It's a good thing Roguey's here to defend PoE against all the haters, despite not even having demoed the combat at all, unlike most everyone else.
So? PoE isn't trying to be a RTS or MOBA. It is trying to be like the IE games, where issuing orders while paused was a thing you were expected to do.
I've begun to realize that trash fights actually helped obfuscate one of the main weakness of RtWP, which, as I mentioned earlier, is the large proportion of time spent issuing orders with the game paused. Exceptionally difficult, deadly battles were relatively rare, so you could actually watch the action unfold from time to time without wearing the spacebar down to a nub. PoE aims to eliminate trash fights, so....
I've got this figured out: The "pillars" referred to in the game's title are spacebars, while "eternity" hints at the amount of time you'll spend with the game paused.
There are also other methods of simultaneous action resolution other than RTwP, by the way.