I've done that, draw them over a base character sprite, but if your shadows are soft/gray(not solid black) there might be issue with overlapping.
Looking good, i like the tiled vision radius! Were the characters made for your game or are they placeholders?
Now that i think about it, maybe the lack of shadow makes the characters look disconnected from the terrain. How do you plan to add it? Armor and weapon pieces might make it complicated.
Probably just use an oval shadow. I see a lot of games do that.
Any news?
I've been experimenting with a lot of stuff lately, cut the character into pieces and added more equipment sprites, tried angled shadows created on the run. Also i have some ideas for the houses, this is with 15 degrees roof:
I have a version with 20 degrees, thoughts? Updates and changes should be easier because the models are prepared to render the spritesheets(positions don't change) directly. Making the tiles double in size(128x64) is just changing the render percentage.
Sadly i don't, it's all just coded. I think it's faster than placing by hand(i've changed it so many times). Also i entertain the idea of random generation(dozen towns) and large worlds but the algorithm needs to be way more advanced so the scenery looks good.Looks good. Do you have your own level editor or are you using Tiled?
Do you mean 2nd floor? Haven't thought how i can implement it. Right now i'm trying to add houses with cross section.Regarding roofs, are you planning for multi-levels or just single?
Sounds good, i've spent some time also to increase the automation of my blender characters rendering. All animations, angles and equipment is grouped and rendered into spritesheets directly(requires python library), it takes few hours but only 1 click.I've been planning to make a batch of one thousand tiles and a couple dozen animated characters and I will make these free for anyone to use.
Really, the only part I'm missing is a decent iso engine + editor.
Hey, hasn't been much time, but how is progress going? Busy with your regular job?
I was thinking, the way you started you can't pay out of your pocket to artists(too expensive) and would have do everything yourself which is slow or Kickstarter! :D
that dragon looks like a dogI've been working on old skool game art too. Here's a hero. Here's a dragon@and here's an orcd.o
that dragon looks like a dog
Hey, hasn't been much time, but how is progress going? Busy with your regular job?
I was thinking, the way you started you can't pay out of your pocket to artists(too expensive) and would have do everything yourself which is slow or Kickstarter! :D