubbing Yuhe Finger into people's faces. Still do, as a matter of fact. Honestly, rubbing bad choices into people's faces is a major perk of Codex CYOAs. There have been many times when I was like "There is an effective way to persuade someone, and then there's a way to get them defensive and retarded voting against my recommendation, which will let me rub their choices in the faces afterwards." and hands down, I will go with the latter option. Fucking with people is just one of those perks I'm not ready to let go of.


Jan 6, 2012
Yeah, I regret that one. It would've been awesome. Also the vote to not fight the sword duo with Yunzi. Maybe also the vote to let Yunzi go like she wanted, which was the decent thing to do anyway, but it would've been interesting to pick the other route on it. Those votes all ended well though, even if the alternative was likely to be more fun. I'm sure there were worse votes.
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Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
Heh, if this goes side-ways, I guess I can rub it in Absinthe's face so much? :troll:

And if not, then we can speculate whether choosing B would've been a better choice, but noone will ever really know (except treave, and he doesn't kiss and tell :obviously: )


Jan 6, 2012
I'm detecting a little butthurt there, Azira. :smug:

And of course you do. But it works better with people who can't give a fair assessment of their own poor decision-making, and in this case you wouldn't have a leg to stand on, because you actually created this shit situation with your last B vote. :lol:
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Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
What Goes Around

Quietly, slowly, you inch your body towards Rain, praying that they would not notice. The ground is wet, muddy with the ichor of the malformed beasts that the knights had slain. Rain’s blonde hair is plastered to her face with sweat and blood, her eyes shut. She seems to be unconscious still. Good, that would make it easier.

You reach out for her, slowly circling your hand around her waist, and draw her close to you. The knights are still talking, their gazes elsewhere. It would be too risky to make a break for it so close to them, and so you continue to shimmy on the ground, hoping that you can put enough of a distance between you and them. With Antonio’s attention turned to the commander of the knights, the back gates are left open. If you could just manage to get there, and slip into the streets of the city…

Rain groans unconsciously, enough to draw their attention.

“And there we have it. If they’re trying to run, then they must be guilty, Commander. Do I have permission?”

Moments before you are home free, Antonio speaks up. The golden knight sighs, and answers. “Very well, clean up this mess. The augurs have sensed the Black Hound’s paw in this, and we have no more time to waste.”

You curse, scrambling to your feet, holding Rain to you. You are close, so close, and if you break into a run here, you could still lose them before they catch up to you.

“Scatter, Claw of Achlys.”

The black mud that flowed freely from his dagger swirls and scatters at his command, evaporating into a dark cloud that flies towards you faster than you can run. If they underestimated your resilience, you certainly underestimated what they were truly capable of. Your instincts warn you that the dark mist is deadly, but with it closing in around you there is nothing else you can do.

“What’s… going on?”

Rain, regaining her consciousness and still groggy, looks up at you. You look back, and not for the first time tonight, remember the fire and the flames. What your father and mother did. That you survived, and your sister died.

Your body moves by itself and you throw yourself over Rain, shielding her with your body. The mist falls upon you in its entirety. The start is gradual, a tingling, itching sensation upon your skin, but soon it turns into pure, excruciating pain. Pain enough for you to scream. The mist melts through your clothes, eats through your skin, stripping flesh from bone. Rain, nestled underneath you as you curl around her even more tightly despite the pain, is showered in your blood. Staring at your ravaged body, she shakes her head and tries to push you off her, to stop you, but you hold fast. You hold fast, even as the mist decomposes your flesh, spilling part of your guts.

In her desperation.

She screams.

And the Tower answers.

There is a great rumbling both in the ground and in the air, followed swiftly by a loud, cracking noise that splits the world.

You hear Antonio shriek in fear, and his commander shout out in disbelief.

What happens next… you are not sure. Everything spins around and crashes together. Amidst the pain your consciousness winks in and out, though there remains a single constant that sticks in your mind. Joyful, mirthful laughter. The Hound’s laughter, in the darkness. Cackling and barking, and utterly satisfied.

When the merry-go-round of destruction ceases, somehow, you are alive. Half rotten, half melted, but breathing. Yet a visage of hell greets your eyes. The once thriving city of New Vienna is ruins, as far as the eye can see. Strange, twisted structures have pierced up through the ground, pushing aside the man-made buildings that humanity has taken such pride in, even the greatest of which look puny in comparison to these thorny spires. A great, black sun hangs in crimson space, burning like a baleful dark eye. Far above it, the sky has split apart, showing the crumbling remnants of the floor above, tumbling down to this level.

In front of you, Rain floats, her eyes fixed upon the black sun. Her golden locks have been bleached silver, and they stretch out far past below her legs, waving like the tendrils of some unfathomable sea creature. The world continues to rumble, twisting and groaning. As if the Tower itself were a writhing, giant worm.

You call out to Rain, but she does not respond.

Not far away, you see the knights… or at least, what is left of them. It is an exceedingly strange sight. Parts of them are peeking out of the ruins. Here an arm buried in the wall. There, half a face embedded in a pillar. Antonio’s face was found amongst these, and he was still alive. He was screaming, struggling, but all that availed to was his skin of his face ripping away from the stone that he was buried in.

And then, there was the commander. He had somehow managed to escape the worst of it, though not unscathed. One of his arms was missing. His helmet was lost, revealing a young man with tousled black hair, who could not have been ten years older than you. His gaze was firmly fixed upon Rain, full of resolve, and he was chanting.

Sancta Mater, istud agas.

He places his hand on the ground, fingers firmly gripping the dirt. Then, he draws from the earth a spear. An unassuming, normal spear, of wood and iron.

Crucifixi fige plagas.

Yet, he chants. The chant echoes, solemn and mournful. He raises the spear high, tears of fervor streaming down his face as a pillar of divine light shrouds him.

Cordi meo valide.

He pulls his remaining good arm back, preparing to hurl it at Rain. Time itself seems to slow down as he does so.

And so here we are, child.

In front of you floats a black, wicked spear, glowing with a purple as vile as the commander’s spear is holy. Was it the same spear from all those years ago? It no longer mattered.

Take it, and you might just be able to return the Key to the Lock. Though do so, knowing that you will no longer be yourself.

Uridimmu chuckles.

Regardless, I have already won.


A. With the last of your strength, you scramble in front of Rain and shield her from the spear. The Astra of the silver shield is still with you, and it might do some good here. No matter what happens to you, you refuse to give Uridimmu the satisfaction of having his prediction come true.

B. You accept Uridimmu’s offer. Though you may no longer be yourself, if there is a chance to save Rain and survive, you will take it. As Uridimmu puts it, he has already won. Then, perhaps you should align with the winning side.

C. You do not interfere. You are already exceedingly lucky to have survived the black mist, and to push yourself here might spell your doom. You do not know what the spear would do, and who is to say it would harm Rain?
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Jun 10, 2022
God do I feel smug now knowing that I called it a few pages ago: running means admission of guilt.

Anyways, I vote A. because dying as a human is still better than whatever fresh hell has befallen the tower. Unless of course you still think you can outsmart an eldricht abomination, in that case, go nuts (P.S. I have this beautiful bridge for sale, DM me for the details).


Serial Ratist
Jan 30, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

Holy Mother, pierce me through,
In my heart each wound renew,
of my Savior crucified!

So be it.

But it works better with people who can't give a fair assessment of their own poor decision-making

Was this directed at me (in which case I'll answer), or just a general comment?

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