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Game News Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter Update #44: Funded!


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Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Alexander Mishulin; Oleg Shpilchevsky; Owlcat Games; Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

The Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter campaign successfully concluded yesterday morning, having raised $2,054,339 from 35,092 backers. That was enough to unlock the intelligent weapon stretch goal overnight and bring the campaign halfway towards its final stretch goal at $2,100,000, another two-for-one which would have added both the Hunter class and rideable dinosaur mounts to the game. Owlcat must have needed a while to get their bearings after the campaign ended, because it took them until today to come out with the celebratory Kickstarter update. Among other things, it announces that the game's backer portal will be up by the end of March and that the alpha is scheduled to begin in April.

The campaign has ended. And we have only one thing to say: WOW.

Something truly mythic has happened. The campaign blew through the roof and hit $2,054,339. Of course, we expected excitement for the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous campaign—after all, it is our second project, and Kingmaker has gathered a loyal and dedicated community. But we could never have imagined so much support and passion for our new game! We reached the main goal in 15 hours, but more and more people kept flocking to our banner. And they weren’t just veterans: more than 20% of our backers had never supported a Kickstarter project before. Seeing the Pathfinder community grow and our games attract different CRPG fans makes us so proud. This means that there is something in our games for practically everyone.

This interest also generated an endless tide of comments and discussions. We had our hands full with questions, feedback, and other comments—it was a great opportunity to learn more about our community and its wishes. But we are happy with the way our Kickstarter went: it was fun to read your guesses about the next stretch goal (go #codebreakers), your messages expressing support, joking, and planning your first playthroughs.

We want to express our gratitude to you all, our community. Thank you for being smart, creative, and awesome! It is your support that will allow us to make Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous truly Mythic. Now it is our turn, and we will do our best to meet your highest expectations!

With this update, we also want to address some of your questions and offer a glimpse into the future of our community. Currently, our backer portal is under construction and we are planning to launch it by the end of March. It will allow every Kickstarter backer to access a personal account where they will be able to manage or upgrade their pledge, select specific add-ons, receive digital rewards, and provide personal information (such as their shipping address). We will also provide guides on pledging via PayPal, pre-ordering, receiving your digital rewards, and other important topics.

We want to confirm that it will be possible to support us after the end of Kickstarter campaign for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous during slacker backer campaign. This way you can help us reach the last stretch goal on our backer portal.

We plan to launch the closed Alpha Test in April. There are a lot of big and small things to arrange before it starts. We will announce the date closer to April.

And, though the Kickstarter may have ended, there is so much we still want to tell you about! Mythic paths, new classes and archetypes, our development “kitchen,” the lore surrounding Wrath of the Righteous… Lots of interesting and exciting stuff. That’s why we’ll be bringing back our Development Diaries, updates about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and everything related to it. Our diaries will be presented in various formats, but the two main ones will be: 1) Video dev diaries showing off cool features 2) Forum dev diaries where you will be able to ask team members questions on specific topics and provide feedback

Besides the Development Diaries, we also plan to address important discussions in our smaller Community Updates. With the help of our moderators on different platforms, we’ll be gathering hot topics and popular questions that crop up during each week and posting a short update with answers or thoughts. This will allow us to have constant communication with the community and address your questions on a regular basis.

And there is even more content to come! So now might be a good time to subscribe to our YouTube channel *wink wink*

We also plan to host various streams: Q&As, builds and strategies, collaborations with content creators, and maybe playthroughs of classic CRPGs. If you have ideas about what we should cover, share your thoughts in the comments! We have also created an infographic to share some details of the campaign with all of you.

Congratulations to Owlcat! By the way, our Codex fundraiser will keep running until the backer portal is launched, so if you missed the Kickstarter campaign you can still get on board that way. I'm sure the game can hit that final stretch goal with post-campaign funding.


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Alexander using his hands to express things is probably the very height of excitement.

Also... the guy with the axe and the guy with the tentacles were funny.
Jan 17, 2015
Hi yes I did some math stuff and calculated when this game will be sort of playable to the end with some minor bugs (like for example having your kingdom support the bandits and then getting an ending slide saying you eradicated them and stablished law on the lands)

So Owlcats natural inaptitude plus no beta testing plus those stretch goals plus slow bug fixing yes this game will be playable (with only 4 or 5 gamebreaking bugs but you have to do some really specific things to get them) by november 2024

May 31, 2018
The Present
PF:KM was incredibly ambitious and is excellent. The issues with bugs are entirely forgivable given the scope and maturity of the company. That being said, I have yet to experience one. With their engine complete and tested, they will be going into Wrath of the Righteous with tremendous strength. Say what you will about stretch goals over-extending them, but the doubt it unfounded. They have 2 million USD to make a game that's more than half complete already with a proven engine. If they can improve a bit on the writing and NPCs, and certainly the AI, this game is going to be legendary.


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
PF:KM was incredibly ambitious and is excellent. The issues with bugs are entirely forgivable given the scope and maturity of the company. That being said, I have yet to experience one. With their engine complete and tested, they will be going into Wrath of the Righteous with tremendous strength. Say what you will about stretch goals over-extending them, but the doubt it unfounded. They have 2 million USD to make a game that's more than half complete already with a proven engine. If they can improve a bit on the writing and NPCs, and certainly the AI, this game is going to be legendary.

I'm happy for you, but I experienced quite a few bugs on my runs. And it was some seriously grating shit too, like combat modals resetting to being always on after loading the game, making it so I had to turn off combat expertise on the undead elf companion every single time I loaded the game. And the tiefling companion had her entire hotbar reset on loads.

These were probably the most infuriating bugs I ever encountered on a CRPG (and I played release Bloodlines!). It made me start a new game with other companions, but at least it was (apparently) restricted to a few of them, so it was avoidable.

Also, for the love of christ, give this game a combat speed toggle like Pillars of Eternity. There's a slow down feature, but it's a single setting that makes the game way too slow and requires you to keep buttons pressed lest it makes the game pause. This is basic shit that could make the game so much more playable.


Oct 23, 2015
Also, for the love of christ, give this game a combat speed toggle like Pillars of Eternity. There's a slow down feature, but it's a single setting that makes the game way too slow and requires you to keep buttons pressed lest it makes the game pause. This is basic shit that could make the game so much more playable.
Play it with the turn-based mod, you pheasant.

Or learn to play the game the way it was designed, or just don't play it, or just keep shouting to the like-minded morons who dominate the discussion here. Nobody else cares.

Not to pick on you specifically (because I don't give two sh!ts about you) but every time I saw the kickstarter reach a new goal I thought of this website, and the people who were so pissed about this game. Then when they released that photograph celebrating the success, and there were a ton of women front and center, I damn near pissed myself laughing thinking about how people here were going to react about SJWs and "cucks" and so forth.

I'm still tickled, but fortunately I wear diapers for situations of this sort and the leakage was minimal.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I've been catching up with Kingmaker for the past two weeks and now I'm fully on board with the hype for this pseudo-sequel.

I tried to get into it several times and I remember disliking the combat and genuinely hating the cartoonish art style, but I got over the latter with the hours and... Well, I'm circumventing the former with the surprisingly good turn-based mod.
Good to know this last one is going to be in from the get go in the sequel, because every time I disable it briefly in Kingmaker (and by the way, how fucking amazing is that you CAN toggle it on and off in real time?) I found myself disliking the real-time version.

The game, in general, is surpassing my expectations at every single turn. That said, there have been a fair share of extremely questionable encounter designs here and there.
It's hard to get over how fucking stupid the "swarm enemies" obstacle is for new players, for instance. And no, not just because "you have to necessarily use AOE to harm them", but because your early attempts to do so are ALSO frustrated by an incredibly high chance of failure (Alchemic fire? MISS. Level 1 damage spells? RESIST. Etc).


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
The issues with bugs are entirely forgivable given the scope and maturity of the company.

get fucked

you're an imbecile that thinks that this is forgivable nowadays where all games are rushed and half-baked and first buyers are used as unpaid betatesters for their buggy fuckin game.

how about this!
in the first 6 months, anyone that buys and plays the game gets it at 75% price reduction.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
The issues with bugs are entirely forgivable given the scope and maturity of the company.

get fucked

you're an imbecile that thinks that this is forgivable nowadays where all games are rushed and half-baked and first buyers are used as unpaid betatesters for their buggy fuckin game.

how about this!
in the first 6 months, anyone that buys and plays the game gets it at 75% price reduction.

Not enough friend, Normally I would expect to get paid for this.
May 31, 2018
The Present
The issues with bugs are entirely forgivable given the scope and maturity of the company.

get fucked

you're an imbecile that thinks that this is forgivable nowadays where all games are rushed and half-baked and first buyers are used as unpaid betatesters for their buggy fuckin game.

how about this!
in the first 6 months, anyone that buys and plays the game gets it at 75% price reduction.

It's forgivable because they fixed them and because of how much they delivered. For a first game, its a remarkable accomplishment. As to any irresponsibility of developers neglecting time and money for QA, I say, caveat emptor. I noticed the pattern back in 2009 anecdotally and I have maintained my habits of a >=1 year backlog. If you are being habitually bitten, I would recommend some shyness.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
caveat emptor

how about suck my dick! translate that into Latin

I have maintained my habits of a >=1 year backlog

that's very nice of you

every dev will tell you that they need the money for their game like ...yeasterday, not a year from release.
so the people that show goodwill and trust and buy their shit around at release date, are the ones that get punished and scratch their head in frustration in the face of dumbfounding bugs.
but cretinoid apologists say that's ok because eventually fixed them and lay blame on the buyer via Latin phrases. How about shove them up your ass!?

buy at launch, play one year later?

how about buy one year later at the bargain bin!?
Last edited:
May 31, 2018
The Present
Grotesque PF:KM is a game which I gave them money up-front (even DLCs), knowing I would spend >60% more than if I had waited to purchase when I actually would play it. They were attempting the great work, and had something to show they were more than cheap talk. They are by far an exception to my normal habits. I gave them my money up front because I believed they would eventually deliver. I didn't give them my time up-front because the industry has a consistent history of rewarding those who wait. I feel both choices were vindicated.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
While company was new, people weren't - they have loadout of shipped and successful projects under their belts, like Evil Islands and later loadout of bullshit MMORPGs.
Just saying.

Mei Scarlet

Oct 5, 2016
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
I'm 150 hours in PF:KM and the only bug I've encountered so far in the current game version was the sound issues in one specific location (Silverstep Village). Save bloating is annoying (quick save used to be instant but now it's around 5-6 seconds) but at least my PC can hadle it so it's not really that bad.
I'm going to day 1 purchase the sequel but I'm not really expecting bug-free experience though.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I'm 150 hours in PF:KM and the only bug I've encountered so far in the current game version was the sound issues in one specific location (Silverstep Village). Save bloating is annoying (quick save used to be instant but now it's around 5-6 seconds) but at least my PC can hadle it so it's not really that bad.
I'm going to day 1 purchase the sequel but I'm not really expecting bug-free experience though.

The cleaner mod can help somewhat with the save bloating. The saves will still eventually get massive, but it can help slow the process down.

Even just using the cleanup option at the end of a map to clear all the scale mails and longswords from the 9001 corpses helps a lot.



Aug 31, 2013
I'm 150 hours in PF:KM and the only bug I've encountered so far

Well, yes, that's because it's been like 2 years since release. So they'd fixed most of the bugs.

how about buy one year later at the bargain bin!?
Hey, maybe that's the way to go, if that's the only way the devs will learn to QA, QA, QA the shit out of their game before release, 90s style.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey, maybe that's the way to go, if that's the only way the devs will learn to QA, QA, QA the shit out of their game before release, 90s style.

I don't say that in the 90s the games came out perfect but it's clear now that it became an industry standard where publishers save money by using buyers to test their game for bugs.

I'm 150 hours in PF:KM and the only bug I've encountered so far in the current game version

And that shows you what a good job the testing players did reporting bugs

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