Tags: Night Watch
Well, it's the same one as the Russian one, only the text has been changed and it's smaller. Anyway, if you didn't check out it the first time, you can now head over to <A href="http://www.3dgamers.com">3D Gamers</a> and snag the <b>60MB</b> English version of <A href="http://www.3dgamers.com/games/nightwatch/downloads/">the Night Watch trailer</a>. So, if you're interested in <A href="http://www.nival.com/nightwatch/">Night Watch</a> because you know there's no such thing as reusing the <a href="http://www.nival.com/s3/">Silent Storm</a> too much, check it out.
I still like that scene where the guy turns in to the tiger and the chick just freezes him. That always cracks me up.
Well, it's the same one as the Russian one, only the text has been changed and it's smaller. Anyway, if you didn't check out it the first time, you can now head over to <A href="http://www.3dgamers.com">3D Gamers</a> and snag the <b>60MB</b> English version of <A href="http://www.3dgamers.com/games/nightwatch/downloads/">the Night Watch trailer</a>. So, if you're interested in <A href="http://www.nival.com/nightwatch/">Night Watch</a> because you know there's no such thing as reusing the <a href="http://www.nival.com/s3/">Silent Storm</a> too much, check it out.
I still like that scene where the guy turns in to the tiger and the chick just freezes him. That always cracks me up.