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Editorial Modern games are too long


Oct 22, 2008
DraQ said:
Massive shitstorm detected on an intercept course, repeat, massive shitstorm detected on an intercept course.

And why is that? Many of the previous RPGs, even dating back into the mid 1990's, could be beaten in under 10 hours if you knew what you were doing. There's a difference between extending a game exploring, and learning, than making it so you can't possibly beat a game in under 20 hours.

And I'm sorry that I graduated university and am in the world where I don't have time to devote hours a day to an RPG. World of Warcraft type experiences where they require a chunk 2+ hours in dungeons are definately out of the question. I might get a chunk of time like that maybe once every month or two. And why should I be excluded from RPGs because of this? I'm sorry to say, but the average age of the video gamer is rising, and while a decade ago it might have been true that they were college kids with hours of spare time, today, the average gamer is probably closer to me with less spare time than the child with lots of spare time. And being that people around my age actually make money, and are buying the games, they probably will be catered too more.

Worm King

Dec 7, 2008
BehindTimes said:
DraQ said:
Massive shitstorm detected on an intercept course, repeat, massive shitstorm detected on an intercept course.

And why is that? Many of the previous RPGs, even dating back into the mid 1990's, could be beaten in under 10 hours if you knew what you were doing. There's a difference between extending a game exploring, and learning, than making it so you can't possibly beat a game in under 20 hours.

And I'm sorry that I graduated university and am in the world where I don't have time to devote hours a day to an RPG. World of Warcraft type experiences where they require a chunk 2+ hours in dungeons are definately out of the question. I might get a chunk of time like that maybe once every month or two. And why should I be excluded from RPGs because of this? I'm sorry to say, but the average age of the video gamer is rising, and while a decade ago it might have been true that they were college kids with hours of spare time, today, the average gamer is probably closer to me with less spare time than the child with lots of spare time. And being that people around my age actually make money, and are buying the games, they probably will be catered too more.

Have you heard of a new feature called "saving games"?


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
BehindTimes said:
I might get a chunk of time like that maybe once every month or two. And why should I be excluded from RPGs because of this?
You're saying that games should be shorter because you don't have time to play them?
That's pretty egoistic, you know.


May 26, 2006
Ohio, USA
People who write articles like this generally don't pay for their own games because they review games as part of their job. They benefit from short games because it makes their job easier.

Also, playing games on consoles totally changes your opinion since you can rent them. If you belong to a service like gamefly, then it's nice to be able to finish up a game in a week so that you can get another one. The PC needs some kind of service that allows for games to be virtually rented so that you can play a game like Call of Duty 4 or Portal without paying full price and then not getting anything else out of it. Max Payne 2 is where I finally figured out I was never paying full price for a PC game again.
Nov 1, 2008
Cuntington Manor
doctor_kaz said:
People who write articles like this generally don't pay for their own games because they review games as part of their job. They benefit from short games because it makes their job easier.

Also, playing games on consoles totally changes your opinion since you can rent them. If you belong to a service like gamefly, then it's nice to be able to finish up a game in a week so that you can get another one. The PC needs some kind of service that allows for games to be virtually rented so that you can play a game like Call of Duty 4 or Portal without paying full price and then not getting anything else out of it. Max Payne 2 is where I finally figured out I was never paying full price for a PC game again.

The Industry has the best of both worlds though; You pay full price, and you rent it as well! Don't you just adore the new DRM schemes being put in place these days? Fantastic!


Apr 9, 2005
Morgantown, WV
doctor_kaz said:
People who write articles like this generally don't pay for their own games because they review games as part of their job. They benefit from short games because it makes their job easier.

Also, playing games on consoles totally changes your opinion since you can rent them. If you belong to a service like gamefly, then it's nice to be able to finish up a game in a week so that you can get another one. The PC needs some kind of service that allows for games to be virtually rented so that you can play a game like Call of Duty 4 or Portal without paying full price and then not getting anything else out of it. Max Payne 2 is where I finally figured out I was never paying full price for a PC game again.

Pirate a PC game, then rent a console game by the same developer and/or publisher. Beat the PC game and delete it, then return the rental. Clear conscience.


Jan 22, 2008
Call me ancient or something like that, but back in the days games were WAY better. Sure you had the occasional crappy one but those were rather rare. Right now I'm playing Realms of the Haunted and Stonekeep (1996 released). If I compare those to games of now I can't shake the feeling that either devs got way more stupid or maybe us older gamers are more demanding?

Personally I blame console crap for the downgrading of PC games. Check out most of the new big budget games, nearly all of them are cross-platform and suffer from the basic console diseases such as being plagued by the dumbest AI or extremely limited gameplay. I say the good old days are still the best: a PC ONLY game market and a console only game market. Ports less crap to the PC.

And yes, my first computer was a Spectrum and I still own a Commodore C64. I'm an old geek...


Dec 29, 2004
While I can agree that games nowaways suck and filled with boring and uninspired content...
The solution should be NOT making them shorter, but making them suck less!
But, given that business model took over, it's not realy happenning.

I might not have lots of time to play games too, but it does not mean that I would prefer a 5-hour long game over a 30 hours long game.
First game will take me a week, second - a month. (Provided that they are GOOD, of course).
So what? Given how few and far between good games are, it's actually a good thing!


well, now you have Mirrors edge which is 5 hours long apparently.


Jan 22, 2008
poocolator said:
Phalanx01 said:
And yes, my first computer was a Spectrum and I still own a Commodore C64. I'm an old geek...

Lucky bastard. One of my first games ever was Wolfenstein 3D.

Pong still rules tbh, can't beat the graphics & gameplay on that one!

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