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Editorial Oblivion Faults that Bethesda must correct in Fallout 3


Jul 7, 2004
I remember when I went to obtain the water chip from that destroyed vault. I had just gotten the game and didn't know you had to inject yourself with the anti-rad stuff. So I went inside, searched around, talked to the computer, and walked out. My geiger counter was off the charts. As soon as I left the fallout area and started on the world map, I died.

I guess that experience in Fallout 3 will make my character an ultra-powerful godlike being.

In my first F1 playthrough, radiation actually did give me super powers. I spent a perk on Mutate! to trade in one of my shitty traits (One-Handed?) for Gifted.


Glory to Ukraine
Apr 27, 2007
Kyiv, Ukraine
Dark Individual said:
Well, doesn't it make sense since those are alien artifacts. Though how he can use them is another question. And the point of Roadside Picnic is that the aliens were so advanced that they considered humans insects, and probably wouldn't need "armor" or such.
actually, they didn't notice humans


Jan 13, 2007
I lack the wit to put something hilarious here
Crichton said:
I remember when I went to obtain the water chip from that destroyed vault. I had just gotten the game and didn't know you had to inject yourself with the anti-rad stuff. So I went inside, searched around, talked to the computer, and walked out. My geiger counter was off the charts. As soon as I left the fallout area and started on the world map, I died.

I guess that experience in Fallout 3 will make my character an ultra-powerful godlike being.

In my first F1 playthrough, radiation actually did give me super powers. I spent a perk on Mutate! to trade in one of my shitty traits (One-Handed?) for Gifted.

I remember in my first playthrough of Fallout 2 (first Fallout game I played) I picked Mutate very late on to get rid of Skilled and replaced it with Bloody Mess. Back in the day when you didn't know shit about character builds, eh.
Apr 2, 2008
Treading water, but at least it's warm
Shannow said:
Occasionally Fatal said:
Shannow said:

in all fairness, you pretty much described the radioactive artifacts in stalker...
But is it? I never read the manual for Stalker and didn't play the game much. Does it say that the artifacts are radioactive substances?
And if it did: Does taking over a moronic idea make it less stupid?

iirc yes, they are radioactive. it was low level though, i think, so the explanation was that you probably werent going to live long enough to regret carrying around a bunch of radioactive material.

Severian Silk

Trash said:
Pretty good article. But somehow I got the sneaking suspicion that we will see these exact same faults in fallout 3.
No, these features will, in fact, be significantly watered down, and entirely new faults will be hyped and touted in their place!


May 25, 2006
Occasionally Fatal said:
Shannow said:
Occasionally Fatal said:
Shannow said:

in all fairness, you pretty much described the radioactive artifacts in stalker...
But is it? I never read the manual for Stalker and didn't play the game much. Does it say that the artifacts are radioactive substances?
And if it did: Does taking over a moronic idea make it less stupid?

iirc yes, they are radioactive. it was low level though, i think, so the explanation was that you probably werent going to live long enough to regret carrying around a bunch of radioactive material.

The key point is that it wasn't the radioactivity from the artifacts that gave you bonuses in STALKER, but some kind of paranormal effect. They never tell us how the artifacts in STALKER actually work, because nobody in the game even remotely understands them! They are radioactive, but that just means you have to be careful when handling them. Contrast this with Fallout 3, where the radioactivity itself causes you to mutate an get phat bonuses.

Rhett Butler

Sep 22, 2007
I don't think they did an Oblivion review, their search function doesn't show one. Not really fair to call them hypocrites when they didn't even review the game.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
Bomberman was an open-ended game - you could walk ANYWHERE on the map - with choices (where to place the bomb, and WHETHER to place the bomb), and consequences (KABOOM !).

And the AI... it was just... radiant. It accurately simulated everyday duties of the blobs, which amounted to eating the player, but that's only because they were always hungry.

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