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Interview Oblivion technology interview at Beyond3D

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
micmu said:
Why would they give an interview to Codex anyway (for free?) if they don't see enough marketing value in it.
They should though. The only reason I still have any hopes for Oblivion is because of MSFD's honest faith that that's a good game.


chasing a bee
Jun 30, 2005
baby arm fantasy island
Pete should put more trust in his co-workers. I'm sure MSFD and Kathode could handle themselves just fine in a Codex interview. They'd do a lot better than Pete does on a regular basis.


Aug 8, 2005
Vault Dweller said:
Mefi said:
edit: serious offer here, I'd prefer to see someone like Vaultdweller to do the interview but I'd be quite happy to do one if either MSFD or Kathode would be prepared to do it.
!HyPeRbOy! said:
I cant believe no one on the codex hasn't already tried scoring an interview with Beth.
Zomg said:
In seriousness, have there been entreaties made for a Codex interview? I think the Codex has the expertise to ask really penetrating questions about dialogue, consequences, world dynamism, etc. especially if the whole hivemind was turned to the task and open hostility was paused.
I asked for an interview twice, awhile ago and last week. Both Gavin Carter and Steve Meister agreed, Pete didn't. Both times I made it clear that the interview won't be hostile. Oh well....
In that case I retract my earlier statement. And thanks for trying, I would have loved to see that interview. Pete sucks for that. It's not the first sign of insecurity with regards to the game he has shown, and its starting to reflect badly on the Bethesda team as a whole.


Oct 17, 2005
Lexington, KY
Are you people for real? Why would Pete Hines want to allow the most vocal critic of Oblivion on a web site highly critical of Oblivion to do an interview? Right. VD do an interview of Oblivion. Aren't you the one who claimed you couldn't think of one positive thing to say about OB when I asked you? All you've done is to mock the game and its makers ad nauseum. Why should Hines trust you to do a "fair" interview when you've never shown any fairness toward Oblivion whatsoever? And what possible purpose would allowing you to interview them serve? What benefit would there be for them? None. As a result of the interview will they win any of you over? Hardly. You'll just find more to bitch about. Then what other benefit would there be? Increase sales? Most of you are going to buy the game anyway, despite your incessant bitching.

Are you people really so clueless about how you're perceived? Get out the smelling salts.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
ExMonk said:
Are you people for real? Why would Pete Hines want to allow the most vocal critic of Oblivion on a web site highly critical of Oblivion to do an interview?
That's the exactly why. Convincing or placing some doubts into "the most vocal critic" would have much better effect than posting another generic-as-fuck interview.

Right. VD do an interview of Oblivion. Aren't you the one who claimed you couldn't think of one positive thing to say about OB when I asked you?
My bad. Only rabid fans proven their devotion to TES should be allowed to interview the great DEVs. Silly me.

All you've done is to mock the game and its makers ad nauseum.
It's called criticism.

Why should Hines trust you to do a "fair" interview when you've never shown any fairness toward Oblivion whatsoever?
Because he gets to see, and thus approve, the questions and then to see & approve the answers. You are not very bright, are you?

And what possible purpose would allowing you to interview them serve? What benefit would there be for them?
Well, let's see, there is no downside because, according to you, we already hate it. There could be, however, an upside ... Should I continue?

Are you people really so clueless about how you're perceived? Get out the smelling salts.
Another rant brought to you by ExMonk.


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
Aah that's too bad. It would have been interesting to see what would come out of a sitdown between the codex and beth.

Maybe Petey doesn't like this site? :D


Oct 17, 2005
Lexington, KY
Vault Dweller said:
Typical VD BS
Let me spell it out for you. Other than here, no one cares what you have to say about anything.

You are like some moronic husband that calls his wife names all day every day, and then can't figure why she never asks him out for dinner. Moron.

Only someone blinded by a ridiculously (and I mean RIDICULOUSLY) narrow conception of what an rpg is, would fail to find some positives in Oblivion. There is no way you are going to find anything positive about OB, given your tiny little rpg worldview. So why bother?

Right, there MIGHT be an upside. Wow. If I were Pete Hines, I'd definitely tell Meister and Carter, "Do the interview boys. Who knows, there might be an upside." :roll:

You ARE really clueless, aren't you?


Jun 28, 2005
My bad. Only rabid fans proven their devotion to TES should be allowed to interview the great DEVs. Silly me.

That's a pretty simple way to look at it. What exactly would be gained from doing an interview here? Making a few Oblivion haters like the game? That doesn't really translate into anything for Bethesda. This site isn't very large, and is filled with people who criticize (actually "criticize" is too formal a word to describe what goes on here) Oblivion, and an interview most likely will not change that attitude. Maybe some people will be more optimistic about it, but for the most part it will not equal any major gain for Bethesda.

And then you say they can approve the questions. What happens if they decline? Then someone here will post a huge rant about how Bethesda knows they suck and won't answer the questions because they know that you asked ones which are weak. And you have to agree to that. Either way, they don't get anything.


Nov 6, 2005
Putting Old Gods to Bed
Tintin said:
That's a pretty simple way to look at it. What exactly would be gained from doing an interview here? Making a few Oblivion haters like the game? That doesn't really translate into anything for Bethesda. This site isn't very large, and is filled with people who criticize (actually "criticize" is too formal a word to describe what goes on here) Oblivion, and an interview most likely will not change that attitude. Maybe some people will be more optimistic about it, but for the most part it will not equal any major gain for Bethesda.

You will get all the TES forum fanboys over here defending the game - sounds like lots of fun! :)


Jun 28, 2005
You will get all the TES forum fanboys over here defending the game - sounds like lots of fun!

Sure does, what could be more fun then a never-ending cycle of "oblivion sux soil erozion" and "no oblivion rox" repeating again and again until finally it is released - where it will change into "see i told u oblivion sux soil erozion" and "see i told u oblivion rox"


Sep 16, 2005
Back on topic... :shock:

Well, most of the features are already present in "older" engines like the CryEngine (which had Doom 3 shadows, Half Life 2 physics and HDR much before the glorious DoomEngine or the almighty Source seen the light of the day), but tech people like to masturbate in front of such articles and possibly debate it's optimizations.

For them, that interview is like a Pirelli calendar so cut them some slack.


Dec 12, 2005
baby arm said:
Pete should put more trust in his co-workers. I'm sure MSFD and Kathode could handle themselves just fine in a Codex interview. They'd do a lot better than Pete does on a regular basis.
Which wouldn't look good for Pete now would it ;)

Personally I don't see the problem from Bethesda's perspective - it's not like there'd be a live codex talk show phone in. They could vet the questions, ignore many of them and respond carefully to those that were officially in the interview. Perhaps they'd gain little, but they wouldn't lose anything - codex posts on Oblivion could hardly get worse.

The only reason I can see against it from their perspective is that the codex would have the authority of official interview responses to back up their criticisms. But if Bethesda can vet the questions and consider the answers, where's the harm? Perhaps the connection with the codex is the objection - consider the scenario:

Keen 14 year-old browses web for RPG info. Headline reads "New Oblivion Interview at RPG Codex". Keen 14 year old, follows link, reads interview and is impressed by Oblivion's vast dialogue trees and custom 2 pixel high font engine for the PC version (TES magnifying glass shipped with game). Keen 14 year old thinks "That's great, but maybe I'll find out more on the forums of this great site!" *clicks link to forums*.

Keen14OBFan said:
Oblivion looks pretty good. Particularly with the new dialogue. Surely this game will have a great combination of traditional RPG values but using modern technology.
Naked_Lunch said:
Suck my cock and die.
Keen 14 year old is upset, and vows to forget all about that nasty game.

If this is the thinking behind the interview refusal, then perhaps a Eurogamer.net interview would be a better middle ground. Whether it's a codex interview isn't so important (though it would be amusing), so long as the right questions are asked - and even answered ;)

Exmonk said:
Let me spell it out for you. Other than here, no one cares what you have to say about anything.
Three "RPG codex" threads and many, many replies at the official forums say otherwise. I imagine they'd still be going if Hayt hadn't reigned in the "discussion".


Aug 23, 2005
Pete Hines should loosen up and switch from briefs to boxers. He's an empty suit. Bethesda would be better off without him. Coward. Can't face the real deal. God forbid he allowed the realease of real gameplay info about the game, huh? Someone with so little confidence and pride in his company's product that he has to hide information about it doesn't belong promoting it.


Apr 7, 2005
waiting for a train at Perdido Street Station
The reason why I think a Codex interview done by VD would be a good idea is simply because it will go to the issues of roleplay within Oblivion. I wanted to love Morrowind. I ended up hating it. I want to be enchanted by Oblivion but the lack of information on the roleplaying aspects of a roleplaying game is quite worrying. I'm sure it's going to be a great game. But what kind of game?

The other advantage of Kathode or MSFD giving an interview to the codex is that they are prepared to be forthright with their views. I wouldn't expect them to use naughty words, but I have a very healthy respect for the way in which they reply to criticisms whether fair or unfair in their capacity as members of the forum. I'd like to see that same honesty and love for their game come through in an interview about roleplaying within Oblivion.

But it's beating a dead horse time with regards to a Codex interview it seems. So if MSFD or Kathode do come across this thread, I hope they can get permission to do such an interview with another site which will cover these issues. I don't give a flying fuck about where if the issue is that the Codex has a reputation for being too rude. Although I would say, it isn't us with cut sex scenes from Daggerfall under our beds...

edit: and just because it made me laugh so much. A comment from the elderscrolls boards on the review of the year:

did anyone notice that they said that we wernt getting shown any dialogue screens? OMG! the guys that wrot that know nothing about the game! there arent any because there isnt any dialogue screens its all spoken! they would know that if they had even watched the E3 video!


May 18, 2003
59°19'03"N 018°02'15"E
Just consider the uproar from TES boarders if the Codex got a Beth interview? Considering they already foam at the mouth Beth devs even visit the place, and take part in actual conversations. I can surely see why they're not up to it... ;)


Jun 28, 2005
Whipporowill said:
Just consider the uproar from TES boarders if the Codex got a Beth interview? Considering they already foam at the mouth Beth devs even visit the place, and take part in actual conversations. I can surely see why they're not up to it... ;)

They already get fan interviews.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
ExMonk said:
Vault Dweller said:
Typical VD BS
A promising beginning...

Let me spell it out for you. Other than here, no one cares what you have to say about anything.
And? Have I ever claimed otherwise? YOU were the one who said that Beth would never do an interview on account of me being "the most vocal critic". Personally, I never thought they'd give a damn about my criticism.

You are like some moronic husband that calls his wife names all day every day, and then can't figure why she never asks him out for dinner. Moron.
Pick one: either nobody cares about what I have to say or someone does and that someone is upset. Besides, my not overly bright friend, if what I say was so horrible and offensive, I doubt that Kathode and MSFD would agree to an interview. Or come here at all.

Only someone blinded by a ridiculously (and I mean RIDICULOUSLY) narrow conception of what an rpg is, would fail to find some positives in Oblivion. There is no way you are going to find anything positive about OB, given your tiny little rpg worldview. So why bother?
Why won't you go and fuck yourself? No, seriously. You must release all that frustration and angst somehow...

Right, there MIGHT be an upside. Wow. If I were Pete Hines, I'd definitely tell Meister and Carter, "Do the interview boys. Who knows, there might be an upside." :roll:
Isn't that what good PR supposed to do? Spread the word and create favourable impressions everywhere? Considering that the Codex is VERY receptive to both Kathode and MSFD, an interview with either of them would be a GoodThing (TM).

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tintin said:
That's a pretty simple way to look at it. What exactly would be gained from doing an interview here?
What exactly would be lost?


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Especially for a "small website which nobody gives a damn about" (direct quote from the TES Forums about the RPGCodex).


Dec 15, 2005
a pillar of skulls
It doesn't matter how small the site is that gets the good preview. I must have clicked links to 20 sites that nobody's ever heard of on the main page of elderscrolls.com by now. If there's a preview everyone will read it


Jun 28, 2005
Vault Dweller said:
Tintin said:
That's a pretty simple way to look at it. What exactly would be gained from doing an interview here?
What exactly would be lost?

Well what kind of company agrees to do something because "nothing would be lost anyways" when there's tons of oppurtunities for some kind of gain?


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
He was implying that there WAS something for them to lose (e.g. they know what type of questions they would get, and they know they don't have satisfactory answers).


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
So it's better for us to post the questions under the heading "The questions Bethesda are too afraid to answer about Oblivion" associated with a long-winded article about how PR Pete "Full of Shit" Hiney is running scared because he doesn't want the truth to come out about how awful Oblivion's dialogue is?

Hey, that's not a bad idea actually... Think of the fun we'd have with the backlash from that one.

... as opposed to what he'd gain in praise by winning over the angstiest Oblivion site on the internet.

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