Disagree. Even pewdiepie thought this game was boring and shit. So if he dislikes prey, then its objectively shitty game. Also Jim Sterling didnt like this game.Speaking of scoring, it is of course a retarded practice as this shows. Remove the number and the review speaks of a game he finds good, but cannot recommend at this point due to him experiencing recurrent game-breaking bugs. An honest and informative take.
A 3/10 wasn't even close to being an honest and informative take. I played it right around release and didn't experience any glitches or bugs. There might have been 1 patch at that point iirc, but there's no way a single patch took it from a "technical mess" to the game I played.
Writing is shit, enemies are boring, easy, too linear,boring guns, autistic recycling system to artificially boost gameplay time and pointless inventory tetris. I like inventory tetris in games, but because almost every object is the same size in this game you dont need to do it at all, unlike in resident evil 4 or ss2.
It sounds like you, Pewdiepie and Jim Sterling hate the genre rather than the game (which is objectively a good example of that genre).