How About… Two More Mythics?
Dear Pathfinders,
In our wildest dreams, we could not have imagined the level of support we’ve gotten from you in this campaign so far! We are so thankful to you for that, and we are so overwhelmed and excited that we made a small mistake. We were making changes to the image to reflect another social stretch goal unlocked (which is awesome, by the way!), and we noticed an inaccuracy in the description and had to fix it. The word “traits” has been removed from “Traits and Backgrounds Based on Pathfinder Second Edition.” This is more of a terminology error, as there is no such thing as traits in the 2nd Edition. But don’t worry, the goal itself stays the same, and we will deliver it to you in its full scale and glory.
Back to the big news — another stretch goal has been funded! What’s next? We’ve already announced six mythic paths, but how about two more? If the next stretch goal is reached, we will add Gold Dragon and Swarm-That-Walks. And here is a brief introduction to each of them.
Gold Dragon
Everybody knows that long life grants wisdom. But metallic dragons know that long life also grants mercy — a gift that must be shared with others. Healed by Terendelev, the silver dragon of Kenabres, you’ve kept the memories of her in your heart. The tale of her life and struggle has not only inspired you to be a better person, it has also awoken the dragon inside your soul. You will learn from the dragons, who live for hundreds of years. You will learn the ways of wisdom and forgiveness, and master the power they give you. From now on, you are no longer just a warrior — you are a gold dragon, defender of Golarion. Your newly grown scales are impervious to magic. Minions of evil can barely muster the courage to stand in your way, let alone attack you. Your roar alone is enough to stagger even the greatest foes, while sending the lowest crawling in the dirt, begging for mercy. And you are not alone — other dragons are ready to aid you in battle. Your mighty form and magic give you the power to smite your enemies, but remember: killing is not the only option for a gold dragon. Those who have faltered can be redeemed, those who are lost should be guided. Your way is the way of mercy. Your path leads to eternity.
Feel the anger inside! Taste the fear of your enemies! You are no longer a mere creature of flesh and blood — from now on, your name is Swarm-That-Walks, for you are the locust swarm, and you are many. You have the power to devastate cities and bring armies to their knees, you are worthy of becoming a new Deskari, a wrathful and insatiable swarm. You don't just kill your enemies, the swarm devours their flesh and gnaws on their bones, just your wrath gnaws at your soul. Fear not the blades and claws of lesser creatures, for they cannot harm you any more. Your solid body is a mere disguise that you can abandon at any moment to become a cloud of locusts. Infest your enemies, devouring them from the inside while moving their bodies like puppets on strings. Grow your power endlessly with each foe that falls prey to your hunger. Great power comes at a price, but no price is too high for one who is consumed by vengeance. Golarion betrayed you, and this betrayal cannot go unpunished. Consume your enemies and sacrifice your allies. Golarion must fall, and your enemies must fall with it.
To arms!