Hold it right there.
I have never implied single specific way or even set of specific way predefined by the dev. I implied that any right solution should involve knowing what the fuck are you doing. Getting TPK'd till you blunder into right tactics is definitely not knowing what the fuck are you doing, which means it's not a proper solution.
Well, if an encounter X can be killed with any of the 50 weapons and 200 offensive spells available, it hardly needs handholding and tutorials and questing for clues to defeat. Spoonfeeding all this information naturally presumes the options that work at all are extremely limited and anything not expressly provided in exchange for Rainbow Assplug will flat out fail. Otherwise, why bother?
Except without this dying and reloading thing.
Real squad in a heat of frontline combat has an average lifespan of 3 minutes. Not interested, sorry.