Your choice of words shows that you don't actually understand the philosophy behind D:OS. In a game which is about systems and taking full advantage of said systems, there are no exploits by definition.
Well it depends.. if it's too extreme an exploit that it excessively removes challenges, then that's not good. Also, I'd rather call it "gaming the system" rather than "exploiting."
Edit: Just realized I wasn't very clear. I meant that the intended gameplay is about "gaming the system," which is different from what I would consider "exploiting."
Now, I'm going to backtrack and I agree the "traditional" RPG mechanics could be a lot better. I've criticized it before... it's less about combat mechanics than about really unbalanced ability selection, crappy progression. Crappy progression in a lot of aspects - encounters, quests, loot, skills (mein gott, how shitty the last "ultimate" abilities were).
Also in addition to the unbalanced skills, the way attributes worked terribly limited character customization. Because, for example, only Strength boosts Man at Arms abilities, only Intelligence boosts the different magic schools' abilities - then combine that with the fact that those attributes ALSO worked like traditional RPG attributes in e.g. needing Constitution to be a melee character... That meant things like custom Hybrid characters were useless because you have to spread out your attribute points way too much in order to make such a character. There are only a few ways you can make an unorthodox character, and that's by picking out a few specific abilities that luckily complement each other (and don't depend on attributes as much. Also you can ask
RK47 for his interesting ideas). You may say that this is how most RPGs were anyway, but with the type of combat that DOS was designed for - a lot of reliance on environmental/elemental effects and stuff like that - the game would be so much better without being limited to cookie-cutter characters.
It seems like they have acknowledged all of this when they were talking about the Enhanced Edition. But I can only cross my fingers. (I'm also kinda excited I can introduce my friends to CRPGs with couch co-op since I can just HDMI my computer up to my big screen)
And I'm also very annoyed right now that all they talk about is the sequel instead of the EE. Gimme the goddamn EE already.