RPG Codex Pillars of Eternity Disappointment Savior Syndrome, wherein every RTwP RPG that isn't Pillars of Eternity automatically gains credibility and becomes the object of hopes that it will be the game that finally washes away the taste of Pillars of Eternity. :D
for me its entirely based on the underlying rule base the games use. If PoE had used the same game system and world that Kingmaker is using it would completely change the equation. But instead its based on some total and complete crap that ruins the entire experience. Can't believe they wasted all that effort to design their own shit rule system. They could have cut off a year of development and had a much more entertaining game on top of it...instead we got some dude making a game for a few autists on some obscure website.
Slight wall-o-text incoming...
My hope with PoE in general was that they were going to make the "new D&D" in terms of ruleset and world. But the ruleset was tweaked so much with patches after release, it's probably 95% changed since it launched, giving it a feeling of never being done (and making the strategy guide outdated and useless, yes I have beef.) Plus, PoE2 looks like it's going to have even more changes to the rules from the first game. Not even mentioning that they missed a complete boss move to have Tyranny set in the PoE world and use the same ruleset (like IWD is to BG.)
The thing is, these seemingly small details - using a consistent ruleset and world lore between games, sticking with the finished product and not tweaking it endlessly - go a longgg way to me, much more than they really have any business doing. The reason BG/IWD are on another level is not just because of the ruleset but because the games take place in the same world WITH the same overall rules. It's consistent, and the games feel classier and higher quality because of it. AND, you can take your main character, items, stats and all directly into BG2! Not just some "choices" you made from the first game, or what faction you choose, but your literal character, rolled with a real ruleset, with a real character sheet and playing by the game rules that were laid out in the first game. Astonishing.
That was my hope for PoE. I still hope some developer can do that nowadays, with the time and budget needed to undertake such a project. It would make the games more memorable years from now, cement them as legendary and also set the table for future products and games like D&D has.
This Pathfinder game looks cool. They have the bonus of the very well-developed lore and ruleset, so that instantly attracts me with a +4 bonus compared to any other CRPGs that are coming out (that tend to feel more forgettable, and like "fast food" games.)
Just my thoughts, take from them what you will.