I think what I find exasperating is that these people front like informal, relaxed, progressive, super with-it gaming nerds who appreciate the fans and even let the fans get in on the action a little bit, but then instantly transmogrify into conservative Japanese businessmen with their loaf loppers clenched tighter than an over-torqued lug nut whenever shit gets real or a dime is on the line.
Really underlines the fact that that superficial shit is just a set of lifestyle accessories.
TBH, it's on us for consistently buying into the image they're projecting rather than admitting to ourselves that it's all business. I think most of the Obsidian guys really are gaming nerds who like to interact with their audience, but they're still doing it mainly for marketing purposes. Just like how a prostitute can enjoy having sex with her clients, but that will never be the point of the exercise for her.
And also like the noble prostitute, the moment someone fucks with their revenue stream or their rep, the time for a relaxed, friendly interaction is over and they get real serious, real fast. Nothing wrong with that: business is business. Nobody at Obsidian makes games as a hobby. They're working. We fool ourselves when we pretend otherwise, the same way some men convince themselves that a hooker really, truly likes them (she may even enjoy their company, but she's got a job to do and that takes precedence).