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Completed [LP] Enlist in the Royal Dragoons! Codex plays Sabres of Infinity

Nov 29, 2016
Whoops, forgot to update yesterday. Sorry!

"Staff Sergeant, I know Lieutenant Cazarosta well enough to assure you that he has a sharp tactical mind. I have little doubt that this strategem of his will succeed."

"If you insist, sir."

"I do. Now, if you have nothing further, you are dismissed." Your sergeant having been dealt with, you retreat into your bedroll. Exhausted, you quickly fall asleep.

The next day, you awake to the brassy tones of reveille a half an hour before sunrise. It takes some doing to get your men to wake and fall into marching order. By the time you report in with your Squadron, the sun is aleady firmly above the horizon. Elson and Cazarosta are already waiting with their troops. the Captain's impatient expression does not fill you with much pride.

With the squadron assembled, the Captain gives the signal to begin the long ride into battle.

Wherein the cavalry officer leads his newly assembled troop into BATTLE for the FIRST time.
You squint at the reflected glory of the afternoon sun on the distant river as your hands direct the lens of your spyglass towards the wisps of banesign tugging at your mind. Even from a kilometre away, the Antari presence is obvious: a rough palisade surrounds a temporary camp nestled on the far side of the only bridge across the river for as far as you can see; the uncovered steel of its inhabitants' equipment glints in the reddening sun of the late afternoon; and of course, you cannot miss the residual banesign of three hundred men, camped in concentration.

"Well, Ortiga? Have our Antari friends finally found for themselves the wisdom of an expeditious withdrawal?"

You turn and shake your head at Captain Elson as you fold away your field telescope.

"I'm afraid not sir. We shall have to fight them after all."

"Very good then." Elson turns to his own troop sergeant. "Villaneuva, pray order the men to dismount and step into the brush — We shan't have some alert Antari officer sensing our banesign coming down the road — and fetch Lieutenant Cazarosta from the rear-guard."

He favours you with a sour grin.

"If our dear… friend Cazarosta has judged the location of that ford right, then all might even go according to plan tonight. We might all live through this day yet!" It takes a moment for you to note the uncharacteristic cynicism of Elson's words; by the time you do, it is too late to mention anything, as you see Cazarosta approaching from the rear of the marching column.


The Captain looks at you, then at Cazarosta, then back to you as the three of you stand before the head of the column.

"I am sure you've remembered the planned course of this upcoming action, so I shall be brief: The most dangerous role of this plan shall belong to those men who must ford the river and attack the Antari from behind. They shall be cut off, outnumbered and fighting in darkness. As our priority is to be the complete destruction of retreating elements of the Antari force," the Captain shoots a pointed look at Cazarosta, "I must remain behind with the bulk of our forces to set the blocking force and co-ordinate pursuit. I shall not force either of you to lead your men into the undue risk of leading the flanking force, but it must be done, and by one of you two."

You understand what Elson is asking of you in the space of a second. You take a quick look at Cazarosta, then turn back to Elson, a bright worried expression on your face. The Captain nods.

"I shall need one of you to volunteer."

You decide to:

1) Volunteer to be the flanking force.
2) Say nothing.

As of the Summer of the 607th year of the Old Imperial Era

Alaric d'al Ortiga
Age: 19
Rank: Lieutenant
Wealth: 550
Income: 10

Soldiering: 74%

Charisma: 40%

Intellect: 0%

Reputation: 45%

Health: 75%

Idealism: 81% Cynicism: 19%

Ruthlessness: 31% Mercy: 69%

You have no decorations as of yet.

Sixth Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Senior NCO: Staff- Sergeant Hernandes

Discipline: 30%

Morale: 27%

Loyalty: 30%
(Born 578 OIE) Lieutenant in the Royal Tierran Navy, Third Lieutenant, HMS Victorious, Baneless.

(Born 585 OIE) Lieutenant of the Royal Dragoon Regiment. Illegitimate son of the Countess of Leoniscourt. Deathborn.

(Born 556 OIE) Lord colonel of the Royal Dragoon Regiment. Knight-Grandmaster of the order of Saint Jerome. A sitting member of the Cortes and head of the noble house of Findlay. Married with three children. Banecaster of the 8th Calibre.

(Born 584 OIE) Captain of the Royal Dragoon Regiment, eldest son of the Baron of Hawthorne , a poor, but politically influential Cortes noble. In possession of aspirations to knighthood.Banecaster of the 3rd Calibre.

(Born 578 OIE) Corporal of the Royal Dragoon Regiment, formerly in service to the Ortiga family. Baneless.

(Born 572 OIE) Corporal of the Royal Dragoon Regiment, popular with the men. Baneless.

(Born 578 OIE) Staff Sergeant Sergeant of the Royal Dragoon Regiment, disciplinarian. Baneless.

(Born 574 OIE) Sergeant of the Royal Dragoon Regiment, formerly of the 4th Regiment of Foot.Baneless.

(Born 575 OIE) A staff officer of the Grenadier Guards Regiment with the rank of captain. Baneblood.

(Born 565 OIE) The Commanding officer of the Third Squadron of the Royal Dragoon Regiment. holds the rank of captain. Baneblood.

(Born 586 OIE) Reigning monarch of the Unified Kingdom of Tierra as well as Duke of Aetoria. Young and impetuous, but capable. Baneblood.

(Born 565 OIE) Captain of the List in the Royal Tierran Navy. Commanding officer, HMSVictorious. Baneless

(Born 577 OIE) An officer of the Grenadier Guards Regiment. Knight-Captain of the Order of Saint Jerome. Commanding officer of Second Battalion, Grenadier Guards. Banecaster of the 9th Calibre.

(Born 542 OIE) Lieutenant General in command of Tierran forces in Antar. Duke of the northern duchy of Wulfram. An experienced, but conservative career soldier. Banecaster of the 6th Calibre.



SPRING, 602:

With the thawing of the winter snows, the Tierran Army has begun expanding its beachhead around the town of Noringia.

The King has demanded that at least three Regiments of Foot and one Regiment of Horse must be deployed reinforce the forces in Antar by the end of summer.

The Earl of Crittenden, Port-Admiral at Northern Pillars, reports the Calligian Sea to be free of Antari warships.

SUMMER, 602:

Elements of the King's Army have reached the River Kharan. Construction has begun on numerous outposts along the river.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that a large Antari army is being mustered to repel the Tierran Army. His Grace the Duke of Wulfram is dispatched to take overall command of the Tierran Army in Antar.

The Northern Fleet attempts to launch an amphibious raid against the Antari port of Kharangia. Shore batteries repel the attack. The Northern Fleet loses two frigates, and a third-rate of the line.

The Royal Dragoon Regiment lands in Antar, along with the 6th of Foot, the 8th of Foot and the Kentauri Highlanders.

AUTUMN, 602:

A 14 000-strong Antari army advances south from Octobirit, with the intent of retaking Noringia.

The Duke of Wulfram assembles a force of nine regiments, numbering 6 000 men, to face the Antari, with the intention of isolating individual columns and destroying the enemy by detail.

WINTER, 602:

After a twelve-day running battle, the last 4 500 survivors of the Antari army surrender to the Duke of Wulfram's troops, 70 km northeast of Noringia. Thousands of men die on both sides from the bitter winter weather.

The Duke of Wulfram makes the decision to bypass the heavily fortified city of Kharangia. As a result, the River Kharan is designated the main line of defence on the western front. Elements of the Grenadier Guards, the 9th of Foot and the White Rose Lancers are dispatched to reinforce the picket forces already present.

SPRING, 603:

Increased Tierran presence along the River Kharan has led to an increase in partisan activity.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports evidence of a second Antari army being assembled in northwestern Antar.

SUMMER, 603:

An army of 18 000 Antari advances south from Octobirit. Their intention is to retake Noringia.

The Earl of Weathern, Deputy Privy Councilor for War, proposes that His Tierran Majesty offer the Antari favourable peace terms coupled with the payment of a face-saving level of war reparations. The proposal is dismissed out of hand.

AUTUMN, 603:

The Duke of Wulfram successfully forces the Antari to divide their army into three parts, all of which are destroyed by Tierran forces over a period of two weeks.

SUMMER, 604:

The King requests that the Cortes add an additional 2 000 000 crowns per annum to the military budget, for the purpose of maintaining the Tierran forces in Antar. The proposal passes, barely.

AUTUMN, 604:

The Duke of Wulfram leads a reconnaissance-in-force into the central plains of Antar, burning sixteen villages and disrupting the harvest in that region.

Antari envoys to the Convocation of the Orders-Militant put forward a motion to excommunicate the Unified Kingdom of Tierra and declare them Pariah-Among-Nations.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that Prince Mikhail of Khorobirit demanded that the League Congress supply him with the authority to recruit fighting men from the holdings of all Antari lords, for the purpose of creating an army to throw the Tierrans into the sea. He receives overwhelming support, but is vetoed by a personal rival.

WINTER, 604:

Central Antar is hit by a severe famine, thanks to the raiding of Tierran forces. The death toll reaches 75 000 by the beginning of spring.

SPRING, 605:

The Cortes votes to raise a tax on pewter bowls and plates to maintain the war in Antar. The state coffers, having once possessed reserves in excess of 30 000 000 crowns, is now empty.

AUTUMN, 605:

Antari envoys appeal to both the Court of the Sun and Heavens of Kian'Zi and the Richsenaat of Takara for aid against the Tierrans.

SPRING, 606:

The Antari begin mounting major raids into Tierran-held Antar, comprising rapidly-moving forces of one to two hundred men.

The Convocation of the Orders-Militant vote against declaring Tierra Pariah-Among-Nations by a narrow margin.

SUMMER, 605:

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that a series of "accidental deaths" have befallen several known personal and political enemies of Prince Mikhail of Khorobirit.

SUMMER, 606:

The Ministry of the Exchequer announces that the Tierran government will be more than 2 500 000 crowns in debt by the end of 608.

AUTUMN, 606:

The King presents the Duke of Wulfram with an ultimatum: end the war in Tierra's favour within a year, or face dismissal from service.

The King requests an additional 3 000 000 crowns per annum from the Cortes to expand the Royal Army. His proposal is voted down by a margin of three to one. The Throne's political position is growing dangerously precarious.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that Prince Mikhail of Khorobirit has successfully enlisted the aid and resources of nearly two hundred Lords of the Congress for the purpose of building his army.

Riots break out in Tannersburg over the rising cost of bread. Without Antari imports, the price of grain has risen three-fold.

The Duke of Wulfram attempts another reconnaissance-in-force into the central plains, but is intercepted by a force of Antari cavalry. A six day running battle proves inconclusive, with heavy losses on both sides.

WINTER, 606:

The Earl of Weathern once again proposes opening peace talks with the Antari, this time, to an open session of the Cortes. His motion passes by a margin of seven votes. For the first time in three decades, a King of Tierra uses his royal prerogative to veto the motion.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that the League Congress has given Mikhail of Khorobirit the authority to recruit an army to defeat the Tierrans within the next year.

Richsgraav Maximillian vam Holt of the Takaran Richsenaat proposes sending observers to both Antari and Tierran armies to gain a better understanding of the Tierran-Antari war.

The Cortes votes to raise taxes on coffee and postage stamps for the purposes of financing the war in Antar and raising three additional Regiments of Foot to reinforce the Tierran Army. The average Tierran now pays twice as much in taxes as he did a decade ago.

SPRING, 607:

Antari raids increase in intensity and power, to the consternation of Grenadier Square.

Royal Tierran Intelligence reports that Mikhail of Khorobirit has assembled an army of 40 000 men and is advancing south.

Intendants representing the Takaran government arrive in Antar.


Aug 17, 2015

Cazarosta said:
The Antari have failed to guard or post lookouts there. We must then assume that they do not know of its existence.
That's where you would say "may then assume". I did not feel the virtuosity. We already saved Elson's life. Min-maxing relations in favor of Elson seems sensible.

I find it strange that the rabble get assigned to the cavalry of all things. Is our fatality rate so bad?
Nov 29, 2016
I find it strange that the rabble get assigned to the cavalry of all things. Is our fatality rate so bad?

Dragoons are one of the least prestigious types of cavalry, being a weird cross between light/medium cav and skirmish infantry. We just aren't as important as the heavy cav regiments, unfortunately.
Nov 29, 2016
You step forward.

"I'll see it done, sir."

Elson nods quickly, a sad little smile forming on his lips, as if he thought you had no idea what you had just agreed to.

"Very good, Ortiga. Cazarosta and I will remain here to await signs of your success. See to your men."

Taking those words for a dismissal, you snap off a quick salute and turn away.

"Oh, and Ortiga?"

"Yes, sir?" You turn over your shoulder.

He puts on an insolent grin, a last fragment of the boyishness which he has long outgrown.

"Good hunting."


You peer into the darkening waters of the swift stream nervously as you and your men stand at the southern bank. Even with the supposed end of the ford marked with paint by Cazarosta's forward scouts, you have no idea how safe the crossing is. To ford any significantly sized body of water in broad daylight under the best possible conditions is difficult enough; but now you must manage this crossing in utter darkness, while remaining undetected by the Antari sentries just two kilometres downstream.

There are, of course, ways to make the crossing easier. You could always tie up the horses on river bank. After all, crossing a river would be much easier if you didn't have to drag a gaggle of tempramental, easily flustered beasts along. However, the loss of the mobility which your mounts provide may prove fatal in the coming battle.

You could also send a detachment of your men ahead to scout the ford and make sure that it is both where you think it is and secure enough to cross along. It would be a time-consuming process, but it would certainly make the crossing less risky… for you, at least.

"Staff Sergeant? What do you suggest?"

Hernandes takes a look at the freezing water and shivers for a minute.

"L-let us proceed w-with care sir. I would n-not like to fall into w-water like that, n-nor would I much like to b-be pulled into it b-by a temperamental horse."

1) Leave the horses and have some of my men scout the ford carefully.
2) Leave the horses, and proceed across the ford without further delay.
3) Take the horses with me, but have my men scout the ford carefully.
4) Take the horses and ford the river without delay.

As of the Summer of the 607th year of the Old Imperial Era

Alaric d'al Ortiga
Age: 19
Rank: Lieutenant
Wealth: 550
Income: 10

Soldiering: 74%

Charisma: 40%

Intellect: 0%

Reputation: 45%

Health: 75%

Idealism: 81% Cynicism: 19%

Ruthlessness: 31% Mercy: 69%

You have no decorations as of yet.

Sixth Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Senior NCO: Staff- Sergeant Hernandes

Discipline: 30%

Morale: 27%

Loyalty: 30%
Nov 29, 2016
You decide haste, not caution, must be the order of the day. You lead your men across the ford without further precaution.

Things go well at first, but halfway across the ford, you head the gunshot crack of breaking bone behind you.

You turn to see the dark water staining red under you as a horse a dozen paces behind you thrashes this way and that, having broken its leg on an uneven stone. Caught in its bridle, the unfortunate horse's master is thrown about like a rag doll. You can do nothing but hope that the frantic screams of man and horse alike do not alert the enemy downstream.

The other men back away from the panicked horse and hapless Dragoon, lest they be caught in the doomed pair's terminal movements. Then, there is another crash, as both horse and cavalryman tumble into a channel of deeper water.

They are not seen again. Thoroughly chastened, you and your remaining men make their way across the frigid water. The men grumble, and look over their shoulders, but they still meet your gaze when you give the order to fall into a loose marching order.

The treacherous river behind you, you and your men set off into the woods, your horses drawn behind you and guided with only the dying light of the sunset and the faint mental tugging of banesign.


Your banesense steers you unerringly through the darkness of the forest. Dragging your reluctant mounts with you, it takes you the better part of two hours to guide your men through the treacherous forest, but finally, you emerge from the woods on to the road, some five or six hundred paces from the palisade of the Antari camp.

It seems that you have managed to reach your objective in sufficient haste. Even from your distant vantage point, you can see the Antari gates standing open and unbarred. The sentries standing guard atop the gate slump next to the unlit watchfires: the weary afternoon watch counting down the minutes until their relief by the first set of night sentries.

Now comes the difficult part: you must get your men inside the Antari camp, without alerting the Antari and giving them enough time to rally. Should the enemy have the chance to bring their superior numbers to bear, you and your men would surely be trapped and cut to pieces.

You decide that the best course of action would be to:

1) Charge through the open gate on horseback: We'll use speed to take the Antari by surprise!
2) Bluff the enemy into letting me in.

As of the Summer of the 607th year of the Old Imperial Era

Alaric d'al Ortiga
Age: 19
Rank: Lieutenant
Wealth: 550
Income: 10

Soldiering: 74%

Charisma: 40%

Intellect: 0%

Reputation: 45%

Health: 75%

Idealism: 81% Cynicism: 19%

Ruthlessness: 31% Mercy: 69%

You have no decorations as of yet.

Sixth Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Senior NCO: Staff- Sergeant Hernandes

Discipline: 30%

Morale: 25%

Loyalty: 28%


Jan 5, 2011
since we have a brain of paramecium i think our job is rush and kill everything so its 1 for me
Last edited:
Nov 29, 2016
You turn back to your men.

"The time for subtlety is over. To your horses, gentlemen."

You and your men mount up and spur your horses faster and faster, until you are thundering down the road, knee-to-knee in a solid mass of horseflesh, soldiery and bared steel. The Antari at the gate stare in shock as your rolling tide of noise and fury closes towards them with what must be a terrifying rapidity.

As you approach the gate, you cannot help but appreciate the opportunity the dumbstruck sentries provide. You quickly sheathe your sabre and put your reins in your mouth. Quick as a flash, your two heavy-barreled pistols are in your hands. You pull both triggers at once a second before you pass under the gate, time enough to see both men stagger and crumple. Then, finally, you are through.

Your men charge into the midst of the Antari camp, trampling men and tents underfoot in an seemingly unstoppable tide of horseflesh. It is only when you reach the centre of the enemy encampment that you see the desperate knots of resistance beginning to form around you. Antari soldiers in groups of five or six are beginning to fight back with whatever weapons they have on hand. The crack of muskets sound from all sides. One of your Dragoons tumbles from his saddle, a bloody crater in his chest. You must come up with a plan and quickly.

1) Keep the men together and have them concentrate on one pocket of resistance at a time.
2) Set the men loose, hoping their individual enthusiasm will carry the day.
3) Have the majority of my men distract the enemy while I deal with each group one at a time.

As of the Summer of the 607th year of the Old Imperial Era

Alaric d'al Ortiga
Age: 19
Rank: Lieutenant
Wealth: 550
Income: 10

Soldiering: 74%

Charisma: 40%

Intellect: 0%

Reputation: 45%

Health: 75%

Idealism: 81% Cynicism: 19%

Ruthlessness: 31% Mercy: 69%

You have no decorations as of yet.

Sixth Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Senior NCO: Staff- Sergeant Hernandes

Discipline: 30%

Morale: 25%

Loyalty: 28%

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