Think playing for nine hours and finding all these fails is enough for me to say that it is worth picking it up on a sale as Metalcraze said. I also find it funny that you are going to cherry pick that minor flaws when the last couple posts I shat on other major flaws that again is in my opinion doesn't justify their $30 price tag let alone their $50. I am sorry that I don't see the game in the same rosy picture as you do and ignore major issues that I saw in the first game repeated in the second.
Also please stop using the "it is in beta" excuse as you must be suffering mercury poisoning if you think they are going to fix these major problems of the game before their release date which is a few weeks. Anyway look forward to reading more of your fanboy posts justifying the $30 price tag to the codex.
You think I was applying that statement to your crock of shit above? No. It's the beta. It comes with 5 heists, not the whole 25-30 heists. Those heists included are only 4 dots in difficulty, not at all an indication of end-game.
OK, let's look at these so called 'major flaws'
- enemy a.i is still retarded from the first one hell one sat there looking in one direction with me sitting right next to it. Some don't even fire at you and stand behind vehicles and for a second thought we were playing very very easy when it was a normal mission.
They added a suppression mechanic in-game that makes the enemies more likely to dive for cover/cower when under fire depending on the weapon and volume of fire involved. Also, are you really playing on normal? What a shame.
- They still kept that annoying as fuck (pardon) loading while in the middle of the mission instead of doing the L4D drop in
I don't see how this is a major flaw.
- Now you have crafting and this is my personal preference as I think the resources devoted to this could have been placed elsewhere
Besides the loot system, just what exactly is wrong with crafting? Not a major flaw.
Also expect the A.I to swarm you that would put KF to shame. Sat at the lobby of the bank gunning down at least a half dozen that walked in a single file through the main entrance. Also this game is primed for dlc milking as I spoke with some other players and there is a consensus that you can expect to see a lot of Wolfpack like dlc so that you can increase your level get some nice shiny weapons, etc.
Please, exaggerate harder on that.