An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
From the creators of Paradise Killer comes the world’s first (and best) open world mascot management crime drama: this is Promise Mascot Agency.
Crime! Drama! Intrigue! What has happened to Michi?
Michi, a disgraced yakuza lieutenant, is exiled to a cursed town to turn a bankrupt mascot agency into a profitable enterprise. As he struggles in his new life, can he manage to make a successful business and unravel the conspiracy behind his exile? He’s helped by Assistant Manager Pinky, who happens to be a mascot herself.
A new home to explore! What secrets will you discover in your adorable Kei Truck?
Explore Michi’s new home of Kaso-Machi in his run-down (but upgradable!) truck. There’s plenty to discover in this forgotten Japanese town - new friends to make, collectibles to find (and destroy), other businesses to partner with and, most importantly, a variety of mascots to recruit.
Mascots! Living, breathing creatures of untold flesh! Can you befriend them?
As we all know, mascots are living creatures that have coexisted with mankind since the dawn of history. Mascots have their own hopes, dreams and desires and you’ll need to negotiate to recruit them. Some mascots want money, some want fame, some want a rice ball from the local convenience store and some want to see the entire world burn to ashes in glorious hellfire. Who will be your favourite?
Watch out, mascots! Will the job be completed successfully?
Once they’re on the books, mascots can be trained and sent out on a variety of jobs to make money, gain experience and spread the name of the Promise Mascot Agency far and wide! Of course, jobs don’t always go to plan - whether it’s a narrow doorway, kitchens catching on fire or dreadful nightmare spirits, danger lurks around every corner.
It’s up to you to assist your imperilled employee using Hero Cards, cards representing a variety of characters you’ll meet during your days in Kaso-Machi. With tactical card usage, your mascot can overcome any challenge and win hearts, minds and a healthy paycheque.
Go go, Michi and Pinky! Solve the mystery and create a home for mascots everywhere!
I ... don't know what I'm seeing here ... and I don't care ... in the best possible way.
In 2020, Kaizen Game Works shattered new ground with the brilliant, unclassifiable open world detective adventure Paradise Killer, with its lovingly wrought, bizarre yet deep and consistent setting, story, and cast of characters to explore. PK's ridiculous style was a sugary, spicy tortilla wrapped around the tightly packed meat and juices of a dark and savory murder burrito the likes of which I have never tasted before nor since (until now?).
Here we seem to once more have an outlandish cartoon of a premise, with the silliness doubled, and then doubled again, and then doubled again; yet the information here mentions a cursed town, a mystery to solve, a crime to avenge, and at least one mascot with designs on the brutal destruction of the world. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I hope to see another game in which the colorful veneer conceals truly chilling crimes and sinister intentions. Apart from PK, I am sensing vibe notes from such diverse titles as Deadly Premonition and Incredible Crisis.
There appears to be crunchier gameplay this time out, with RPG stats/progression, card-based battle sequences, and financial management added to the open world exploration which was a cornerstone of their previous game. Will that new gameplay be good? Who can say? Kaizen is untested in these waters.
While I hope for good gameplay, to me it almost doesn't matter. PK was a work of genius even with its warts and I am all in to explore another intricately sculpted world of madness. Kaizen have already earned my price of admission a dozen times over. See you in line for our day one purchases.
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