ITZ coming!
They will be starting the playtest soon.
There's a blog post about actions:
I wonder how backwards compatible with the old materials like Bestiaries this will be.
Personally I'm hoping for a more streamlined version of the old system so that combat doesn't take such a long time anymore especially after, like, level 10.
They will be starting the playtest soon.
There's a blog post about actions:
It's your turn. You get to take three actions. That's it. You want to move three times? Done. Instead you want to move once, draw your sword, and attack? No problem. How about attack three times? Go ahead (but you'll take an increasing penalty for each additional attack). With only a few notable exceptions, most things in the game now take one action to accomplish. Opening a door, drawing a weapon, reloading a crossbow, moving up to your speed, raising your shield, taking a guarded step, swinging your greataxe—all of these and much more take just one action to perform.
I wonder how backwards compatible with the old materials like Bestiaries this will be.
Personally I'm hoping for a more streamlined version of the old system so that combat doesn't take such a long time anymore especially after, like, level 10.