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Review Oblivion scores 77%


Feb 13, 2003
Gremmy said:
I don't think a biased codex-poster is a reliable pundit for a front-page review.
I'm pretty sure Mithy's review is fairly on the mark. That he is a "biased codex-poster" is largely irrelevant.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
There is nothing wrong with posting a good review on the front page. After all, we report what every fucking moron at every game site, no matter how shitty, thinks, so reporting on a well thought, informing review of game - which is coincidentally what this site is here for - isn't a fucking crime. Stop being such politically correct faggots.


Feb 17, 2006
I think good reviews are newsworthy and I don't care how well-known the guy giving me his opinion is. If I'm reading his shit it's because I want his opinion, not the opinions of a random bunch of other people on that opinion.



Oct 5, 2003
GameSpy just published what some might consider a balanced review as well; gave it 4 of 5 stars, which seems high given the content of the review, which mostly complains about RPG mechanics, linearity, etc. Having played the game for about 20 hours now, it seems to me that describing it as a lengthy action/adventure game with moderate RPG elements is about right.


Oct 7, 2005
I find GameSpy reviews somehow more ponderated and inteligent than the others. GameSpot the cute and stupid little sister of GameSpy has already jumped into the hype train.

Roselia review was right on the spot. But didn't we know about this already? Somehow i think everyone was still hoping that by some miracle Ken "Sexy Shorts" Rolston, Todd "Action Boy" Howard, Mr "Retarded" Smiley Face Dude and "Hipocrit" Pete would be adding some rp to Oblivion. My God this game rp side is even worst than Morrowind and i tought that was the bottom ass of it for the Elderscrolls.


Aug 20, 2003
North of the Glow
Vault Dweller said:
There is nothing wrong with posting a good review on the front page. After all, we report what every fucking moron at every game site, no matter how shitty, thinks, so reporting on a well thought, informing review of game - which is coincidentally what this site is here for - isn't a fucking crime. Stop being such politically correct faggots.

They're not even being politically correct, they're saying "you cAn't poxt dat b3c8use it wAs deh 4um." It more like being hyper correct, what next no posting dev comments from forums?

Old Scratch

Nov 19, 2004
It was a pretty accurate review and I agreed with most of his points when I read it earlier.

There were a few things I think are a matter of opinion though, and shouldn't really effect the games actual score. Like the scaled leveling system, some seem to hate it, others, like me, can see it's value and purpose. He also only scratched the surface(understandably considering it's not like he was getting paid) of some of the many, absolute flaws in the game too.

Like how you get no friggin visual indicator that you're running around diseased, other than by happening to browse through your character sheets and noticing some stats are under a penalty. You do often get a small, two second message alerting you that you've contracted the disease, but in the heat of combat, it's very easy to miss. As a result you also have to figure out through trial and error whether you've just had some stats reduced by magical means, or are suffering from an actual disease. That's inexcusable and a terrible oversight on the part of the developers.

The questionable lockpick system that ensures even at noob levels you can basically handle any lock in the game if you simply know the minigame, which stands a good chance of killing part of the fun of playing a thief character.

Those are the kind of things I consider definite flaws that should effect the weight of games score.

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