Monsters Belong in Prison is a VR dungeon crawler with pixel art low poly graphics, gesture spellcasting with a wand and an emphasis on environmental exploration.
I'm developing this game on my own, with a little bit of help from freelancers for organic models/sprites such as the characters.
Currently it's only got a VR version, but I intend to develop a 'pancake' version as well. It's still relatively early in development as VR interactions have little precedent to build on and take a long time to get right.
I've created my own inside Unity to help speed up development and allow myself to create a persistent world instead of generated rogue-like rooms strung together. Demonstrated here: https://twitter.com/fusedotcore/status/1116676193770668034
Here's a few pictures I've made during development so far.
If you're interested in following development, you can follow me on Twitter, I tend to be sparse on retweets and such: https://twitter.com/fusedotcore
And if you'd just like to hear when a 2D version is coming out, or the game is released in VR or whatever I have a newsletter on this page: http://www.michelmohr.me/MonstersBelongInPrison/
I'd be glad to discuss any point of the game here, I'll do my best to keep up.