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KickStarter Peripeteia - Deus Ex-inspired FPS/RPG set in anime cyberpunk Poland

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
That's because of the full body awareness thing that is springy, your hands don't follow immediately with the camera. I liked that.

To me it feels weird that the camera bounces when i'm just looking round or it has some form of inertia if i turn around quickly while i'm running - i'm not really a fan of "full body awareness" (it always feels like a gimmick, obscures part of the view when looking downwards and makes developers push for "realistic" animation-based motion so the bodies do not look stupid even when the actual motion doesn't feel as fluid and natural - though in this game i do not think it is much of a concern considering the hand placement :-P) but even with it, your head doesn't bounce like a ball attached to your body on a spring when you look around (...i assume :-P) and your brain filters out any small motions.

This is something i can get used to as it is just a small detail (i got used to it in Riddick after all) but i see it as a negative.

Though when it comes to camera motion the much bigger by far issue is the choppiness.

The only thing I didn't like with this game so far are the ladders, they are the biggest enemy in the game.

I haven't checked the ladders, how do they function? Since RoSoDude mentioned LGS, i guess it'll be something like System Shock 2? TBH i also prefer the SS2 style of ladders where you get attached to the ladder by just running up to it. I do not use jump/crouch to move up/down as that feels a bit weird but i instead i just look up/down that feels more fluid/natural to me. The only issue is explicit mantling/dismantling (mantling being more of an issue when you try to climb down from a ladder on a corner) but i think HL2 had a nice solution: just press the "use" key while looking at the ladder and you'll get "attached" to it though without really forcing you on them.

But in general i do not like "modal" ladders where you always have to explicitly mantle and dismantle the ladder (ie. being on a ladder is an explicit "mode" of your character's state) - also another reason i dislike full body awareness systems since they tend to force animations for every part of the process and make ladder use very restricted to the point where there isn't much of a reason to do anything on a ladder than going full up or down and they might as well be teleporters. Ideally the ladders just disable gravity when you touch/are very close to them and they let you look around 360 degrees, even if that doesn't make much sense :-P.
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Bony Hands

Aug 20, 2020
I encountered a bug where the elevator goes up but you fall down through the floor. Still haven't managed to assassinate the guy and the combat is very deadly. I wish there were more things that recharged your energy since the game world is so dark and I won't cheat by turning up the gamma. You're also kind of fucked in a firefight without bullet time and without a 90s quicksave and reload that means the game is hard as fuck. Found a hidden sniper rifle up on a roof but no ammo for it.
The demo is really stingy with ammo and recovery items. Unless you grab every gun and manually strip it you're going to have a hard time keeping you weapons stocked. (On that note, there needs to be a button to just take the ammo from dropped weapons) I just used a bug where if you use an AK mag on a weapon that already one loaded, you keep adding ammo to it without depleting the mag. You can just hose down enemies then. Same thing for the shotgun if you keep unloading and reloading it. Then you have a much better chance of killing your target and his guards.


Ninth Exodus
Jun 13, 2020
OK, finally having some time (and was able to log in, had some problems with that) to reply and thank everyone that played our demo. It was fun to see people break the game horribly and reading all the comments. It illuminated some issues and bugs that we hope to be able to fix in the coming weeks, releasing an updated version and getting back to work on features we had plans and some cool ones that were suggested. Hopefully the unpolished version was still fun for those who didn't encounter the worst issues.

Shodanon can I make my anime girl protagonist go barefoot

Boots stay on.

How did you pick what calibers you're including in game? Most such games get bogged down with ammo that's only ever used in a single gun so they have have random "cool" guns, use entirely fictional weaponry, or just ignore it entirely with ammo that works in particular classes of weapons regardless of logical sense. I'm curious to hear your approach since I see 9x18, 7.62x39, 7.62x51/.308, a presumably 12 gauge shotgun, 7.62x54r, 12.7x55, 9x19, some revolver and a grenade launcher in stuff you released (all perfectly reasonable picks), but also a APS UAR with with its proprietary ammo that you describe as rare.

We're definitely not going full on sci-fi lazors/universal ammo, that's for sure. What might be bogging you down is the number of magazines - because the system treats them as separate entities you need to top-up, while ammo boxes can hold an infinite amount of ammo and take relatively little space. But it's up tp ypu hum much you need to carry, if any at all, should you choose the super stealth ghost option.
We first pick stuff that's logical - so obviously x39 and 12 gauge is ubiquitous. But we're big fans of real world rare prototypes (such as the featured BOŻ rifle) and coming up with lore why it was adopted. While this one uses standard AK mags, the weird/rare stuff should have weird/rare ammo. The APS is fun as hell (aping the FEAR penetrator) but it's not intended to be a workhorse so it is hard to find in the demo.

Doesn't it make more sense to keep the DL in one location to keep track of how many downloads it got? If you're not doing that then I like nopy.to but will be happy with getting it from the itchy place.

We encountered people who outright refused to download games from itch and asked for mega, for example. Download counts are fun to follow but at this point, they are not as important as the number of people actually giving us their honest thoughts.
The night of the demo dropping was a bit of a nightmare. Of course my internet would refuse to maintain a connection... I barely got it on itch, but yesterday I managed to upload to the two other hosters our website mentioned: https://90s.graphics/gamejolt and https://90s.graphics/indiegala.

Will the demo also be available on the Steam page?

We want the steam demo to be as polished as possible. Once we apply all the fixes and suggestions, the non-janky demo will be what we will release there.

Using the iron sights for the rifle is detrimental as the recoil is much worse, hip-firing it lets you mow down enemies easily. I think my biggest gripe is with the level design. It feels way too empty, and parts of it have no purpose other then giving you another way in or out of an area. Many parts look similar, and having them look different would make it easier for the player to know where they're heading or why they should be here. My first play-through I took the job to kill the bartender so I could access the basement lift. So I clambered up to the roof and snuck in through the vents. All good so far. Then I took the elevator down and went into the office building, thinking I could find something there. But the office area is pointless unless you took the front entrance the the tower and ended up there. Having some goodies or something useful or interesting would make exploring much better. I did enjoy the demo, and I think the game is on the right track to become a great title with improvement.

Thanks my dude, we want to keep populating the level with more items, points of interest and fun stuff to do (like a reason to sneak into that office). Even a bit of graffiti or a specific pile of trash to make it look more unique. Overall, the level design is supposed to be that immersive staple of interconnectedness and multiple routes and options, which we'll keep on adding. And there is stuff to find, unique weapons and the ever scarce (that will change) batteries and fuses are an example. People on the discord keep commenting "huh, I didn't know you could find a G3" etc.
And the hipfire thing will change once we have stats that influence your accuracy.

So i gave it a quick try. I noticed some issues with the settings - one of the comboboxes for the graphics settings had all items in its list appear as black letters on black background so i couldn't see anything. The key rebinding screen also was very hard to use

Sorry about the options menu issues. You probably noticed the keybind menu doesn't even use the same UI - it's a WIP and we'll be making it more accessible/intuitive. People also asked for an invert mouse option too, so we'll add that. sorry about the right click thing, we need to make a failsafe for that.

About the inventory, even though i used V, it still used right click for showing up the popup menu in items - which had the amusing (though i guess eventually annoying) effect of jumping every time i tried to show the item popup menu. Also, i'm not sure if this is the game getting messed up with key bindings or me not being able to figure things out, but after killing two guards (or something) and getting their weapons, i was able to unload both weapons but i was not able to load the ammo i had just unloaded to one of the weapons (so i unloaded both weapons and then i tried to load one of them with all the ammo). Equipping the weapon and pressing the reload key (which i had set to one of the mouse side buttons) didn't do anything nor did trying to drag-and-drop the ammo over the weapon. Also there wasn't any popup menu if i tried to right click (or press V over) the weapon in the inventory. Did i miss something?

The weapon will only reload if there's a magazine with a higher ammo count that the one it's currently using. So the process is remove magazine ->unload ammo -> pick up ammo and top up your mags -> reload.

Finally when i tried to drag-and-drop the weapon in the second cell in the item bar at the bottom the game placed the pistol instead (i already had that drag-and-dropped in the first cell previously). Trying it a second time worked though.

Interesting, we'll test this with the alternate inputs and see if we can recreate it. Thanks!

I noticed that talking with the girl outside your apartment that all conversations seem to repeat as if i never talked to them.

Yeah, that's basically there to let you re-try and find out what her name is. The dialog tree for that one is all spaghetti and it's easy to get called a weirdo.

Overall i like the feel of the game though one thing i'm not a big fan of is the lack of texture filtering...

It's a stylistic choice, but I'll look into allowing it. Might encounter engine limitations, of all things.

Couldn't play it; game barely runs at 800x600 with every setting at minimum. I mean, I do have a shitty laptop vga, but you guys need to optimize the shit out of this.

FWIW: i7 6500U, 16gb ram, intel hd520 vga, running win10.

Oh we will optimize the absolute shit out of it, and allow stuff like turning off volumetric lighting - it's the primary way of achieving our aesthetic, but doesn't work at all on potatoes.

Ah yes, one thing i forgot to mention is how the camera feels very weird: looking around feels as if your head is "jerked" into position. It kinda reminds me of the Chronicles of Riddick games where the camera felt as if it was attached to the head with a spring.

That's because of the full body awareness thing that is springy, your hands don't follow immediately with the camera.

It's probably a combination of both. The character/gun is interpolated BUT it looks like on higher refresh rates there are issues. I was told that problem appeared in
Underworld Ascendant
and I'd rather our game not be compared to it in a negative sense so that's high on my priority list now.

Incorrect. These are the best ladders in any Looking Glass-style game. Jump to ascend and crouch to descend while moving towards the ladder.

Still a long ways to go on this project (I sent over a bunch of stream of consciousness feedback on interactions/menus/QoL and there are plenty of bugs), but it's promising. Some nice innovations on display already, and I've grown fond of the overall stylistic approach. Excited to see what kind of RPG systems the team has in store.

Thanks, dude. Means a lot from you. Funny thing is, we were considering proper separate ladder climbing but since we already had the vaulting mechanic, all that was needed was the ladder geometry and the player jumping on it We hope not to disappoint on the RPG side either
Let's hope it won't be as buggy...

I also encountered a bug with the inventory, a ghost bottle.

I encountered a bug where the elevator goes up but you fall down through the floor. Still haven't managed to assassinate the guy and the combat is very deadly. I wish there were more things that recharged your energy since the game world is so dark and I won't cheat by turning up the gamma. You're also kind of fucked in a firefight without bullet time and without a 90s quicksave and reload that means the game is hard as fuck. Found a hidden sniper rifle up on a roof but no ammo for it.

Yeah, sorry about that. You picked that bottle up in the apartment and carrying items between levels turned out to be broken. The elevator thing is also high on the priority list of things to fix- everyone encountered that. And of course, it just doesn't happen in-editor...

The demo is really stingy with ammo and recovery items. Unless you grab every gun and manually strip it you're going to have a hard time keeping you weapons stocked. (On that note, there needs to be a button to just take the ammo from dropped weapons) I just used a bug where if you use an AK mag on a weapon that already one loaded, you keep adding ammo to it without depleting the mag. You can just hose down enemies then. Same thing for the shotgun if you keep unloading and reloading it. Then you have a much better chance of killing your target and his guards.

Yeah, the stripping weapons for ammo thing is absolutely intentional. Finding rare guns and ammo for them separately is as well. However, when it comes to energy items, we'll add more of those.
And I sort of like the "press button, receive mag" idea!

Thanks again for all the comments, suggestions, critique and reports of issues. Keep 'em coming if you can.


Oct 1, 2016
I encountered a bug where the elevator goes up but you fall down through the floor. Still haven't managed to assassinate the guy and the combat is very deadly. I wish there were more things that recharged your energy since the game world is so dark and I won't cheat by turning up the gamma. You're also kind of fucked in a firefight without bullet time and without a 90s quicksave and reload that means the game is hard as fuck. Found a hidden sniper rifle up on a roof but no ammo for it.
Yuuuuup, I had the elevator leave without me twice so I haven't finished the demo yet. Gunplay definitely needs work too -- it's already been widely noted that aiming down sights is worthless compared to just hipfiring since the base accuracy is already so high and it's easier to manage recoil. There's time to work that stuff out, at least; I think it was Warren Spector who said these games are never fun to play until the final 10% of development? So we're not doing too bad all things considered.

I haven't checked the ladders, how do they function? Since RoSoDude mentioned LGS, i guess it'll be something like System Shock 2? TBH i also prefer the SS2 style of ladders where you get attached to the ladder by just running up to it. I do not use jump/crouch to move up/down as that feels a bit weird but i instead i just look up/down that feels more fluid/natural to me. The only issue is explicit mantling/dismantling (mantling being more of an issue when you try to climb down from a ladder on a corner) but i think HL2 had a nice solution: just press the "use" key while looking at the ladder and you'll get "attached" to it though without really forcing you on them.

But in general i do not like "modal" ladders where you always have to explicitly mantle and dismantle the ladder (ie. being on a ladder is an explicit "mode" of your character's state) - also another reason i dislike full body awareness systems since they tend to force animations for every part of the process and make ladder use very restricted to the point where there isn't much of a reason to do anything on a ladder than going full up or down and they might as well be teleporters. Ideally the ladders just disable gravity when you touch/are very close to them and they let you look around 360 degrees, even if that doesn't make much sense :-P.

It's a different paradigm from Thief/SS2/DX/Half-Life. It seems completely unique as far as I know. The thing to realize is that ladders are not modal in this game, even less so than in those other games. Rather, it's a straightforward extension of the ledge grabbing mechanic. Once you get used to tapping jump and crouch to ascend/descend, it's easier to quickly enter/exit the ladder interaction and get where you need to go. With the "sticky" ladders of old, you have the weird and unintuitive mapping of traditionally lateral movement inputs onto vertical motion, sometimes depending on the direction you're looking, and getting on/off can be a deadly endeavor. Half-Life is the best implementation of these thanks to locking you more firmly in place, but still feels funky. Having it all grounded by the core movement mechanics is awesome, and in retrospect is exactly what I was advocating to replace the automated climbing in Dying Light:

So, I remember being annoyed by the lack of a "climb down" mechanic because of how finnicky the automated climbing can make doing precisely the maneuver you suggest. When dropping off of a rung and using air control to grab a lower rung, Crane will (nearly?) always climb up to the next higher rung again. You can just treat this as a rule and work around it by dropping 2-3 rungs each time or whatever, but it's not exactly intuitive in the way the rest of the movement mechanics are. Thus the lack of climb down feature stands out as an omission, because it's something that you have to work around in a sort of strange way.

In my ideal world you'd have to jump off of each rung and grab onto the next to go up, making climbing a bit less automated (and faster) and also removing the weirdness I described. In that context I don't think there would be anyone complaining about the lack of a "climb down" mechanic.

I haven't experimented much, but does the presence of individual magazines to manage in the inventory imply that there will be a simulated distinction between tactical and dry reloading? In most games, it's always beneficial to perform a tactical reload to full whenever there's a moment of safety, as it all comes from a single abstract ammo pool. It's actually worse in "realistic" shooters, which will often leave an extra round in the chamber on a tactical reload without any of the real drawbacks associated with the maneuver. If you actually had to keep track of your magazines and make moment-to-moment decisions about when to reload to avoid having a bunch of half-filled magazines left in your inventory during a fight, that'd be neat (as long as it isn't too tedious to swap rounds around later). Ideally, you'd have the decision to drop a magazine on the ground or swap it back into your inventory when empty, I'd think.

Aside from milsim games that also track partially spent magazines, here are some other games I can think of that benefit from a distinction between dry and tactical reloads in some way:
  • System Shock 1: Since reloading is simulated by the interface, the difference between dry and tactical reloads is having to perform an additional click to unload the magazine. This means keeping track of how many rounds you have left and knowing whether you have to swap a mag or just put a new one in, where messing up the number of clicks can leave you with an empty gun when you least expect it
  • Resident Evil 4 (and to a lesser extent Dead Space): It's often beneficial to leave magazines partially empty, since upgrading your weapon's ammo capacity brings you back to max and thus nets you a few extra rounds for free. Especially useful in RE4 where this is the only way to "buy" ammo
  • E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy: You can't even do a tactical reload; any ammo left in the magazine when dropped is lost forever. Works fine in this game because ammo isn't a long-term resource, and can be acquired for free at caches in the start of each map
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Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The weapon will only reload if there's a magazine with a higher ammo count that the one it's currently using. So the process is remove magazine ->unload ammo -> pick up ammo and top up your mags -> reload.

Yes, that is what i did - i unloaded both weapons which ended up with ammo in my inventory. But then pressing the reload key with one of the weapons i previously emptied equipped wasn't doing anything (the weapon had 0 ammo). I assumed i need to manually drag-drop the ammo on the weapon but that didn't work either.

Once you get used to tapping jump and crouch to ascend/descend, it's easier to quickly enter/exit the ladder interaction and get where you need to go. With the "sticky" ladders of old, you have the weird and unintuitive mapping of traditionally lateral movement inputs onto vertical motion, sometimes depending on the direction you're looking, and getting on/off can be a deadly endeavor.

I guess i'll check it once i play the game again. I remember playing a game at some point that used jump/crouch to ascend/descend (though i do not remember the name) but i always found that more awkward than the HL2/SS2/etc approach. Might be just personal preference though since to me it feels more natural and intuitive to move up/down just by looking up/down - and this is also how first person games often work in other scenarios where you can freely move vertically, like when being underwater or in a space without gravity, so it also feels more consistent. Or the game i tried that at the past wasn't a good implementation.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
I fucking did it, I killed him!


Here's a quick walkthrough on how to speedrun the demo:
  • Don't bother with anything in the apartment, it won't transfer to the mission anyway, just go to the console and start the mission.
  • Go up to the metro guard and shoot him in the head with your silenced pistol and grab his gun and ammo, also steal some chips from the crates behind him.
  • Go back where you came and pick up the shining blue item.
  • There is a console there, hack it.
  • Sneak past (better for later) or simply shoot the two thugs (quicker) by the burning barrel and head into the nazbol hideout.
  • Tell them you're there for work and go kill their boss with a silenced pistol headshot, take his ammo and go on.
  • Take the corridor to your right and ride the elevator up.
  • Activate your jumping jumping power (save the game) and bounce up to the roof like a frog, don't stop there but go up all the way.
  • Then you can jump down to the balcony and your target will be close.
  • Use up the last of your silenced pistol bullets and then whip out the AK and kill everyone on the floor.
Then you can ride the elevator down, noclip through the roof of it by jumping, then sneaking out the roof of the access corridor to the building back to the main area, ride the elevator down there to the bottom floor, noclip through bottom of the elevator and end up in the sewers by the nazbol camp and since you've hacked the door to the metro you can then get back to where you began. Not that it does anything, but I found it fun to get back to the start. Major thanks to RoSoDude for showing how it is done.
Overall, the level design is supposed to be that immersive staple of interconnectedness and multiple routes and options, which we'll keep on adding.
You did well there, the demo level is fucking baller, you keep being able to look into other areas and get a better sense on where you are and have been in the gameworld, like the sewer grates outside the metro and all sorts of things like that.
The character/gun is interpolated BUT it looks like on higher refresh rates there are issues.
I noticed something only when I got a scope, it's like the crosshair snaps to a grid or something.
Yeah, sorry about that. You picked that bottle up in the apartment and carrying items between levels turned out to be broken.
It also happened on loading a save, the pistol you get at the start became a ghost pistol.
ith the "sticky" ladders of old, you have the weird and unintuitive mapping of traditionally lateral movement inputs onto vertical motion, sometimes depending on the direction you're looking, and getting on/off can be a deadly endeavor. Half-Life is the best implementation of these thanks to locking you more firmly in place, but still feels funky. Having it all grounded by the core movement mechanics is awesome
It kicks ass now that I know how it works. I don't know if I missed something but Shodanon is underselling how awesome the traversal is in this game, it's even an upgrade over Thief with the things you can do, hanging off a ledge and shooting someone and shit. I can't believe games got away with these scripted sticky ladders that you have to mount and dismount after playing this, this is way better.

Elevators worked for me half of the time, but due to this being an immersive sim I at one point dragged a box into the main elevator and sat on it before pressing the button and it worked to fix the falling through the floor glitch. Getting that box there was a pain though, I wish lifting things worked more like in Thief or Deus Ex rather than this more Oblivion or Skyrim-like dragging. Maybe if you had both hands free you could use both of them to lift heavy objects up properly? I don't know what would be a good fix, but it took longer than it should to get that box there.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Is there some way to disable the fan above those thugs by the burning barrel before the commies? It leads to a shaft that goes right up into the building and it might be a quicker route. Go there, jump up, hack the computer, use the corridor to the building your target is in and there you go. I haven't managed to get through it yet though, it's just too fast. Perhaps bullet time would work, haven't tried that yet. That would leave you too drained to do the rest of what you have to do though. You won't end up on the balcony looking over the floor where your target is so you're going to need that energy for later.

Also just realized that you can use the mouse wheel to change to third person camera. Then I tried to get the name out of that weirdo in the hallway and I wish you had a gun at that part, got so close only for that fucker to call me a weirdo again and I wanted to go blam blam blam.

Shodanon, one more thing, is the music uploaded anywhere? I thought it was great and want to listen to it some more.


I watched like 3 good anime in my life
u r missing out dude. u dont have to watch every single anime shit out there. still theres really good anime shit. ive only recently watched Neon Genesis Evangelion dedpite refusing to watch it before. At some point japanese themselves named it the bedt anime in history. Watch it. Its not for kids.


Dec 27, 2008
At some point japanese themselves named it the bedt anime in history. Watch it. Its not for kids.
Plebs. Gundam Z is way superior and EVA stole everything from it and also from Ideon.
I'll wait for the polished demo, but this looks cool. Is this game related to this masterpiece?

Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!

Nice Gondola placement there!

I am quite impressed with the ability to climb/mantle all over the place, but the game definitely needs an ability to break/open windows and climb through them, which would allow for some Life of the Party tier gameplay. As it is it seems that there is no way to for example enter those sky bridges from the outside even though you can get to them.

Hacking is kinda lame, and I am saying that as someone who liked hacking in Alpha Protocol. But I guess I will be able to live with it...
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Donut Touch shilling brought me here, downloading the demo right now.
Based, just be aware that saving the game is sort of broken right now and elevators are a gamble at times. Still fun as fuck once you get going.
Nice Gondola placement there!
Really fucking nice, didn't catch that. Give me a hint where that is. Also is there really no ammo for the VSS Vintorez to be found anywhere and what is the hacking terminal in the shed at the roof of the main building for? I didn't manage to hack it. Also on the rooftop to the right if you are looking at the smaller building from the main one there is a hidden health pack. In the shed I talked about there is also another energy pack.
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
The Gondola picture is pretty close to the second floor of the main building, once you get to the balcony to the left of the hackable terminal on the second floor there are two distinct pieces of architecture that require a bit of climbing/jumping to reach.

It is atop of one of the sky bridges, not hard to see once you get on the right one

If there is any VSS ammo I didnt find it yet. Also didnt manage to hack the terminal you mentioned so far.

Anyway the hacking really needs a lot of work. As it is, once you enter the hacking interface, you are still in controll of the character as well - ie. if you hit C you turn on your augs, hitting number keys equips relevant item from your quickslots (so if you draw a gun and press LMB, you will fire a shot), if you press space, you jump etc. When I hack the terminal on the second floor of the main building there is no mouse cursor or anything, there is an option that says something like "unlock padway (?)" and "exit." It is unclear whether you are expected to somehow click on something or if the unlock happens automatically.

The vertical mobility is phenomenal, I was able to go on the lower sky bridge and then climb all the way down to the street level, literally some Thief level shit! The game obvisouly needs a lot of work, but there is huge potential there!
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Here's a quick walkthrough on how to speedrun the demo:
  • Don't bother with anything in the apartment, it won't transfer to the mission anyway, just go to the console and start the mission.
  • Go up to the metro guard and shoot him in the head with your silenced pistol and grab his gun and ammo, also steal some chips from the crates behind him.
  • Go back where you came and pick up the shining blue item.
  • There is a console there, hack it.
  • Sneak past (better for later) or simply shoot the two thugs (quicker) by the burning barrel and head into the nazbol hideout.
  • Tell them you're there for work and go kill their boss with a silenced pistol headshot, take his ammo and go on.
  • Take the corridor to your right and ride the elevator up.
  • Activate your jumping jumping power (save the game) and bounce up to the roof like a frog, don't stop there but go up all the way.
  • Then you can jump down to the balcony and your target will be close.
  • Use up the last of your silenced pistol bullets and then whip out the AK and kill everyone on the floor.
IMO an even faster way (possibly also allowing ghosting) is following:

- get out of the metro, go to the entrance of the main building
- use the crates to get over the wall (the guards dont care...), once inside the premises go up the stairs and through the unlocked door
- inside the main building, find the lobby (you will know it when you see it), sneak past the guards to the elevator and go to the second floor)
- on the second floor there is a hackable terminal with two guards, I guess the terminal opens skybridge doors (but I am not really sure, in any case you dont need to hack it and hacking will require killing the guards who have shotguns)
- go to the balcony, climb up on the roof, jup down on the second sky bridge and get accross, there is an unlocked door, go in, sneak past the guards to the elevator, go to the third floor
- on the third floor there are plenty of guards as well as your target, sneak down the stairs, the target is looking out of the window beside a large table, there is a guard next to him, but wont notice if you kill the target with a silenced weapon
- drag the target to the shadow beside the table (patroling guards might notice), get back to the elevator, go to the second floor (the sky bridge area), go out the same way you came in, climb down the building to the street level, go back to metro

This way I did the mission without needing to recharge the batteries (jump aug is useful, but not neccessary, I used NV from time to time), I guess that you dont need to hack the terminal on the second floor in which case you can do the mission without killing anyone but the target, you dont need to talk to anyone or buy anything either.

The Red Knight

Apr 18, 2017
What's the Polish word for adventure? Cause in Greek it's Peripeteia (Περιπέτεια).
Adventure is "przygoda". Or archaic "awantura" (borrowed from French), its current meaning being irrelevant, which was leaning towards more dangerous adventurey stuff and from which there is a nice word "awanturnik" for an adventurer (sadly replaced by the less sleek "poszukiwacz przygód", adventure seeker).

"Perypetia" (usually as plural "perypetie") commonly means life hardships / difficult situations / troubles, though I haven't seen it used by younger generations in colloquial context. But I assume Shodanon went with the literary (sudden change) meaning.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
IMO an even faster way (possibly also allowing ghosting) is following:
It might be a close cut but I think the route I posted is quicker, I've tried the one you posted, on my own before you wrote about it, but then also to compare it to my route and it feels slower but I haven't timed it yet. If you go the underground route you only have to gun down two people on your way to the right floor, you get plenty of ammo and an ak clone and you end up in the right building in the first place. The way you posted might be better for a ghost run though, as nonchalantly gunning people down is a core strat for me.

I also found out that I was a moron and you could just hack the big ass fan I wrote about earlier from that room to the right of it on the bottom floor, then it stops and you can jump up the airshaft into the main building, which is still the wrong building and not as efficient as just killing Vasilyov and riding the elevator up to where you want to be.

The Gondola picture is pretty close to the second floor of the main building, once you get to the balcony to the left of the hackable terminal on the second floor there are two distinct pieces of architecture that require a bit of climbing/jumping to reach.
Nice. After descending this way and experimenting with it the quickest route back after you've completed the mission would not be to noclip through the bottom of the elevator but to simply use the outside of the building to scale down straight to the metro.


The vertical mobility is phenomenal, I was able to go on the lower sky bridge and then climb all the way down to the street level, literally some Thief level shit! The game obvisouly needs a lot of work, but there is huge potential there!
For sure the best part of the game right now along with the tetris inventory and different guns you can find.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Kek, you can actually scale the main building from ground level, it is easier if you change to third person. Takes way more time than other routes, but it is possible.


Dragged this explosive barrel all the way to the end of the railway tunnel to blow it open only to find out there was no secret behind it but that it just opens up into the void outside the level. Disappointing but I don't think the devs expected weapon grade autism like mine when designing the level.


If you go up that fan I wrote about earlier you can get up on the skywalk in the lobby and ambush the enemies from above. Didn't screenshot this however. Feels like I've mastered the demo and will wait for another release until I play more of it. Good work so far, Shodanon, will be buying the full game at full price day1 when it gets done. I haven't had this much fun since playing immersive sims in the early 00s. It really hits that Deus Ex and Thief spot that not even DE: Human Retardation could properly scratch for me. Unlike something like Dishonored this also doesn't feel like easymode despite the fun powers you had to play around with. I noticed that in an earlier build there was energy regen but I think it was the right choice to remove that, you'd be far too OP if you could use your augs all of the time.

On closing I would like to appreciate that Marie's cloak is dry at the start and then gets wet when you step outside, that was a cool detail. Also to see your cloak around you in first person as you misstep and fall down from a height.


Jul 3, 2014
"Perypetia" (usually as plural "perypetie") commonly means life hardships / difficult situations / troubles, though I haven't seen it used by younger generations in colloquial context.

Yeah, we use this word in plural for life hardships and troubles, as well. It's very common for us.

Max Heap

Jul 21, 2011
Played it too. Was funni.

Only real problem I noticed was the inventory not being persisted (meaning, when I reloaded an old save state, I'd keep the inventory from before loading)
Also, sometimes augmentations would keep draining energy after I deactivated them.

Other than that, good job!


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Even with it set to the lowest possible settings, I was getting 14-24 fps max. Unity. :rpgcodex:

Don't like the fade-in on dialogue text and how it gets uncomfortably small when there's multiple lines. Edit: Also consider allowing one to select dialogue lines with the number keys.

I was stumbling around blindly and was frustrated quite a bit figuring out just where I was supposed to go, but I worked it out. I like the music that plays when you kill your target. :cool: Another edit: I replayed with a stealthier approach and endured all the jumping to get to the top of the building. Jumping down, hanging on that window, and popping that guy with a stealth pistol to get the music to play while jumping back up out of sight is a fantastic feeling. Something to showcase in a trailer.

After killing the guy I ran around a bit and found a flashlight that would have been useful had I discovered it at the start. :negative:

August 2021 is fabulously optimistic. Strong potential here, but there's a lot of work to be done.

Oh yeah, I had no idea how to set it to third person camera and apparently it's mouse scroll? My scroll wheel doesn't work, so consider adding a key for it.

Yet another additional item: I noticed how enemies can shoot you through walls, not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it's true to life and you can do it to them back; on the other, it does feel kind of cheap that they can target you with pinpoint accuracy if they hear you make a noise since the AI isn't really seeing or hearing anything.
Last edited:


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